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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. After the rain it should be cooler from where you live in Mae tang.

    Last night we watched fingers of lightning in clear sky for an hour with occasional bolts to ground a long distance south of us. Occasional thunder but almost continuous high altitude lightning. Tonight the clouds are lighting up in all quadrants as the instability continues. Hard to get a good photo with a point and shoot but here is what it is looking like up here at the moment.


  2. Yes thanks I missed that one, Maya shopping mall. The one btw Index and Macro is going to be Bangkok Hospital.

    I think you missed out the one on the corner of Nimmenhamen and the Superhighway. I thought I spotted yet another on the Superhighway between Index and Macro but it looks like a new branch of the Bangkok Hospital.

  3. There will be four more on the way and they are all being build at this moment. Funny the first three are all in the same area! If you have been away for two years there are at least 3 more Rimpings and more Mc Donal Drive tru as well

    Central Festival (1) 18.804959,99.018617 , Platinum Chiang Mai Fashion Cente, next to BigC (2), CBP Lifestyle Mall - near Index Living Mall (3) , Promenada Resort Mall (4).



  4. Korma is a mild curry lightly sweeten with raisin paste and cashew. I don't know if you can find a good instructor in Thailand, also Indian food is not very popular here Try Jamie oliver recipe, make curry paste from scratch and really easy to understand. Or you can watch varchef from youtube. Try Royal India and Chedi for awesome Indian meal.

  5. Hate to blame the perfect neighbors but them are part of the haze makers league too.sad.pngbiggrin.png


    I wish all Thai farmers would get a tractor (and free fuel) so they can plow their fields under.

    That would not solve the problem. Much of the smoke comes from Laos and Burma.

    Go on, blame the smoke on the neighbours. You got an application in for permanent residency? Once Thailand sorts its own backyard out, then they can blame neighbouring countries.

  6. Exactly!

    I wish all Thai farmers would get a tractor (and free fuel) so they can plow their fields under.

    That would not solve the problem. Much of the smoke comes from Laos and Burma.

  7. When I think of my self as an expert Mr. know it all, here come Hoerka!! Clueless about this place. Did a little google found website is something horecachiangmai dot com

    Open: Monday – Friday, 7am – 6pm

    Tel: +66 (0) 53 262 980

    Fax: +66 (0) 53 262 981

    Email: care [at] horecachiangmai.co.th

    18.758722, 99.032124

    Horeca Chiangmai Co.,Ltd.

    40/7 Moo 4 Superhighway Rd., T. Tasala, A. Muang, Chiang Mai 50000

    Hoerka is a fun adventure, firstly finding it (40/7 Moo 4 Superhighway Rd., T. Tasala, A. Muang, Chiang Mai 50000) and then one just wanders around the walk-in refridgerators and see's what looks good. It seems to be more of a wholesale place that is set up for deliveries but they are very nice and don't seem to mind me buying just a little of this and that. They have a mailing list , sign up at: http://visitor.r20.c...xqbsnRY8qJYQqy. I've found some different imported stuff to get my culinary juices going.

  8. Yok main branch yes they're not my favorite but there's another Yok in Nim Plaza near JJ Market which is a little better and closer to my area. Still, I prefer cmbakermart as they carry more western grains like rye, malt flour, etc... for my sourdough and the owner has positive attitude.

    aforementioned "JOK" where you get treated like a joker.
    • Like 1
  9. Aquarium shops don't have them as I visit everyone in town and out regularily.

    Medical supply would be my best bet. Any chance for a name or phone number on it?

    Pharma Choice 3

    25 Suthep Rd. T. Suthep A. Muang

    Chiang Mai 50200


    Telephone: 053-808325

    Fax: 053-808325


    9 Suthep Rd. – 053-278259

  10. The juristic manager had members of the committee arrested for trespassing.

    Wow what a mess! I've always thought the juristic manager is the top of the food chain. He or she should act on behalf of the committee members supervising the juristic person staffs. But then again there are laws in Thailand that most Thai may not be aware of including me.

  11. True, or as early as 4 am! I guess they have to organize thousands of people to get ready for the ceremony as royal princess will present the degrees.

    actually most of them have to get there around 5 in the morning or something

    70,000 people at 5:00 in the morning. Why so early. I never heard of a convention starting that early. Is it in the city bylaws?smile.png

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