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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. Ivy League schools aren't closing their campuses because they are a recognized brand name and the name helps some get jobs.
  2. The pollution levels are similar all over the CM province which you state suggests it is a product of the inversion layer. Pollution levels are also similar all over the region - SEA - where you are not stating it is caused by the inversion layer. Just a coincidence.
  3. "Thailand will adjust the country’s standard safety level of air pollution from an average of 50 microns to 37.5 microns from June 1st, with the hope that this will help the Pollution Control Department manage air pollution with increased efficiency, according to PCD Director-General Pinsak Suraswadi." Some years ago Thailand doubled the "safe" standard amount to deceptively make the pollution problem appear not as bad as it actually is. They have now lowered their figure, so that it is not 2x the "safe" standard for the rest of the world, but merely 1.5x. OK.
  4. KhunLA - I like those maps. Which site are they from?
  5. 1) I read your post. 2) I immediately looked at your post count, sure that it would be 3 or less. I was wrong.
  6. In the USA, citizens can get up to 5.03% APY on a standard savings account, federally insured up to 250k. (Those rates can change at any time). The highest interest in Thailand currently on a savings account is 1.5%.
  7. "So I got antibiotics for a uti frmo my pharmacy and the symptoms went away for a month." Do you recall what antibiotics and the dosages and frequencies? "Reading that uti/prostate infections best treated long time at low dosage, next month same antibiotic 1/2 dose for 10 days, still a small problem next month so same again." You took 1 antibiotic for the long time low dosage - this was doxazocin? Same question about dose and frequency.
  8. Article after article - How will tourists be able to resist vacationing in Thailand.,.
  9. Some posters have reported success.
  10. Treated for what - hearing loss? What treatment?
  11. Some aseannow posters as well did the standard victim blaming, imagining fanciful scenarios without a wisp of evidence.
  12. I read that the synagogue was in a "settler" village, elsewhere "very close to a 'settler' village", and all the msm articles give no info on that. Can't find anything definitive.
  13. Primarily was reacting to at least 1 poster referring to the murdered Palestinians as "terrorists". Was the French resistance during WWII "terrorists"? Certainly the occupier would have used that or similar terms.
  14. Under international law, Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal, and under international law an occupied country has the right to resist. Palestinians have a right to "armed struggle" against their illegal occupier – Israel.
  15. I doublechecked the date of the OP - Reads as if written about 2 years ago.
  16. simon43 - Sorry to read this. Thank you for keeping us informed. simon43 - "...I intentionally made a false declaration...". Are they referring to (what they consider) a false declaration when you applied for insurance, or did they have you answer questions/make a statement recently when you applied for pre-approval?
  17. "What about subsequent ones after the initial in person - online possible?" Yes. Also a few have posted that they did their 1st 90 Day online and it was accepted.
  18. They changed that system several years ago, but for some reason it still works for you. You are fortunate.
  19. Sample size of...one. And this is meaningful to you...
  20. Use an agent. Tons of them in Pattaya. Search - many previous threads here recommending Pattaya agents.
  21. "At a 'sala' by the klong...". What is a "sala"?
  22. A few questions: 1) I gave my Thai address for my Mailing Address on the DS 82 form, and my USA address for my Permanent Address. I assume this is OK? 2) Paying electronically via pay.gov using a Credit Card - For my Mailing Address and Telephone Number do I use my USA info for those, so they will match the info the Credit Card company has for me? Thank you.
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