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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. Several in this thread stated they have an Opthamologist do their RX for glasses. I'd be interested in which Opthamologists you have used for this (assuming you recommend them) and at which Hospitals. In CM at Ram a few years ago I asked my Opthamologist for an RX and was referred to an Optician?/Optometrist?/neither? in an eye testing room across the hall. At Sriphat I asked an Opthamologist for an RX and was told that in Thailand it's not (generally?) done that way, the Opthamologist does not do RX glasses prescriptions. Sriphat has a 3rd party vendor on the Eye floor who sells glasses and does RX's. Whether he is an Optometrist/Optician or neither I don't know.
  2. "I believe if you file late...". What is the filing deadline?
  3. In the last few posts of the following thread I linked to threads similar to this one:
  4. Surprising. Just to clarify - You had an established existing account for at least 1 year. You gave them a new Residential address. They didn't accept that at face value but asked for proofs that it is your current residence and you are in fact living there (or at least have utilities in your name, are registered to vote using that address, etc.).
  5. sammieuk1 "Golden rule for expats never tell the bank or government where you are maintain a Doctors UK phone number a trust worthy address and never use your UK bank cards here (top tip) from Metro bank manager use a wise or pre paid card and your life will be near to normal" "maintain a Doctors UK phone number" Why? "a trust worthy address" Easier said than done for many and can change with time.
  6. "apparently not being a UK resident" What made Barclays come to this conclusion?
  7. I would be the solo passenger?
  8. Have you used them?
  9. It appears that one flies to either of the Bangkok airports, or to Utapao airport. From there, a bus, or I imagine vans from the airports, or a private taxi. I would opt for the private taxi. Cost/Convenience advantage to one route over the others? Can anyone recommend a taxi or private car service that I can book from any of these airports with me as the solo passenger? About how much is the cost for this? Any travel tips from the experienced? Thank you.
  10. It was just the 20 year anniversary of the Iraq Invasion, which had violent death estimates ranging from 151,000 up to 1,033,000. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_Wa Tony Blair joined in using the WMD fabrications as the excuse. Somehow Dr Tom seems to feel no personal responsibility for himself or for the entire population of England for that one - guess it was just a "stupid mistake". La Dee Dah - hundreds of thousands dead. Whoops! Stupid mistake.
  11. "Moobs".
  12. Duly noted.
  13. Although this is a controversial topic, one thing is obvious - If a man refuses to fellate a trans woman's penis... He's gay.
  14. I gave up viewing his films long ago.
  15. It's been a long time since I enrolled in this forum and I don't recall - Is there a minimum age requirement for thread starting privileges?
  16. Probably that they do not accept SMS from "short codes" - Codes sent from a number less than 10 digits.
  17. You are stating International Voice Roaming be turned on and not International Data, to receive SMS?
  18. "A Swiss man was being tracked and his known associates in Phuket placed under surveillance this weekend... ". It's only fair to alert them that they are under surveillance.
  19. "Pattaya authorities have warned people of strong waves and winds after a foreign tourist drowned in the sea, March 19th." Maybe instead warn them before someone drowns?
  20. "Besides being banned from the airport for life, he may lose his license to operate a taxi." Should have added: "On the other hand, we normally will allow him to keep his license and continue victimizing passengers as long as he doesn't pick them up at the airport."
  21. To clarify - Your Thai mobile number works outside Thailand. No need to have the carrier turn on Roaming. No need for a VPN using the app outside Thailand.
  22. JimmyJ


    When did she stop being Thai?
  23. I assume you call the bank and tell them to turn off service, and then they take 20 B per month from your Wallet until you tell them to turn back on?
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