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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. Well the blood from my balls was squirting out all over the place, like a lizard that squirts blood from its eyes, ok may be I'm exaggerating but I was in pain for a few days thats a fact.

    I had one about 4-5 years ago at Lanna hospital when I was in my mid 30s now I've just turned 40 my self and cant tell the different before and after the operation. He was an old doctor and made a mistake by cutting the blood vessel which is similar to the one he suppose to cut.

    You were lucky he noticed, for the OP i wouldn`t do it here...to many stories of men not being able to get it up after...best do it in europe...

    Can't remember hearing any of those stories.

  2. I had one about 4-5 years ago at Lanna hospital when I was in my mid 30s now I've just turned 40 my self and cant tell the different before and after the operation. He was an old doctor and made a mistake by cutting the blood vessel which is similar to the one he suppose to cut.

  3. Or may be a fundraising concert

    OP, seriously I don't know what your point is with this. Are you saying that expats who have planned their stay/retirement in this country, should contribute with their money to take care of the expats that didn't made a plan before they came here?

  4. Saw the storm, here in Mae-Jo, and rushed round the house to close the windows/doors as the wind suddenly hit, yet only got a few drops of positive precipitation.

    I guess I might have to wash the car, before i see any actual rain, on the garden ! desperate measures ! rolleyes.gif

    Strong wind and lots of water here around Nimanhaemin area not a few drops!

  5. my kids pics are back in the bottom of a cupboard,

    Is it Thai culture or They simply don't like you or your family. The brother came to my house try to intimidate or attempt to attack my wife with out provoked and my parent assumed I did something wrong and blame me for it. They can put my family picture in the rubbish bin it still make them a coward bully and I don't care if we are related as family.

  6. Sounds very nice, I made a lot of ciabatta bread and potato buns for sandwich may be I could borrow some of that roast of yours.



    Browning meat caramelizes the sugars in it and adds a lot to the flavor. I even brown a roast on the BBQ before it goes into the overn.

    Last week I slow cooked a 6 quart crock pot full of round roast. I cut the meat into about 2" squares, trimmed most fat off and browned those squares in a skillet. Then I put them all into the crock pot with 1 cup of water, salt and pepper, onion, and garlic. I put the lid on and cooked on low for 8 hours until the meat would easily shred with a large cooking fork. I poured off and saved the beef stock, shredded the meat and put it into containers in the freezer. Now I have french dip sandwiches, roast beef, cold roast beef sandwiches, etc. etc.

    Now you can microwave that just enough to heat it out of the fridge. That meat is awesome tender, moist, and flavored.

  7. Provided we have good beef, I think the best steak is the one making at home and always much cheaper. Each person may have have their own way. What I do is rubbing the steak with a little seasoned salt or plain salt and leave it in a plastic bag overnight make it more tender and flavorful. To cook I always sear the meat on stove top just less than a minute on each side and finish the cooking in the oven make sure internal temperature doesn't exceed 71°C (medium) about 8 mins at 170c.

    Other than that I'd go for the Duke by the river or Sizzler. I've never tried The Steak House (JJ Market). But I still think it's much better cooking at home.

  8. I think best place to get Thai beef is here http://goo.gl/maps/mBpYF

    IMHO higher quality than the NZ and Australian exports. They supply this to many restaurants including Miguel's.

    I think Rimping beef (labled Rimping beef) could be KU Beef (Kasetsart University beef) or Thai French I'm not sure.

    I think we can not trust the word 'kho-khun' in which in Thai it doen't mean a lot it's just mean 'good quality beef' which can be anything.

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