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Posts posted by ayakiawe

  1. hi thanks for the offer of help!

    normally she (Ta) has her phone working and on

    another # there may work and that is

    07-*number removed* also the neighbor's land line is

    that is only about 30 meters away from our house

    the Thai woman, "Oi" there speak some English and can get Ta to the phone too.

    Thanks so much for the help!

  2. Hi if you are in Thailand and have a few min to help me here is the problem.

    I am out of town (off island) making a visa and a bit worried as I cant get a call thru from Malaysia back at our home in Samui. I have made about 100 tries but no way jose.

    Could someone call for me and check in with my girl and make sure she is ok?

    I dont know why I cant get thru but with the big storm and all I hear about there I am not suprised either.

    Her name is Ta

    *number removed*

    [email protected] is my e-mail.

    Just let me know if she is ok and ask her (or anyone there else knows) if I should delay coming back for a day or 2 if I cant make it all the way back there?

    I have a mini bus ticket leaving for in the morning 5 am and would rather sleep here another night then somehwere else in Thailand if I cant return safely to Samui on Sat afternoon.

    Any advise or help welcome thanks, Aya

  3. Hi I am out of town (off island) and a bit worried as I cant get a call thru from Malaysia back at our home in Samui.

    Could someone call for me and check in with my girl and make sure she is ok?

    Her name is Ta


    [email protected] is my e-mail.

    Just let me know if she is ok and ask her (or anyone there else knows) if I should delay coming back for a day or 2 if I cant make it back there?

    I have a mini bus ticket leaving for in the morning 5 am and would rather sleep here another night then somehwere else in Thailand if I cant return safely to Samui on Sat afternoon.

    Any advise or help welcome thanks, Aya

  4. Many years ago I had a horrible back ache.

    I mean really painful and non stop pain.

    It was just too much to bear and I can take a lot of pain believe me.

    Normally I don’t take any drugs or anything like that for anything. Not even aspirin!

    But after ten days of… well let’s just say too much pain; I started to think more about taking something just to get some relief.

    Someone offered me a prescription drug made from the poppy stem, I forget the exact name.

    Another “friend” offered me a pure looking white powder called heroine made from the same plant I have been told.

    So I said, ok I never tired it before and I could at least tell everyone I tried it once in my life so I took the heroine option as long as I was going to try a pain killer.

    He put it on the end of a cig (I don’t smoke either normally nothing) and I took two hits.

    All I want to say is it was the worst experience of my life, no question about it. I have had some rotten times on this planet and this was the worst for sure!

    Right there and then I thought to myself, if anyone sells this drug they should be shot dead no question about it.

    I feel sorry for the Oz man now in Singapore now who was trying to help his twin brother (I have a twin brother too) out but got caught with the stuff too and will be put to death it sounds like soon.

    But I can understand why too.

    If you haven’t tried this junk maybe you can’t understand how bad it really is. Don’t its not worth it at any cost!

    My only question is how someone could ever try it twice?

    Got to be really sick in the head!

    Why would people pay money for this vial trash?

    What kind of world do we live in that people would want to use this in the first place?

    Time to get our values reestablished I think on this planet don’t you?

    Also why do people put so much energy out for cigarettes and alcohol, even on this web site?

    People are actually sounding proud of it too.

    It’s a very sick world and people as I look out there and I don’t want to be a part of it.

    I feel shame to be in the same race of people who are so destructive to themselves and the planet so very often I must tell you.

    People its time to wake up before its too late!

  5. I am sorry but it appears many people don’t have a clue about what they are talking about on the subject here.

    I have a few clues for you.

    Follow up and PM me if you need more help.

    Ok so this is my take.

    First the body isn’t a dummy!

    It’s always (yes I said ALWAYS) the "perfect weight" it needs to be to deal with what you do to it!

    Got it?

    You do things correctly and you will see results and vice versa.

    But none of the “real cure” stuff is instant because… the body like a plant grows on very deep organic levels that most of us can’t even imagine much less see.

    It’s always tuned on and working so you must trust in the process even though you don’t see it most of the time. Like a seed planted in the Earth.

    Many seeds establish a root system way before they venture out with a green shoot that you can see.

    The thing you must do is to get clued into what is really a healthy life style. Most of the info is not correct on the subject, close yes but no cigar got it?

    If you are serious about this subject and willing to invest your time, energy and money on this topic then I am wiling to bet you can have the body you really want if you haven’t destroyed your organs past the point of no return.

    Best of luck to you.

  6. Hello good question. Here is a real solution.

    So I think you need to....

    eat daily virgin (all raw) coconut oil, this will do the trick.

    Do a web search on the subject if you dont want to trust me.

    Ms Ta's Good Stuff selle the product at:

    [email protected].

    Or you can order it over the phone from her just write and they will take care of you.

  7. No you didn’t get it wrong at all.

    Hey there are 700 million species of life on Earth and only 1 is “dumb” enough to prepare and consume “cooked” food.

    Think about that?

    What other animals get all the diseases man gets who eat a real natural diet?


    Raw animal products (from healthy, naturally raised animals only) are very healthy and part of the reason the SE Asian people are so well developed and healthy at least until recently.

    Unfortunately now though they are throwing away their traditional farming practices and raising animals like the rest of the world in deplorable toxic conditions relaying on many poisonous chemicals to do what they did naturally for many thousands of years, 100% organically.

    100% all raw food diets are taking off like wild fire now in the West. Do a web search and get informed man!

    Time to wake up folks before “our” baby is completely thrown out with the bath water.

  8. Ok just asked her (you know the boss) and she said, Yes its good as sometimes she hears things on TV before or if ever on Thai news programs.

    Good question for sure.

    I would imajine though a lot of Thai wives would like to make sure their "ATM.... oh I mean "husbands" right.... oh.... where were we...... yes...... are kept as "dumb" as possible.

  9. I regret to say I use 1-2 call service, as I see no other option for where I live here in Samui.

    And I do detest the “real controller” of the AIS Co.

    Same as I detest BUSH who is bar none the worst President in the history of the USA.

    Recently I lost my phone to a clever Thai thief and had to get a new SIM card copy & phone.

    If you have this 1-2 call service you must have the bar code # of your SIM card not just your telephone # to replace and make a new SIM card if it’s lost.

    That is what AIS told us anyway. Also if you would wait a week they would send it here to pick up but if you would like it sooner go into Suratthani town and get it in one day.

    By the way my friend lost his DTAC SIM card (phone was ripped off) but only had to give his telephone # to them and they replaced it for a small fee right on the spot in small phone shop in Naton on Samui island.

    OK enought said bye Scott

  10. Hey if anyone in CM wants to be sure sure sure they're getting organic produce to go to the Asoke veg restaurant on the way to the airport. I've heard stories regarding the lengths that the Asoke group goes to to assure Asoke organic standards. The Asoke veg restaurant is a safe bet for "safe" vegetables and fruit.

  11. Hi concerned friends and sleeping TV members alike!

    Here is my take on things here on the topic.

    Thanks for you thoughtful and sincere question you sent me regarding your decision to come on your planned vacation to Thailand.

    I get where you are coming from and have to say you are asking a pretty big question the way I see it.

    Maybe a bit bigger than you imagine?

    I will give you my perspective the way I see it take it for what it’s worth to you.

    No one can answer this question with certainty because no one knows the future but we can look at the signs and read what is happening presently (“wake up if you are sleeping”, this is not for you but for some of the TV readers!) to make and educated guess for sure.

    On the one hand the chances you will have a problem here are small (currently but that could change at any moment) is my opinion but on the other hand I believe there are huge “corrections” (think they call these in this case “pandemics”) in the works and I think within the next day to 10 years (I can’t tell yet) there will be substantial “die offs” of the population due to many the toxins (we will call it a “disease” or “pandemic”) in the environment.

    We are at the beginnings of that I am afraid (it’s been building up for a while now) and when “the shit hits the fan” it will be big time for sure.

    You won’t want to be in Bangkok, Thailand then for sure!

    When that happens in a big way, “watch out”!

    You won’t want to be a tourist stuck in a big big mess trying to get out of a big city like Bangkok!

    Thailand with the rest of Asia is “throwing the baby out with the bath water” (in terms of the environment) and the agrochemical business here is creating huge environmental and health problems that are beginning to take their toll.

    This is why I am promoting environment awareness and organic production of as many products as possible as soon as possible.

    Yep planting an organic garden is a good step and should be on a lot of peoples list of top priorities I think.

    I feel this is critical for the survival of the species.

    Martin Luther King (MLK) was a great man with” human rights” on his mind and agenda.

    Honey I am afraid the times and issues have changed.

    I am just one of the many MLK’s of the present day but my agenda is not just about human rights it’s about “human and planetary survival”!

    I think that is what this “bird flue deal” (very tip of the big iceberg) is all about.

    These poor chickens are our “canary in the mine shaft”.

    You know the little bird in the mine shaft who is there to show the miners wither it was safe (their environment) of not?

    It’s a warning to get our shit together latterly and figuratively speaking!

    If you saw the conditions of the chicken populations (a massively huge industry here) in the factories here an in Asia or almost any industry for that matter here, you would agree with me that something has to give.

    Most of the foods (yep all those lovely fresh fruits and vegetables in the lovely Thai “fresh food “markets” too) and water supply here is contaminated with pesticides and other dangerous chemicals.

    The Bangkok Post news paper post mentioned in an article on the environment a couple years ago the avg orange here in Thailand was sprayed 20 times before it was harvested and that the amount of pesticide inside the fruit was a lot more than on the outer peel

    They are so “clever” and uncontrolled (you can see this even on the TV reports as you mentioned “no protection”) that they have “out smarted” themselves and have created a real mess of the environment here.

    If they handle this situation the way they handle most things here it will be fraught with gross eras and screw ups for sure!

    We evolved with the dangerous of our technology and I am afraid these people just had it thrown in their laps recently.

    They don’t understand what they are “playing” with here (this new toxic chemical based technology) and treat things almost like a baby treats things with no concern.

    Many many of their thinking is that anything modern (chemical spray, plastic, GM foods etc….) must be good and better than what they had before.

    It is really different here from an environmentally tuned in western perspective.

    The worst part of all is that almost no one has taken notice!

    The PM here is talking GNP growth rates and exports quotas while the environment literally falling apart!

    As a friend of mine says they really don’t have a clue what is coming next!

    So I think you are not being crazy to worry about this important subject and if the disease jumps species there could be a large die off (millions and millions of birds have died so far recently).

    A logical question could be asked; “if it gets into the human population why not humans too?”

    Governments are not going to tell you anything until it’s all over if that so you won’t be able to rely on them for much, unfortunately!

    I would love to be able to tell you some reassuring positive words that made you feel comfortable but as I have been over here for a while and to tell you the truth I too am at times literary terrified of the environment degradation I am witnessing here.

    And I live on just a tiny little island out of the way of the main areas of development here in Thailand.

    The thing I feel most disappointed to tell you is there are few places in the world where you can go to find a sustainable, organic setting for a vacation.

    There are beginnings of this happening and I suggest finding those kinds of places and supporting them with your tourist dollars so we can have a positive impact as tourists and that the market will respond creating thousands of new eco friendly resorts and communities.

    I know a few places in Hawaii (see www.pangaia.cc) where they are into such things and I am sure there are many more places too but I don’t have first hand experience of those.

    There is my two baht or “two cents”. What ever way you want to call it.

    Let me know what you find out more and finally decide?

    Best of luck and take care of yourself and our great planet.

    Yours truly, Ayakiawe

  12. Viagra is killing off a lot of 40 to 50+ year old males.

    If your dick aint hard there is a good reason for it.

    Follow your body and you might live to play with your grandchildren.

    If you dont believe me take it and see for yourself it just aint safe.

    A lot of men die from taking it plain and simple, I will say once again.

    Cheap sex turns out to be quite expensive.

  13. I would do this project!

    Save the Wild Durian and co-create Paradise!

    Imagine a Durian Retreat!

    Save the wild and natural varieties of durian all over the Earth!

    There are 1000's of kinds still being grown and we want to save /create a living seed bank (big permaculture orchard and retreat center) here in Thailand of the many varieties!

    Looking for supports for this important project!

    Please contact us and help save the wild durians and other tropical fruit & palm varieties that are being lost forever.

    Looking for someone (s) who wants to help get the project really off the ground.

    Preferable someone who has enough funds to get the project very much underway in a big way.

    I would like to purchase 100 acres of land in Thailand and set up the largest and best collection of durian varieties in the world.

    Also we would have an exclusive raw food / durian healing retreat center for raw food/ durian lovers!

    We don't have the proper funding to do this (buy the land and develop it into a permaculture/ orchard/ retreat) and this is the kind of help we need most.

    We could take care of the rest of the project with a small team and would love help with the other parts too if you feel inspired please contact!

    My brothers have a place called PANGAIA


    in Hawaii on the Big Island.

    Thanks for your interest, please feel free to write me back!

    This project one day will be worth a lot in the future and is a good sound investment on many levels.

    Sawasdee....... Durian Project People

    Koh Samui, Thailand

    hand phone in Thailand: 09-594-9432

    e-mail: [email protected]

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