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Posts posted by razer

  1. Oversimplification is a joy and sleight of hand hints are very Thai, but there is a time to dance in the shadows and a time to be direct. I have no doubt the PM can be direct as evidenced by the threat to fire prison administrators.

    High profile cases are not the issue. The issue is the lack of competency and corruption in the justice system at all levels and I hope the PM will address this in the same way as the prison administrators.

    I sincerely hope Mr. Basar does not commit suicide by stabbing himself in the chest 7 times with a knife, or jump from his balcony in a drunken stupor or get in an argument with taxi driver wielding a samurai sword. Certainly these are not high profile crimes.

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  2. Posters need to understand that if public prosecutors lose a criminal case in Thailand, it damages their career prospects through loss of seniority.

    "Loss of seniority" means promotions are delayed and the prosecutor's career earnings potential is severely dented. Prosecutors in Thailand couldn't care less about the reliability of the evidence but if they see that a judge may not be prepared to convict they will not proceed with the case. Here the reason is the public spotlight that the trial would be under.

    The situation is very different from the West.

    This the American system as opposed to the Continental System of justice. This is how prosecutors operate in the USA. Nothing to do with justice and everything to do with a win. That's why the plea bargain where innocent people have pleaded guilty to get a reduced sentence and avoid taking a chance in a trial by jury where a maximum sentence would automatically be imposed.

  3. Anybody ever read The Myth of Sisyphus? That is what it is like to change Thailand for the better and bring it into the 21st Century.

    First .... they need "The police to get out there and work". Not in newspaper headlines. Start firing police who don't get out and do their job. Follow labour guidelines ... give them written warnings... then send them on their way..

    Taxi drivers will start taking police seriously when that happens as will all the others who pull Thailand down.

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