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Posts posted by Jajazazajaja

  1. 3 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    If not extended then a 30 day special extension with a letter from your embassy requesting it will be possible.

    I cannot see an agent being of much help since apparently you are not working here.



    I heard some can cancel existing visas and get new ones issued

    (don’t know how they do this, but I can guess)

  2. 4 hours ago, BritTim said:

    Well, I personally have no immediate plans to visit Angola, but out of curiosity decided to see if it is possible. The answer is that, yes, it can be done. Cheapest is Finnair to Helsinki and Brussels, and then Ethiopian Air to Luanda via Addis. In all, about a 34 hour trip.

    I did BKK the Luanda with Emirates a few years ago. The Angolan visa application process is a royal pain in the <deleted>.


    they learned a lot from the Soviet advisors back in the 80s

  3. 14 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Who has declared China safe?  The country is still closed to all arrivals for another month at least - and likely to be extended.

    So care to explain what you are talking about?   Or is it just another miserable uninformed rant?

    Thank you!


    its this kind or utter nonsense that leads me to despair with ex-pats here.


    they make something up then get outraged about it. I think they have nothing better to do. 

    The “Chinese tourists get priority over is” is another one 


    can they give an example?



  4. 7 hours ago, Mikeinapac said:

    This is what should have been in place from the beginning with single country bans for irresponsible nations, eg, USA, who dont have proper measures to monitor or control their citizens.

    So many people impacted by such a short-sighted, narrow-minded decision to close the borders when the economy is heavily reliant on tourism. People arent going to come flooding to Thailand. A lot of people are afraid to travel. Except the idiots in the USA I guess but you can just ban flights from badly performing nations.

    the economy isn’t heavily reliant on tourism, it accounts for 20% max. They are protecting the 80% of the economy by not letting in In thousands of infected people and putting the internal economy at risk 

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