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Posts posted by ayakiawe

  1. I got it Glauka. I welcome you and your valuable comments.

    Thanks to you for expressing and stating that you really care about our world and the environment. So simple yet so profound!

    To me you are a shinning example for this forum.

    I hope the tide of caring, understanding and action turns and we all work towards a healthy, clean and safe environment.

  2. Warning me.... about what?

    Hey buddy..... this is my experience including the feed back and comments I receive many times.

    I wish I could true fully say it differently but it isn’t the case!

    Hey I am going to warn you now!

    One day absolutely I will be known as the first TV member to raise truthfully the environmental conciseness of this web site, possibly the country and planet which is heading smack into an extremely dire environmental catastrophe.

    The "real leader" (cant use his name here or it wont be posted!) of Thailand has been doing this on his own now for many years and its time we joined in on his urgent calling! He is practicing and promoting permaculture for as long as I have know about him anyway.

    I will continue to work to save Thailand and the environmental aspects of this reality and you can just drink another Chang (full of all kinds of additions that will

    rot your body) and get a little bit more out of touch with reality.

    YES I hope the change in the moderator’s conciseness will lead the way here because they now finally respect the environment and support environmental causes and concerns; this would do wonders to lead the way for great change within the TV community as well.

    It’s not just about stopping smoking folks…. come on.....the whole system is sick and polluting.

    Not only our own bodies but the whole planet as well.

    Yes Ok start in your own bodies but let’s not stop there!

    There is a lot of work to do for the next 7 generations to enjoy and save this wonderful Earth, before its too late!

  3. Sorry mate not true I have been a memeber for a while and get picked on all the time

    Most of the people on this site (NOT ALL) are just low class white trash to put it bluntly.

    Just forgive them they know not who they are, where they come from or why they are even on the planet....

    But like all of us........ they better wake up before its too late!

  4. So burning needlessly petroleum as a sport is sick.

    I dont pitty anyone who has problems dong this. Real men and woman for that matter get off the ass and move their own bodies to make sport and not have to pollute the world to have some fun.

    Jet skies are one of the worse polluting crimes ever devised!

    The noise pollution is horrible too!

    I hate them just next to cigerets

    I wish all people would figure it out that its better to change our sick sports ideas then to destory the Earth making them. :o

    Ever heard of swimming? Or isnt that cool any more?

    Wake up folks before its to late!

  5. "He already has a history I believe there is more to the story than meets the eye. We should not judge him thats for sure, don't you remember a fella in Chang Mai bought a business handed police info on this gent some 3 years ago and nothing was done until now.

    Maybe he ( Mr White excop) missed a payment, looks like he has caught up with his back payments + some, all well that ends well - pity the young girl and of course the young girls family who he hadn't paid they (dad) will have been compensated accordingly. TiT. ( the other daughters farang paid dad regularly nothing heard about him in police reports) There is more than one guilty party here."

    Excuse me but I dont follow you here, can you say that a bit clearer" I would like to understand what you wrote?

  6. Mr. Godforhire in my eyes you are guiltier than this man.

    You are a self proclaimed judge this we know, who basis the truth on hearsay.

    Maybe he did something we don’t know do we but you are guilty of more of a crime at this point.

    Maybe we should have your ass canned too while we are at it?

    If I was the “boss” I would consider to get your ass out of here.

    Just imajine if he had a "life" here and got kicked out for doing nothing wrong?

    What if this was your sentence?

    “This Oz man finds you in a dark ally totally alone.”

    There’s a splitter in his eye "possibly" but I see a log in yours is the way I read this story.

  7. hey everyone in Asia knows what big feet mean.

    The girls always check out your foot size here ever notice?

    Most of the jerks who ars so bord with themselves who make those realy bad jokes wont make jokes about yuou because.... well ....they are really beat out by you man> Enjoy the good rep here in Asia, I am only an 11 size.

  8. I got it….So have sex “protected” and die soon of cancer from toxic chemical poisoning or just don’t have sex.

    I want to help protect you….. but not from pregnancy here but from toxic chemicals that will create cancer in your body; no ands, ifs or buts!

    I think there are many other ways to go about having a healthy sex life without poisoning your system with dangerous chemicals.

    Most condoms are coated with them too! If I love someone I would not ask or wish them to take toxic chemicals. I think we could figure out a way to sex without them. After all this thing has been happening way before chemicals and cancer rates have skyrocketed. Don’t think you must put poisons in your body for a man to love you either!!!! Good God folks get a grip!

    I hope that all woman and men for that matter would be able to figure out a way to have sex without exposing themselves to toxic chemicals!

    Wake up folks before it’s too late!!!!

  9. back to normal? No way there is a river still in my drive way. Never before seen it like this in 8 years,. Not normal, it is a moldy mess here!

    Please can someone help me find a daily satalight photo of the weather for Thailand. The Yahoo one sucks!

    I would love to be able to see a clear photo of whats going on I am going crazy here in all the rain and need to see some hope!


  10. I would like to sign up but for what exactly. If you cant explain this to me why would I sign up?

    Sign up for what? I dont have a clue really what this is?

    If its so good wht cant you lay out info here what the program is? I dont think I am the only one in the dark here. I have interent and a cell phone in Thailand and I like things for free too! Enough to get started but no info as usual in this country!


  11. I have a legal question for you. A friend of mine got his Thai girlfriend pregnant. The girl is 30 years old and he is about my age, over 40.

    They are not married and he is also from the USA living here with a Non immigrant "O" visa. They lived together only a month when she got pregnant and moved out on her own after 5 months being pregnant with his child. My friend does have some Thai investments in land here in Samui that his x girlfriend knows about too.

    She should be having the baby in the next 3 months or so. She has now retuned to her village up near Pattaya where she is from. Her home now is at her fathers house and his wife(her mom) has already died. She has a youngetr sister who just gave birth linving in the same house too.


    What does the Thai law say about the legal responsibility the American man has toward the child and financial support for its welfare if any in Thailand?

    He says he was tricked into making the baby and is now worried that the Thai woman may try and force him to pay her monthly child support payments.

    What does Thai law say specifically on this topic?

  12. thanks again for the calls and help. I dont know what the problems are.

    These are all for sure good numbers I think.

    One is a biz land line next door that is well used as are the two hand phone line numbers I gave you too.

    They have been working for years.

    Do you have DTAC by any chance?

    Sometimes that wont work with AIS lines I am only guessing at this point.

    Not sure what to do. How is it in Samui now if that is where you are?

    I know the lines are not so good this time with the rain and all. Also maybe the hand phone batteries are dead without power in that area? I am only guessing again.

    Ok if you dont mind trying again that would be nice I will check the numbers but I think they are for surer correct

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