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Posts posted by ayakiawe

  1. Hello Plachon I myself do doubt “korat correct” (more like Korat “pathetic” if you ask me) was a real farmer.

    In actuality such ……… (Can’t print it sorry) are “miners” not farmers.

    They extract from the Earth until there is nothing left to take. Raping the Earth until there is nothing to take is a high crime in my book.

    They don’t give back like a real farmer does.

    He is not a man either, more like a pathetic rip-off artist.

    His techniques are relatively "new", toxic and thankfully are becoming passé.

    Organic farming is the only future there is I am happy to report.

    Thailand had organic farming here sense the beginning until recently and this helped create the wonderful Thai culture and people which sadly today we can only see remnants of due to the modern toxic food growing systems that are in place here mostly now.

    Yep so they are miners (and polluters) not farmers.

    I must give you credit for your responses though and am relieved this web site actually has a few thinkers and educated folks like yourself.

    Thanks for holding up consciousness as there is few like yourself on the net.

    The King of Thailand is a big proponent of organic agriculture and holds the consciousness of this understanding for the country to this day.

    I wish more people would listen, study and follow his examples here before it’s too late.

  2. For all those brain deads out there who like the fool and the shrub (bush) I bet too here is the real score written by a friend of mine who is only teling a tiny bit of the real staory I am sure.

    Civil War Averted


    At 8:30 this evening the Thai Prime Minister Taksin Shinawatra, resigned,

    averting a constitutional crisis and a possible civil war. Basically an

    evil, greedy man, former PM Taksin said in a television interview shortly

    after his first election that the primary reason he became prime minister

    was to protect his business interests.

    He was already a multimillionaire (in dollars) when first elected but he

    leaves office as a multi billionaire. He narrowly avoided being bared from

    running for prime minister in a notorious scandal when it was learned that

    his chauffeur and other household staff held millions of shares of stock,

    making them paper millionaires, although it was generally concluded they

    held these shares as proxies for Taksin. Such a ploy, to avoid declaring

    assets is a crime in Thailand.

    Taksin was vastly popular in the northern farming districts and among the

    poor because of his populist promises which were rarely fulfilled.

    Nevertheless the poor, having been neglected for so long were happy for

    whatever bone was tossed to them. Among these were government "loans", most

    of them structured to be just large enough to buy a cell phone-and Taksin's

    cell phone company benefited hugely.

    Narcotics are rampant in Thailand because they are cheap, manufactured just

    across the border in Burma (Myanmar). Many people suggested that the Thai

    government shell or bomb the offending villages but Mr. Taksin had close

    financial relations with the Burmese government. He had arranged a huge

    Thai government loan to Burma which was used to buy telecommunication

    equipment from his company.

    To avoid the embarrassment of this scandal Mr. Taksin launched a massive

    anti-drug campaign which ultimately resulted in more than 3,300

    extra-judicial murders which were hushed up and hardly investigated.

    Shortly after the campaign ended the drug business once again flourished.

    But Taksin did bring socialized medicine to Thailand with his famous "30

    baht" health plan, meaning that a person had to pay just 85 US cents in

    hospital fees. The plan held great promise, making it possible for millions

    of poor people to receive medical attention for the first time. But most

    countries which have socialized medicine have had to increase taxes and

    Taksin did not do this. As a result the system was vastly under funded,

    thousands of doctors quit public hospital service, expired drugs came into

    common use until even they gave out, hospitals accumulated staggering debit

    and the system today is on the brink of collapse.

    But it is an ill wind that does not blow someone some good. Taksin and his

    family apparently had a clear idea of what would happen to Thai health care

    in the future. They bought vast holdings in private hospitals which were

    soon flooded with middle class "for pay" customers and those with health


    Scandal was paramount among Taksin's cronies. Being appointed to a cabinet

    post was the equivalent of having one's own money press. Before Taksin

    completely repressed the press there was a time when 43 government scandals

    were being reported at the same time. Among the most flamboyant was the

    topsoil scandal.

    Massive rains and flooding resulted in a multi-million dollar topsoil relief

    program. But when the requirements for bidding were received it turned out

    that only the topsoil company owned by the wife of the Minister of

    Agriculture qualified. Strangely, none of the other bidders complained.

    The reason, it turned out was that in reality the wife's company was a shell

    and the "topsoil" came from all the other bidders. But when the topsoil was

    delivered the enraged farmers converged on the capitol. It turned out that

    instead of topsoil they had been given burned coconut husks mixed with land

    fill! The Minister of Agriculture was forced to resign but was soon given

    another cabinet post.

    Mr. Shinawatra's audacity knew no bounds. His party passed legislation so

    favorable to his telecom company, Shin, and so repressive of the competition

    that after it was passed the government did not dare enforce it. Such

    outrages were regularly reported in the press until many of the publications

    were purchased by the prime minister's friends and their editors were fired.

    TV stations lost their licenses. Primary posts in the army and police were

    held by Taksin's old school friends. They raided small village low power

    radio stations which opposed him. Other publications were induced to

    silence by the threat of withholding massive government advertising funds.

    In some cases editors, such as the editor of The Bangkok Post were simply

    fired. TV stations were almost entirely controlled by the army, which was

    headed by a Taksin relative. Mr. Taksin's friends bought up the one

    remaining independent TV station.

    Last year Mr. Taksin, formerly a policeman, was reported to be the richest

    man in Thailand, a billionaire, and his wealth had increased by 40% in a

    single year. His family invested in countless land and property deals of

    questionable legality and many allegations were made that payoffs to party

    members were common. Indeed the parliament was merely a rubber stamp for

    cabinet decisions and hardly an MP dared to oppose him.

    Taksin was particularly despised in the south, where there is a Moslem

    majority in several districts. Since these people were traditionally

    Democrats, The Thai Loves Thai Party (TRT) of Mr. Taksin withheld funds from

    them until a long-simmering rebellion flared into a Moslem terrorist war in

    which thousands have been killed. The Moslems were further inflamed by

    several incidents of mass murder at the hands of the police which resulted

    in mere hand-slaps and reassignment rather than criminal incitements. In

    the recent elections it was in fact these very areas which revolted against

    Taksin's party, resulting in a constitutional crisis that bought the prime

    minister down.

    The final straw which resulted in massive demonstrations was the secrete,

    tax-free sale of Mr. Taksin's telecom company to a Singapore firm for $2

    billion. Not only did Thailand lose a key asset but the money was paid

    offshore and not a dime went into the treasury. Huge crowds of up to 140,000

    people demonstrated without stop for weeks at a time, shutting down the

    central business district and forcing the PM to call a snap election. That

    election ultimately proved his undoing because Thai law that states

    unopposed candidates must win at least 20% of the registered vote to be

    seated. If all members are not seated the cabinet cannot be formed. All

    the opposition parties boycotted the election and urged the people to vote


    In the election which was held last Sunday, the middle class, who saw their

    tax money being squandered, the students, the doctors and the Moslem south

    entered into a massive "No" vote, approaching 50% of the total vote. This

    resulted in many districts not having sufficient votes to elect a MP. The

    constitutional crisis which loomed might have developed into a revolution or

    civil war had the PM not resigned tonight.

    Strangely, the greatest tragedy seems to be the personal tragedy of Taksin

    Shinawatra himself. He was elected by a huge majority and could have led

    Thailand into a golden era, achieving a reputation as the father of the

    democracy. He had both the brains, the power and the wealth to do this and

    he could have made many millions of dollars as well. But the human failure

    of avarice robbed him of this legacy.

    One must really ask what a man can further gain financially after he has a

    billion dollars-but of course to this question there is no answer. Taksin's

    greed grew like a cancer within him, a raging fever which burned away his

    good and his chance to achieve an immortal place in Thai history. It is

    most likely that hereafter he will be hounded with legal action, criminal

    incitements, lawsuits and have to flee with his family to comfortable exile

    in some country that does not have extradition treaties.

    Mr. Shinawartra leaves behind him a country in tatters, looted, broke,

    corrupt and scandal-ridden with a constitutional crisis which will most

    certainly be painfully resolved. Even now, with the prime Minister gone,

    the possibility of civil unrest still looms. And yet as one walks thru this

    shattered battlefield of broken promises and unfulfilled dreams one must

    honestly say that the biggest loser is Mr. Shinawatera himself. One wonders

    if his billions will bring him the security and comfort he desired or if the

    money will pale, over time, compared to the magnitude of his loss.

  3. "Brown rice also has a much shorter shelf life, especially in the warm tropics. The oils in the rice bran/germ will go rancid, so the bran and germ are removed. "

    This guy doesnt know really why exactly but is on the right track for sure.

    Asians (and most people in general) dont have a clue about taking care of food properly.

    The rice is racid if its in whole form as it must be kept cool and not possibe in the tropical heat.

    So the oil in the brown rice is rancid and thus not healthy to eat.

    Also the fiber is not really healthy for the human gut either.

    So white rice is actually a better choice and why I think the Asians go for it even though they dont really know why.

    Only if one could find organic white rice! that would be the best I think!

  4. some (not all) of the worse drivers on the planet

    the killers are the male only road demons

    come from no where and leave you for dead

    no feeling like a wild animal

    worse part about this country for sure

    also most dont know there are bright and normal headlight settings!

    poor training you say?

    cant think is what I say

    bird brains no doubt

    is it really smaller or just less in use?

  5. Yes its true from what I see, make is as low quality as possible and its the right thing for most Thais.

    They really go for and even pay for the worse of the worse as far as I can tell in 8 years of being here.

    They took and take the worst from the West and dont even know about the rest.

    They eat it up just like a pig likes to eat you know what. Sad but oh so true.

    TV in Thailand? Why would anyone with brains bother?


    Just STOP NOW! Finnished....

    Move on to something more interesting in LIFE!

    Its not how many years more you live but more the last years how will the be spent? In a hospital hooked up to tubes or out playing with your grandchildren frizbee or something fun...

    Get with the program if you havent already folks. Before its too late!

  7. Hi experts my girl is from the North Thailand but folks live in BKK for now.

    We live in Koh Samui...

    She (26yrs) is with me and wants to go to Malaysia with me on my next visa run but without passort presently.

    How do we do this as easy as possible?

    I take it she needs a passport to go next door to Malayaisa?

    I heard the post office stopped processing new passports so what do we do so we dont have to travel all over Thailand just to get a passport for her?

    Ok thanks for the help bye

  8. Ok you are just not smoking enough my friend.

    Get with the program boy!

    Dont you know that it will just take too long to knock you off the way you are going

    So up it to 4 packs and you will be out of here a lot quicker.

    Isnt that the point anyways?

    Then we wont have to read the most boring post ever again!

    This is the "W T" label I was speaking about.

    I rest my case.

  9. yep like I said wake up before its too late (for you too!)

    We must get back to nature and the first place to make this switch is with our diets.

    We must demand chemical free foods! Buy orgainc only!!!!!

    It was all orgainc here in thailand only 50 years ago!!!!!

    That is why it was such a nice place and people!!!!

    Better do it yourself and plant a garden.

    Follow the real leader of Thailands example. He has many orgainc farns here in Thailand to show people just how to do it!

  10. Sorry about your dog dieing. I have had many die due to poisining here in Thialnd. I dont even bother to try and have one now I have lost so many nice friends:

    I found this warning about Swiffer on craigslist:


    >I recently had a neighbor who had their 5-year old

    >German shepherd dog put down due to liver failure. The

    >dog was completely healthy until a few weeks ago.

    >They had a necropsy done to see what the cause was.

    >The liver levels were unbelievable, as if the dog had

    >ingested poison of some kind.The dog is kept inside,

    >and when he's outside, someone's with him, so the idea

    >of him getting into something unknown was hard to

    >believe. My neighbor started going through all the

    >items in the house. When he got to the Swiffer Wetjet,

    >he noticed, in very tiny print, a warning which stated

    >"may be harmful to small children and animals." He

    >called the company to ask what the contents of the

    >cleaning agent are and was astounded to find out that

    >antifreeze is one of the ingredients. Actually he was

    >told it's a compound which is one molecule away from

    >antifreeze). Therefore, just by the dog walking on the

    >floor cleaned with the solution, then licking its own

    >paws, it ingested enough of the solution to destroy

    >its liver. Soon after his dog's death, his

    >housekeepers' two cats also died of liver failure.

    >They both used the Swiffer Wetjet for quick cleanups

    >on their floors. Necropsies weren't done on the cats,

    >so they couldn't file a lawsuit, but he asked that we

    >spread the word to as many people as possible.

  11. Nice, clean, fully furnished… Maybe shorter term rental 6-12 months possible too!

    “House for Lease”

    Lamai, Koh Samui

    Located behind the Lamai strip, close to the beach and action but in a quiet lowland area. Has a nice green view of the mountains and surrounding areas.

    This house is about 200 meters back away from the beach road towards the mountain.

    Lease Option #1

    38 months @ 12,000 baht per month = 456,000 THB total contract

    Lease Option #2

    60 months @ 11,500 baht per month = 690,000 THB total contract

    This property loaded includes the following furnished items:

    1. Fully furnished two bedroom, 1 bath, kitchen, living room, dining room and large patio.

    2. Huge Big screen TV and 2 other small TV’s

    3. Computer/ desk

    4. Stereo system

    5. Telephone

    6. Espresso machine

    7. 3 air cons

    8. New high quality washing machine

    9. Dining room table and chairs

    10. Leather sofa and coffee table

    11. Two complete bedroom sets

    12. Many more items not listed here but you will get a great deal!

    Contact: Please Ms Ta

    At: 09-594-9432, 01-089-7766

    [email protected]

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