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Posts posted by razer

  1. You just figured this out? Had an excellent marketing class and critical thinking clas in university so I never gave credibility to makeing hype and advertising.

    Consumers are the ultimate power. Consumer boycott brought apartheid in S. Africa to an end. Consumer boycott brought Nike to its knees. People are so stupid not to realize this. People are so simple minded to accept truth claims without verification or evidence. People are so sheepish they have to follow the fad so they fit in. Haha ... it is amusing to watch.

    For example. look at the Citi Group. It is not tied with history the past 100 years like it claims in the commercial. It was an insurance company that bought a NY bank in the 90s that had been around 100 years. I boycot Citi everything because they spin untruths and they are crooks bailed out by tax payers. But there are oh ... so many more.

  2. To change the culture of corruption it will take a generation of real law enforcement and the moral educaion of young students. National pride is is what we see in Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, Singapore ... it is what the rest of the world thinks about a country and its people. Thais need to learn at an early age their behavior and work ethics develope public opinion about Thailand around the world.

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  3. I think most westeners who have lived in Asia for a consideable period of time can agree that, in general, Asians tend to mature emotionally later than those in the same age group in the west. I've pegged the maturity of a westerner to be 3-5 years ahead of an average Asian. If you hire a 21 year old you can set your expectations of matuity at 17-18. I think this cultural since the family unit fosters dependency for a longer peiod of time.

    When you hire you should take this into consideration.

  4. A panel discussion … A museum … a pickup truck painted with anti-corruption messages driving around BKK

    No. This is not a publicity campaign on corruption … it is AVOIDANCE OF THE CORRUPTION ISSUE.

    Want to educate the public in Bangkok and the rest of Thailand? Public services messages on TV … ON TV. Not on a pick-up truck, not in a museum ...

    Stories like this insults one's intelligence.

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  5. The problem is exacerbated by the habit of passengers opening the front door to tell drivers their destination. This gives drivers the easy option of declining. I don't know why people just don't get in the back and then tell the driver where they want to go ( probably because of fear of being kicked out with menace? ).

    Tried this. Doesn't work. The taxi driver will sit there until Hell freezes over or until you get out. That's why you ask the taxi driver if your business is convenient for him.

    And I, like many others, believe the taxi drivers think they have more power than the police, the Land Transport Department and even the NCPO. They will continue this arrogant attitude until they suffer real penalties. The good guys have nothing to worry about except the taxi mafia that herds them away from certain areas.

    Suggestions: 1 complaint, call the driver to appear at the police station and hear his side of the story. 2nd complaint, the same. 3rd complaint, a 3,000 baht fine. 4th complaint driver loses his taxi license if he has one. I think that is fair.

  6. In Ratchatewi area, police enforcement of traffic laws ie; not blocking zebra crossings, not parking cars on the sidewalk, not riding motorbikes on the sidewalk, high speed runs from light to light, all lasted ONE WEEKEND. Nothing has really changed. There seriously needs to be a new police force with new people who are trained and better paid. The current police need to lose their jobs, reapply and vetted for criminal complaints against them. The culling process would take about a year.

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