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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. Turkey Time Lets See

    I have an oven with rotisserie. I buy the Breast Loaf from butterball and slowly rotisserie the Turkey. Before hand I have a dry rub of Garlic and mixed seasoning without salt.

    I don't add additional salt ans BB has already laden it with salt . The rub is great Its Macormicks "Perfect Pinch " Garlic and Herbs Salt Free

  2. Ok I get it This is about money. He stole money and money can Be replaced What about Vorayud Yoovidhya The red bull heir who killed a police officer.

    Why have the Thais not attempted to get him brought back from Singapore

    This is truly horrible. At the very least he should be behind bars not walking free He took a life

  3. At this point Thai Airways is not viable. People are staying away in droves because of the high fares. Case in point I am going to Europe on the 26th of November I checked out Thai and they are 40% more . So I ask myself 40% more for what ? So I can travel on the Flag carrying Airliner . For 40% Not a chance I am flying Lufthansa and the service is the same with them but 40 % less. They are not the cheapest Aeroflot is much cheaper. There is a price point I will go to for service but not 40%

    Hey Thai learn from the travelers not the board of directors they are not your customers

    So this is your answer to why Thai airways is loosing big money. Not just me of course but their pricing.

    Thai will not survive in its present form. This is the era of low cost airlines.

  4. This is not a question of happy or not This is a question of restoring democracy in a country that does not get it yet.

    Lesson 1

    If you have a majority government they rule for the period of time they have been elected Good bad or indifferent. You do not go to the streets to try and topple them because you don't like them Wait till the next election and vote them out This is real democracy

    Case in point Obama is a lousy President The majority of Americans know he is a lair. So they neutralized him this past election by electing the opposition to power with a majority. He becomes a lame duck president No power.

    Did you see Americans take to the streets and protest Yes some but they did not stop businesses they did not stop traffic. They protested peacefully and then went to the polls to help correct the situation.

    Thais need to take a lesson from the voting play book rather than hurt business or other Thai citizens by trying to shut down a government This is dead wrong. This is not democracy This is Mob Rule and there is no place in society for something like this in a democracy.

    If you don't like a leader say so with your vote.

    This is true democracy

    • Like 1
  5. Yes if it was real you would have been summoned by regular mail in writing by the post office. Not by email

    What I would do if you really want to get the money back is see an attourny

    Yes you damaged her reputation . Her boyfriend in the small town probably is fighting with her now.

    She has bad character so just walk away from it and learn

    • Like 1
  6. Its obvious you do not understand Thai Driving standards

    (1) When approaching an intersection where a light that has turned amber and then red SPEED UP before the cars on the other side start to move

    (2) It you have missed a turn to the left or right because you are in the wrong lane it is ok to cut off a driver on the extreme left or right if you really speed up to make the turn.

    (3) If you see someone attempting to cross the road on Zebra lines Speed up and cross the zebra lines as long as you do not hit anyone Its ok

    (4) Its ok to stop and double park on a main street. This is acceptable only if you have a good reason to do so and hold up traffic (not)


    The governement is starting a Motorcycle self rule standard. As a pedestrian walking on the sidewalk If you come across a motorcycle on the foot path

    you will now be able to raise your foot and kick the motorcycle driver off the motorcycle.

    It should be affective as most riders will not like this new law

    • Like 1
  7. There is no question we are in a condo bubble. This is not wishful thinking. Builders artificially up prices as the project developed This is not done anywhere else on earth. So lets say there is a price of 200 dollars for a condo During the course of construction the builder ups the price to 275 or 300 to completion. And people come to buy these units for investment. t Itis investment based on false market conditions. It has nothing to do with market demand and price .

    If you buy a condo with the idea of renting it out Lets say 40 square meters. for 35.000 per month then chances are you are going to get stuck with it and not renter because the price does not reflect market conditions. Sit with it long enough without a renter and start to have problems looking after the loan then you get into trouble . The bank repossess and then sells for the the balance of the loan value which will less by at least 20% ( based on your down payment)or more based on how property is sold.

    Yes we are in a condo bubble and it will explode When I have no idea but it will The economics to it just don't work. No market driven pricing. Builder driven pricing and that is greed not market forces.

    The bubble should start to show its ugly head when builders start to offer ridiculous incentives to buy. Like a free car or huge discount on it

    Good luck to those who think condos are a good investment here in Thailand

    • Like 1
  8. Great! Lots of new spaces to park my cars when the next floods come. smile.png

    Well then we can start writing articles this way > New bridge construction will commence over the feeble Choa Phraya River.

    Lately there has been feeble flooding in Bangkok due to the feeble water torrents that have accrued ETC ETC

    • Like 1
  9. Yes its the JEEBEE HEEBEE Venomous Snake. Very very dangerous Considered the most dangerous snake in the world And very cunning. They have this ability to make themselves look squashed like someone bashed them in.

    Then when the pray gets close looking at what appears to be a dead snake they lunge forward and sink their 5 inch fangs into the victim.

    After being impaled you have approximately 15 minutes to get attention and have someone suck the venom out of your body.

    The most successful venom suckers are usually girls from Pattaya

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  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Yingluck has to go to jail. Whatever the maximum sentence that can be imposed should be imposed. Her lack of oversight of the rice scheme is mind boggling!

    I do not like Yingluck but having said that I am sure glad you are not on my jury You have hanged and sentenced her before the jury is in. People like you who live on emotion and not fact are dangerous.

    I suppose you would have hung the delivery man who delivered the death notice by mail.

    I am so glad I do not know you

  11. lend money in thai means : give it away, don't except it back, never ask for it ... OR ELSE ..

    This is one aspect of Thai culture I have never understood If you borrow money Pay it back.

    So if any Thai ever says then need to borrow money. Don't believe them. I am not saying don't give it to them. Just understand

    that if you give it too them it is not a loan it is a gift Simple Then no need for murder

  12. I bought a vios 6 years ago and have not had one day of problems with it Good power great car. I am sure I will get another 6 or 10 years out of it .

    In this climate a car can last 20 years if you take care of it and have a good auto maker Toyota is a very good car maker .

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