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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. This has not gotten to a point where the leg room on planes is really becoming an issue where I see governments will eventually intervene . There are now issues that are endangering passengers. Leg room issues will eventually affect airlines. They have reached their limit as to how much passengers can endure.

    If they do not get it under control then there will be legislation with regard to it This I am sure of

  2. What is really scarey is that OBAMA is doing little to destroy ISIS.

    There is no question that ISIS must be destroyed This is truly the face of evil.

    So Obama what are you waiting for a consensus ? No more elections to face So do the right thin and destroy this Evil

    Any one that perpetrates these kinds of horrors must be destroyed No room in humanity for ISIS

    • Like 1
  3. You should have no problem with your insurance company Its not your fault.

    I had a problem with a guy running a red light and I hit him on my green light and this was in the province. I thought I was going to get blamed but

    the cop heard both sides of the story, talked to some witnesses and they did lay the blame in the guy who ran the red light

    So all is not bad here in Thailand We usually hear the horror stories not the good ones

  4. Immediatly file for divorce stating misrepresentation and false marriage. State she was only interested in money from you. She will come out on the short end for sure

    I did the same with my ex wife Won without having to pay her anyting

    Go see a lawyer have him do it

  5. What I really don't get is that I don't hear from the Palestinian People. I do not believe that Hamas is the voice of the people.

    If you took a poll I wonder what the people of Palestine would say . Fight with Israel or make peace. So far we have only heard from the leader and I do not think

    this is the desires of the people.

    Does a mother want her child in the front lines NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  6. The mistake you made was upping their salary to 20,000 in one Go

    What I did and it worked was dangle the extra money in front of them and if they reached a certain goal it would be bonus otherwise then did not get it

    This helps

    Set goals and bonuses and time off as well That really words well. Like give them a Monday off id they do something well

    Some of them are liked train animals Wave something in front of them and they may bite for it

  7. I always have timing out problems This should not happen with a decend service But then what choice do you have.

    This is actually very bad since global companies will not choose Thailand if this problem presists I get this feeling that 3 bb is throttling

    What they should be doing to attempting to offer much better international service and stop blaming the other side for their short commings.

    If I was from an IT savy country there is not way I would set up a business based on internet access.

    To you 3 BB if you really want to attract serious companies then offer a descend product

  8. My concern is the bridge system here. Some bridges are way over used and very congested. Sapan  Thaksin is one that comes to mind


    I ask this rhetorical question. What would happen to City traffic if Sapan Thakisn was inoperable. What a scary thought. They need to build more bridges

    or there will be a major problem in the city. Why not an overpass that starts on Sapan Thasin and goes right to the Highway. That will alleviate massive  amounts some traffic on surface roads. No reason to take surface road. Time to expand and build more bridges





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