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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. Perhaps I should start a separate thread on "Lazada question" but will try here: Ta-To has 1 box (6 lenses) of the Contact Lenses I want for 1,045 B, free shipping. Checked Lazada, several people selling the same for about 690 - 713B. I've read with interest previous Lazada threads, so I checked the Lazada store selling for 713B plus ~35B shipping. "Look Ka Ta" - 3+ years on Lazada, seller rating 99% based on 6212 responses. So I'm familiar with the "If it's too good to be true on Lazada" mantra, but a seller with a posted excellent rating, good amount of time on Lazada, many rated him. Real or not? PS - In the past when I've checked a store''s rating I've seen 3 different percentages - I think for Chat Response, Shipping, and something else. Currently I haven't been able to find the 3 percentages, only an overall seller rating. Where do I find the 3 percentage ratings?
  2. Currently outside in CM PM2.5 is 164-172 = AQI 217-222 = Purple = "Very Unhealthy". A Healthy reading is 0. Doi Suthep is invisible.
  3. Right now outside in CM = PM2.5 144-147 = AQI 197-198 so on the very top edge of the "Unhealthy" Red Zone. In mid-Feb. Horrifying.
  4. A post about an Imm. Office doing the right thing - being kind and generous - and they receive a lot of hateful posts in response. Then the usual posters with OCD ranting about bribes and illegal visas. What a bizarre and grotesque obsession some have with that topic.!
  5. "Rescue workers are following behind him in vehicle as he hikes to keep him in check." Wot?
  6. Price. Did you buy thru Lazada?
  7. I read - I think in this forum - that it is considered a "Medical Device" and one must get a Doctor's note and then file some Govt. forms, etc., and that it is very difficult and problematic. True? Hopefully False. Anu personal experiences? Thank you.
  8. "Later, when the price of oil on the international markets normalise and the price of oil falls, consumer prices will be higher than they would otherwise be as the <deleted>el subsidy fund is replenished. " The Fuel Stabilization Fund takes out bank loans to refund itself. Why are Consumer prices now higher than they would otherwise be?
  9. "Several hundred mourners were at the funeral of Kaew, 83, who had died of old age." "...died of old age." What exactly is meant by that? Maybe it's time to dump that expression in favor of specific terms.
  10. (The above is nigelforbes quote - for some reason the software is attributing it to.someone else, and also making my type tiny). I don't understand the last sentence. Why it follows that Consumer Prices will be higher. And how the Fuel Subsidy Fund is replenished.
  11. 23 posts, and 2 of them answering the OP's question. Another answer is: There is a thread like this about every 2 weeks. The Search engine on this website is poor, but try a search. If you want to find more previous threads after you search the site, then search again using a different (third party) search engine. You will find the info you requested. (I'm assuming this was a genuine post - a big assumption and one I don't believe - and not just a setup to start the umpteenth pointless "This is wrong/This is right" debate).
  12. She was a diplomat's wife but I don't recall her also being a student. That was a disturbing case.
  13. 150k quote currently at Sriphat for Cataract surgery. - total for both eyes. Was the 89k for 1 eye only?
  14. I doubt that any business in the world accepts returns on opened food.
  15. "Howson, 57, was charged by Oakland County prosecutors last week with failure to stop at the scene of an accident resulting in the death of Benjamin Kable, 22, of Shelby Township, which also is a five-year felony." Five years in USA for failure to stop at the scene of an accident. Is this a crime in Thailand?
  16. Alternate answer to yours - USA Propaganda. Whatever race or nationality the USA is currently demonizing.
  17. And the people ride in a hole in the ground...
  18. Definitely seem to be 2 Chiang Mai's. Helps me understand some of the posts in other threads (e.g., "How expensive to live in Chiang Mai?") where I try to figure out how some people can spend so much monthly.
  19. Overpriced, charmless, bare bones ordinary.
  20. For me, the rave reviews of the Smith Residence has always been one of the mysteries of the Orient.
  21. PM2.5 at 35 is 'Good" compared to 63, not according to what is healthy. Healthy is PM2.5 at 0.
  22. The cry of the sheeple - 'Cheap Charlie".
  23. You are lost. Commenting on a thread after only reading the 2 most recent posts is not ideal. You didn't understand my post- you have your posters confused. Quotation marks are there for a reason.
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