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Posts posted by ayakiawe

  1. Nature works and can't be stopped.

    Can we humans ever figure things out?

    If you just take….. and don’t give back….. guess what?

    Things just stop working.

    Thai’s and Farangs alike keep taking from the natural environment here in Thailand such that something must give.

    People most everywhere are not willing to deal with their own shoot (wastes correctly that is).

    It doesn’t work to just dig a hole in the ground either and send it all underground with 10 times more water than you need to hide it away from the rest of the living world.

    Create sustainable living systems and you will have everything and more you will ever need!

    It’s so easy in the tropics if you know how to work with the natural systems.

    They way things are done here though is the opposite!

    Burn, flush, spray, and destroy the nature till it comes back with a vengeance!

    Wake up people before it’s too late!

    If nothing else check out the King of Thailand’s work with his natural living and farming systems he is always developing.

    Look up “permaculture in Thailand” on a web site search too.

    These folks and these systems are for sure part of the winning solutions for the change that must take place if we will survive as a people here in Thailand and the rest of the world for the matter!

  2. better jokes for the Thai visa gang

    >What do men do after sex?



    >2% eat; 3% smoke cigarettes; 4% take a shower; 5% go to sleep and 86% get

    >up and go back home to their wives.



    >Why is your penis better than a credit card?


    >a) Once spent it recharges itself.

    >:o It is accepted worldwide.

    >c) You can let your wife use it as much as she wants.



    >A man was carrying 3 babies in a train.

    >The lady sitting next to him asked: Are they your babies?

    >MAN: No, I work in a condom factory and these are customer COMPLAINTS.




    >A girl goes up to a guy in a bar and says: You want to play magic.

    >He says: What is that?

    >She says: We go home, screw, and then you disappear.




    >Teacher: Why did you bring your cat to school?


    >Pupil : Because I heard my sister's boyfriend say, "TONIGHT I WILL EAT YOUR





    >What's the difference between a panty and a stage curtain?


    >Answer : When you pull down the stage curtain, show is over, but when you

    >pull down the PANTY... IT'S SHOWTIME.


    >MUM: Didn't I tell you if a stranger touches your breast say "DON'T". And

    >if he touches your pussy say STOP!


    >GIRL : But mum, he touched both, so I told him DON'T STOP!!!!"






    >9 INCHES - Oh Shit, pain!!

    >7 INCHES - Oh, I'm in heaven



    >4 INCHES - ######



  3. From: "Mr Vietnam"

    <[email protected]>

    this guy did it in VN maybe ask him about it.

    He seems quite happy about it and it gave his wife a nice thing to do for them too in terms of an income.

    I think this could be a nice thing for a Thai woman to do rather than a Farang man if you ask me.

  4. Advice

    yes leave your home country with a good "bank card" with a Visa on it. Get the card made up for 5 years and have a back up made too with a passord too.

    They call this a debit card in some places some call it a "bank card" not a credit card.

    You can use them at an ATM if you must but....

    Now open a bank account with Bangkok Bank.

    Now walk into Bangkok Bank with this debt card and within 10 min any time they are open they will give you up to 500,000 baht cash per day and only charge you for the currency exchange.

    Not any atm charges eitrther.

    My home bank chares me nothing too. Wala nothing more to do and you leave your funds in a safe bank in your home counrty!

    Too east if you ask me.

    This is what I do and its worked everytime.

    "Farmers Bank" changed its name to something else and realy sucks big time.

    I closed my bank account there a long time ago. Would never put any money with them again!

    Bangkok Bank seems like they know how to operate and think well enough for me most of the time.

  5. Turn Thailand into an ecological paradise like it was only say 60 years go for the last 500 years or so.

    Get rid of all chemical bases agriculture and farming practices and go 100% organic all the way.

    Promote the original Thai ways in farming, aquaculture, fishing, etc as well as the arts and music.

    Thailand will have so many tourists coming they wont know what to do with them all.

    Tourist are afraid of all the environmental hazards of this country and think its just a bit too risky to come here and get poisoned from all the toxic technologies in place presently.

    Follow the Thai Kings examples of self-sufficiency and 100 % natural farming and you will see everything change quickly!

  6. really want to know?

    KFC, Burger King and Taco Bell

    best food is termites, the golden big ones

    and tiger wasp larva.

    Ever tried to harvest Tiger Wasp larvas?

    You must have balls for sure!

  7. Help save Thailand from the mostly but not all people here!

    They are mostly soooo proud they cant take any input from the people who know either!

    I know a Thai woman from Hawaii now (for 20 years) who says she will never come back to help this country because she tried for 7 years and the people where hopeless to changing their hopeless ways!

    Wake up Thai people, you are destroying your own country and quickly too!

    Listen to the King of Thailand he is into doing things naturally and wise!

  8. YES formaldehyde as a preservative in most caned or bottled drinks here in the Kingdom

    Why would anyone want to drink a drink with that put in it?

    I guess its less work for the guy who will fill you up with that crap (formaldehyde) after you die?

    Put your money where your mou th is!

    I do and I dont buy anything with formaldehyde as a preservative!

  9. "GREAT just what Phuket needs,

    Bird flu Sars

    Tsunami Terrorists

    now Malaria!!

    When will it all end???? "

    When the Thais (mainly but everyone in Thailand for that matter including YOU) clean up the toxic mess they continue to make each and everyday in Thailand.

    Mosquitoes come from dead toxic environments

    (I.e. no fish because there all dead from toxic chemicals, lots of bugs/ mosquitoes etc thrive without them, get it?)

    Also the very poor modern Thai diet is a big part of the problem. Truly healthy people can’t get diseases plain and simple.

    They are blaming the Burmese so it can look like it’s not really a Thai problem and to take the spotlight off the issue so tourist money wont stop coming in.

    Put the chemical companies out of biz and you will solve the problem a lot quicker! Provide organic high quality healthy foods without chemicals and the people will eat well & be strong and beat any and all diseases.

  10. Hey this is great news!

    Keep up the good work, kill all of them or else just put in more poisin inside the cig and kill off the smokers a bit faster.

    Its just too slow of a kill for now in my thinking.

    Let get the trash off planet Earth quickly!

    Before they take us all down with them.

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