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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. I have lived at my present location for over 3 years I am supposed to pay the rent on the 1st of each month In the 3 years I have been here I have not even heard from my landlord one time. Not once I have paid as late as the 4th .of the month. I have in the past talked with a lawyer just off the cuff and he said under Thai law you have a 4 day grace period to pay rent from the due date on a standard contract. Is your contract standard

    Anyways to avoid this verbal barrage just pay him on the 28th

  2. Something like that happened with my Ex Wife She came at me with a knife and just as she was trying to cut me I pinned her against a wall

    and grappled with her wrist. I had to bend her hand back to get her to drop the knife. After she did I kicked it away and then left the house

    I came back about an hour later and there where cops waiting for me She said I had given her bruises on the wrist . Hell ya

    I tried to stop her from stabbing me But the cops did not believe me

    Life sucks sometimes Needless to say she is my EX

    • Like 2
  3. Prices reflect supply and demand. That's basic economics. I suggest you read a beginner's economics book. In Thailand's case, lost of condos with not enough renters. So supply outstrips demand. In countries like Laos there is more demand than supply. Simple economics.

    Your Crazy Price here in Thailand does not reflect supply and demand. Builders put up a condo and to attract buyers they artificially raise prices. This sort of business model will utility fail when the builders price themselves out of the market.

    The other factor that will affect price is the new real estate tax. I suspect there will be an adjustment in price downward once people realize that it will cost money to maintain their property.

    The condo market is one step away from disaster. Highly over inflated

    • Like 1
  4. What I am reading between the lines is this. " No one has any idea what to do with Tourism since the coup and murder on the Island. Tourism is hurting and everyone including the Prime Minister are grappling for a way to get back the lost tourists.

    You need to first reform the TAT and get some Westerners on board so they can better target the Western Markets where tourism is falling .

    People from China don't really care about the coup. They have a totalitarian government so pay little attention to politics. As for Westerners I don't need to go into it.

    but you get the picture.

    • Like 2
  5. Relaxed Visa rules for Canadians ! (That would be a great way to start things !!) biggrin.png

    Thais like fish (Canada has lots of fish) !

    Canadians like chicken (Thais have lots of chicken) !

    Canadians like hot, sunny vacation spots (Thailand has hot, sunny vacation spots) !

    Thais like Canadian dollars (Canadians have Canadian dollars) !!

    Thais like ice (Canada has LOTS of ice) !

    Canadians like beer (Thailand has, well, ummm, nevermind).

    It's like a match made in Heaven !

    Reciprocal long-term, hassle free visas with land ownership privileges would certainly entice Canadian businesses to do trade with Thailand ! (Maybe not, but I'm sure there are 1 or 2 canucks that would support the idea.)

    I would be willing to offer my services as a "Reciprocal Agreement Supervisor" (for certain considerations of course) to help ensure a mutually beneficial (mostly to me) agreement is reached !

    Good luck with the reciprocal visas, Thais can go to Canada on a 6 month visa, no re-entry permits required. That will never be permitted in Thailand. All foreigners, including Canucks, can enter Thailand on a 30 day visa, with the assurance that the ever changing immigration rules will permit them to re-enter the country for 7 days, or 14 days, or what ever immigration feels like giving them on any particular day. The last time I applied for a visa for my Thai wife to visit the great white north, the consul asked me if I had ever considered getting her a permanent residency, that's the difference between Thailand and a country that genuinely welcomes visitors.

    I agree with this writer. Canada welcomes permanent residence . Thailand is scared of them. New Residence do not hurt a country they help a country in every way possible. For the most part new residence enhance a country.

    "Thailand" what are you afraid of.

  6. Last month I was stopped for a breathalyzer test. The cop just asked me for my license and I said I don't speak thai (even though I do) He checked the license then said in English. Do you drink? I said no which was true I was stone cold sober. He then produced a hand help breathalyzer and said. BLOW

    So I did knowing it would not register anything. He then smiled said In Thai how long you here in Thailand. I said in Thai 9 years. He smiled handed my license back and said

    Have a good night. No big deal and he was very pleasant. Glad to see there are really trying to keep the streets safe.

    I am sure they nabbed some drinkers that night

    • Like 1
  7. Now what the police need to do is continue to do this. First office fine. Second offense. Taxi license suspension for a month. 3rd Time Ban on driving a taxi.

    This will quickly get the drivers into shape. Right now the rule is there but no taxi driver cares He pays a fine and continues to do the same thing Time and again

    Hey everyone When you get a taxi driver refusing you get his taxi driver number on the dash board and report the jerk

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