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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. So electric cables were still live years later on an abandoned site?
  2. I would check with their Help phone # for everything needed - Requirements can change day to day.
  3. Yes, recently. Needed a Certificate of Residence. A woman on their info line was helpful giving me the requirements.
  4. "The guns seized include 70 licensed, over 70 unlicensed guns and four 'weapons of war' " Why seize licensed guns?
  5. I opened accounts at Bangkok Bank with a Tourist Visa close to running out, and a Certificate of Residence from Imm. - Did this about 2.5 years ago. No Letter of Reference. No Thai accompanying me. No Work Permit.
  6. I continue to mask - could not care less if that disturbs people. I would not be at a location where the majority are unmasked.
  7. "Also I would have included one of Lenin’s favourite phrases: “useful idiots”. No evidence that Lenin ever used that expression [nor Stalin, who gets lots of false attributions], therefore could not have been one of his favorites. Lenin did once call his political adverseries "simpletons". https://quoteinvestigator.com/2019/08/22/useful-idiot/
  8. I want to see Corn Pop run against Biden.
  9. I observe most people in Chiang Mai wearing masks other than western tourists.
  10. Are you purchasing the N95 masks locally? Any brand or a name brand like 3M?
  11. How did the smart traders know it was the low?
  12. "IF the driver is suspected of driving while drunk, he is therefore suspected of a crime - he should be held down and a blood sample forcibly taken, consent or not." This will lead to terrible abuses and violent confrontations. Add a clause in bold type to whatever one signs when getting a DL, stating that when asked one will take a breathalyzer test, and that refusal to do so will be deemed an admission of drunk driving. Don't sign, no license.
  13. Do you wai every time you enter an office? If not, why is it deserved here? Is the district office to help all, or only those who speak Thai? Perhaps you and others with your obsequious attitude encourage the staff to act poorly to most of tne people they are there to serve.
  14. "...the tree planting project, which has been running on the beach since 2021 but had reportedly been hampered by citizen complaints, as many people did not want some trees removed." The "tree planting project" has them removing trees previously and again now?
  15. They don't have to force- just treat refusal as a DUI - which it is,
  16. If God wanted people to walk, why did he invent motor vehicles?
  17. The carpark looks a bit overgrown.
  18. A lot of Extremely expensive blood tests, which no one is going to do. Your "easy" solution will cost much much more than purchasing the multi supplement.
  19. IMO the less posted about it (tea money to Imm,, etc,) as well. Why take a chance of ruining something you are happy with.
  20. Walk! Do not consider renting there. And do not use that agent ever again - Agent is assisting/enabling.an obvious ripoff.
  21. And how is it determined the driver is guilty? Impossible to prove,
  22. Because the USA is one of the primitive countries which use electricity to ritualistically kill people, to demonstrate that it is wrong to kill people.
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