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Posts posted by razer

  1. Thailand has a reputation of private language schools using and abusing the TEFLers BECAUSE they are not qualified. I have heard about and read about several cases. I have FIRST HAND knowledge of one such employer. I knew the teacher they hired. He had a degree and a TESOL certificate, but his employer (I know this man) wouldn't apply for a work permit and eventually refused to pay him for work done. When the teacher threatened to go to court for his pay, the school owner told him that this is Thailand and there are ways to take care of people like him.


    Maybe this is a back door approach to weeding out the unscrupulous school owners. Long overdue.

    • Like 1
  2. Thailand's cost of living is much lower than the EU, UK or USA for people on a fixed income. I think the Thai government should do a rethink on immigration for people who have sufficient and verifiable means of income, much like for the retirement visa because they are a one way flow of money into the Thai economy. They pay rent, buy food, clothing and necessities, dine out and all this goes into the economy unlike high end tourists who patronize the multinational hotels and resorts where a large portion of profits are repatriated and thus nontaxable.

    • Like 2
  3. Now this is the news many have been waiting for.

    I assume they will be squeaking as they walk for the foreseeable future.

    Wonder which will crack first and drop as many as they can in the crapper to save their own arse.

    I bet its Yingluck under the orders of big bro.

    Confiscation of assets is fine, but 30 years prison on top would be proper justice.

    These will be the people screaming the loudest to restore democratically elected officials.

  4. There are some cultural changes that need to be made. One is this concept that Thais are superior to people in other ASEAN countries. Work ethic is another. The world economies do not rely upon Thailand. The false perception generated through various ministries that Thailand is the hub of everything has to stop. Thais need to learn how to respect other people of other nationalities, especially in business. This means being on time, getting projects or tasks completed on time and accepting accountability for work not done well or not done at all. I think Thais don't really understand what accountability is and this starts with the education system. The time is soon coming when Thai graduates will be competing with other ASEAN graduates for the good jobs here in Thailand. For example, the English among staff and management of the big international banks here is appalling, so much so, they have real difficulty communicating with branches in other countries and with home office. (My wife is a banker) I think Singaporeans will be filling a lot of bank management slots now held by Thais because of language ability and work ethic.

    • Like 2
  5. In addition the NCPO had ordered to control the operators especially in Pattaya. The operators had directly affected the tourism therefore the violence was unacceptable. They also added that they need to understand the various cultures of each tourist because it’s not the same as Thai culture.

    It is the tourist's duty to understand Thainess, so what is this gobldey goop?

    The tourist needs to learn to adapt to the Thai thinking.

    Tourists are guests. Thailand is the host. Thai thinking should adapt to something called national pride. Maybe tourists should just go to Malaysia ... huh?

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Sorry but you're squatters and you bribing the local government to let you build your restaurants there doesn't make it legal. It's time to take out the trash!

    Go Army!

    If they do have a contract from Patong Municipality they can take Patong Municipality to court for breach of contract.

    May not be that simple.

    A contract to do something which is illegal is in fact not a legal contract at all in most countries in the world and that includes Thailand.

    Yes, it is that simple.

    A contract is not valid if it is in breach of any existing laws. It is just that simple.

  7. Polite behavior and ethics begin in the home. To change cultural deficiencies the powers that be need to go into the home. Proven effective in countries all over the world is TV advertisements to change people’s thinking.

    Courtesy - Make a TV commercial about a young person offering their seat to an older person on public transport.

    Safety + Courtesy - Make a TV commercial about allowing people to walk across an intersection at a Zebra crossing. (I think motorbike riders think the zebra crossing is for them. Often I have to walk into the intersection to cross the street. Also I find it dangerous when cars drive through a zebra crossing at high speed)

    Corruption - Make a TV commercial about refusing to pay a policeman or government employee black money.

    National Pride - Make a TV commercial of Thais intervening when a tourist is being scammed.

    Thais know better than anyone the things that need to be changed. Make a TV commercial. Change the negatives in the culture.

    • Like 1
  8. One of the things I love about BKK are the mini economies. I don't have to find a store to get fresh fruit. I don't have to go to a restaurant if all I want is Som Tam and chicken,or a bowl of noodles. You get the gist. I think some areas are over crowded like the Pratunam area but I think these mini economies are good for the over all economy. I think the street vendors should be interviewed to determine which policemen are extorting money from them and let the NCPO deal with them.

  9. As long as police don't take money for NOT entering the offender in the electronic system.

    OH ... BTW .... what happened with this story? There was supposed to be a press release on the corrupt officials arrested.

    Phuket police plan second wave of mass taxi-related arrests 2014-06-24

    PHUKET: -- Following the mass arrests of taxi drivers on June 4 that netted 110 people , including the Mayor of Karon, Tawee Thongcham, the police, backed by the Army, are preparing a second, similar, drive tomorrow (June 25).

    This time the targets will be corrupt officials and politicians linked to the taxi and tuk-tuk industry.

    “We will attack and arrest them, suddenly and immediately, tomorrow. In the afternoon we will hold a press conference to reveal the results.”

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