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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. I find this is too much for my brain to process ignorance is bliss !

    By Chiang Mai Gate when they pulled the old pipe it looked brand new. I checked inside no sign of long term rust, the pipe looke prestine foyr having been buried. They replaced Iron Pipe with plastic, hopefully they knew how to install or they may have trouble with leaks down the road

    They don't know how...

    They have had to dig up the roads in Sansai at least 5 times to repair leaks over the last few months. They just lay the pipe, glue it (no primer), pour the concrete and hope for the best...sometimes they pump air into the pipes and read a cheap gauge to see if air is leaking out (after the concrete has been poured). I have seen them jackhammer the concrete, repair the leak, and pour concrete over and over again. No testing before the concrete is poured. Makes no sense...

  2. Yeah I mean there are only two I see Hass or not Hass. And "Hass" is the best variety for guacamole.

    There are dozens of avo. varieties, they vary as to water to oil ratio and sweetness. To say that only the haas variety is suitable for eating is misinformed. Sample from different vendors to find the ones that suit your tastes, make sure they are fully ripe or they will be bitter.

  3. can you look back on your first few suggestions and maybe resubmit the locations? I think there were a few that I couldn't pinpoint the spot like I could on your later ones.


    Hi beb I have updated the links on my previous post. How ever the deep fried snack (no farang name)

    has no google map link as there is no blue line in google map access to this place. No problem if you want to exclude it. Thanks

    Khaw man kai

    Open around 8 am sold out around 9-10 am


    Kai Tod Joy

    Legendary Thai Fried chicken with sticky rice



    Hong kong style wonton noodle Best HK style noodle shop



    Thai students rice dishes

    Tomyum Noodle


    Kanom beang (Savory Thai snack) One of a very few place if not only place that sell this stuff


    Khawtom Dang

    This place is the best in CM and has been around for at least over 30 years.

    It's another legendary place of CM. I've known this place for over 30 years and never seen a single farang eat there!

    The place is open from around 1700 to early morning.


    BBQ Northern Thai sausage


  4. There are two types of avocado, Haas variety (smaller and bumpy skin) and the larger one (large and smooth skin) usually find in Thai market. We us Hass variety to make guacamole and sometimes they are available at Royal project.

    The ones sold cheap at Thai markets are pretty much useless as they either have no taste at all or they are so bitter you can't eat them. We always buy the ones at Rimping for making guacamole. The number of Thais buying them at Rimping should tell you that they prefer them there as well.

    • Like 1
  5. Actually this is a normal price for imported Hass variety avocado (smaller and bumpy skin) (from Australia/NZ or California) 236 / 4 = 59 bath, price normally 45- 65 bath each depend on the season. They sell that price not only at Rimping but anywhere.

    I just got the same Has variety avocado from Royal project a few days ago 3 for 50 bath same taste as imported as they are locally grown in the moutain. I don't know if they are still available though as I think they are only available once a year.


    Royal project now produce golden Kiwi too.

  6. I don't know what happen I tried the new one and it's still doesn't work.?

    Very original Beef Noodle place.

    Originally from Bangkok around 30-40 years ago. Lady owner moved from the Rangsit area in BKK where best beef noodle originated. This place serves another type of beef noodle with raw blood mixed in to the hot broth. (Unlike Rodyiam beef noodle) Try it you won't get sick! but no guarantee.


    Aristide, it seems that the same thing happened with you as with Mestizo earlier. The link is to the CM eats map and not to the actual location. Can you recheck it please?


  7. Very original Beef Noodle place.

    Originally from Bangkok around 30-40 years ago. Lady owner moved from the Rangsit area in BKK where best beef noodle originated. This place serves another type of beef noodle with raw blood mixed in to the hot broth. (Unlike Rodyiam beef noodle) Try it you won't get sick! but no guarantee.


  8. I think I know what you mean. A very old place of Chiang Mai selling Chicken Biryani. I haven't been there for years and the cooks were really old when I was a kid I don't know how they are now.


    Chicken Biryani

    this is a golden thread thumbsup.gif anyone know about the new location of the muslim eatery that used to be located near wat santitham? i went there a few years back, excellent mataba and curries but i couldnt find there anymore.

    would love it if someone could pin afew good takoyakis stall as well clap2.gif (not those deep fried version you get from restaurants sick.gif )

  9. Thanks, sorry about that now I think I got it, next time it will be from direct link from street view.smile.png

    There is one thing that I think would work better though and that is if you could pull up the location on google maps and look at it in street view, then get the link and send that. I think you get your coordinates from a gps unit and those are taken in the street so when I add the link, it shows up as in the middle of the street and can be difficult to know exactly where the location is (plus gps coordinates have a certain amount of possible error that adds to confusion). The map link or coordinates gathered from the map at the exact shop location really help.

  10. Me and the wife like The Shangrila it's comfortable and I enjoy the food.

    I think the OP meant to say the food sucks

    Both, my wife and myself were quite some time in our bathrooms after.

    Did you got food poisoning? BTW, do you and your wife have separate bathrooms? rolleyes.gif

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