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Posts posted by razer

  1. AGREE - The airport train has been a disaster waiting to happen from the beginning

    AGREE - Everyone behind the project should be held accountable for these failures

    AGREE - Before we embark on a high-speed train project or any other large-scale infrastructure construction, let's scrutinise the mistakes made in previous projects

    One example of the cost of corruption and cronyism. Accountability is definitely on the right track.

  2. There was a vision for quality education in Thailand, but there was no political will. Cronyism and corruption has taken its toll. I have said 100 times the average Thai graduate can't compete in ASEAN and many will lose their jobs to someone from the ASEAN community. I have known some Thai grads who are very very good in everything they do, including language but I find the greater sum of Thai grads wanting something for nothing because that is what they got in school. Massive complaining usually got them what they want in a school system.

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  3. What study and who made the study? Can't take a ghost study as true.

    And the Mahidol Uni Lecturer didn't mention the Al Queda video announcement of entering South Asia was covered by all the Western news media last week.

    The Thai police have demonstrated their abilities in law enforcement and it is no secret among the Thai population and expats that they are underpaid, poorly trained, corrupt and lazy. The government has to 1) Change that culture in the police and 2. Spend the money to get good criminal investigation training for them.

    In the meantime it would be incredibly good PR if the Thai government requested embassy assistance investigating crimes against foreigners.

    From a FB post from a young man I know who just became a policeman. "Second day on job ... sleeping at my desk. I love this job."

  4. ... "previously arrested on narcotics charges" ... "Mr. Ekkapol and Mr. Jonglak may have committed more crimes than they admitted to"

    The Thai justice system allows criminals back on the streets fairly easily. I believe in giving a person a 2nd chance, maybe even a 3rd chance, but not a 4th, 5th or 6th chance. Perhaps they should make a significant mandatory sentence for the third criminal offense.

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  5. The Airport Link is a prime example of the cost of corruption. Poorly planned .... Poorly executed ... Makkasan a bad location and so much wasted space ... they ran empty cars for one year while the MRT and SRT were fighting over who would manage the system. I remember a complete shutdown at 8am in 2011 or 2012 ... I remember waiting at the platform 50 minutes for a train. I think customers are still way down on the priority list in Thai culture.

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