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Posts posted by razer

  1. OMG ... they actually want the police to go out and patrol?

    The days are so hot! and the wee hours of the morning are for sleep. it realistic to expect the police to go out on patrol?

    Is I know they get low pay but the wife tells me they get housing and utilities paid by the government I think the government at all levels should expect more from the police.


    Get a certified copy from your embassy.

    My case - I was over charged 15,000 baht for services not requested or performed. I refused to pay. They refused to give me my passport. And this was a "reputable" Thai company.

    I reported this to my embassy and got a new passport. After several threats and my refusal to pay they agreed to "give me a break" and forget about the charges.

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  3. "Among the difficulties in looking for the killers is that there are about 4,000 migrant workers from Myanmar on the islands and not all of them are registered. The killers may already have left the island, Kiattipong said."

    Excellent ... It was an undocumented migrant worker who got away on the first boat. Well, maybe he tried to swim to the mainland and drowned. Case closed.

  4. "Thai police have accused foreign journalists and social media users of muddling their ongoing investigation into the murder of two British tourists in southern Thailand last week."

    This is WHY there is an investigation.

    Thai police have a reputation with both foreigners and Thai, for avoiding investigations by dismissing cases solely on police speculation. For example the case of the Russian suicide. The guy was stabbed in the chest seven times! BUT ... There was no sign of an altercation so it was suicide. Case closed.

  5. I think it is unfair calling Thais xenophobic. Many are and many are not just like in any other country. I feel the xenophobia more with immigration and police more than any other group.

    Safety in tourist areas are a real concern because police in Thailand are generally lazy, corrupt and untrained. Good policing in tourist areas and taking crime seriously by the judicial system could remedy the situation but Thailand has a long way to go in that respect. Thai women are very often the objects of violent crime but police rarely do anything about it and sometimes they are involved. That's a fact. Is it any wonder that rapist, murderers, knife wielding gangs and robbers have such confidence?

    That being said, when out and about don't let police presence (if there is any) give a false sense of security. Be careful and stay in populated well lit areas.

  6. This is a risk any time there is a cross cultural marriage ... I speak from experience and my ex wife was from a very nationalistic state in Europe. Just enjoy your wife and family and ignore the father in law's state of mind. I predict that if he knows you are not affected he will become congenial sometimes but not all the time.

  7. Like I have said 1,000 times. A degree will get an interview but once employed, no one cares where you went to school... the only thing a company cares about is if a person can do the job and do it well.

    The degree itself is not important. What is learned ... the tools acquired in university are important. A university is where a person should learn how to think ... not what to think.

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