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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. "He said investigation would be back to square one with focus now on three groups, namely local Thai people on the island, migrant workers, and tourists.

    But he said migrant workers is the most suspected group, particularly the Rohinya migrants, judging from the gruesome nature of the killing."

    Ok another case of fantastic journalism . Cover every angle. Focus on 3 Groups because then forgot the soi dogs and and birds. Daaa So what other groups are out there that they are not focusing on. These three goups cover all living beings

    Reporting so poor.

    You should say Authorities are now refocused on everyone again that have not been tested with their DNA.

  2. DNA testing technology in Thailand could only identify whether human secretions came from a male or female, said deputy police chief General Somyot Pumpunmuang, while the FBI had "sophisticated technology".

    I don't get it It that is their limited capability then how do they do it when you have to test for a mother or father for the courts to determine paternity This is what the courts ask for.

    Does this mean the hospitals have more capability then the police.

    Its so confusing Why not just go to the hospital to get the DNA tested DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  3. Listen up people . This is 2014 not 1975. The visa rules here in the Kingdom are antiquated and in some ways silly.

    Europe, China, The United States and most other modern countries have updated their visa requirements and designed visa's

    based on the changing world

    Thailand does very little to change their visa laws for 2 reasons. One they don't want foreigners to became part of Thai society and in large part don;t want

    others to because Thai citizens .

    They believe and wrongly so that with an influx of foreigners it would weaken Thai society. This is the farthest thing from the truth

    In fact the easier you make it for people to become part of your society the stronger a society becomes.

    The Thais only want your month then once your visa runs out you have 7 days to vacate. Unfair and unjust.

    No other country in the world have rules like this.

    • Like 1
  4. Sorry for the Lady RIP

    This is curious She took off her shoes and the police figured out she committed suicide.

    I am sorry but how can you conclude someone is committing suicide because they take off their shoes.

    Ok I get it So if i get married, hate my wife and want to off her then I should have her take off her shoes first before I push her off the balcony.

    Is that the way it works?

    Who in their right mind believe this police fairy tale.

  5. You want a girl that says " Take care of each other " That means they will watch each others backs.

    I have one suck Thai Girl. We have been together for over 7 years. She as a very very good job works hard and so on

    She is not the perfect girl by any stretch of the imagination but perfect for me . Responsible, very smart, good looking .

    We have fun together

    This is a question of doing together. Thai men take advantage of woman . Have multiple sex partners, some gamble , drink a lot, don't take care of the kids.

    So you wonder why a woman wound say she wants someone to take care of her.

    That is the answer

  6. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Well for decades in the west there has been good sex education. But the Thais think that it does not exist in Thailand so no need to talk about it.

    This is so rediculious. The more you talk about it the better informed people are and the less likely they are to have an unwanted pregnancy.

    This idea that if you educate they will have more sex is just plain, well, uneducated

    • Like 1
  7. (BANGKOK: -- Some of the "men in black" who launched attacks during the political unrest in 2010 offered to reveal the mastermind in exchange for millions of baht, Democrat Party politician Thaworn Senneam said yesterday.

    Thaworn claimed to have been approached by four of the armed militants who took part in the violent - sometimes deadly - attacks during the 10 weeks of street protests by red shirts protesters against the Democrat-led government led by Abhisit Vejjajiva four years ago.

    Thaworn served as deputy interior minister during the government's tenure.

    Thaworn said four of the "men in black" demanded Bt5 million each from him in exchange for "telling the truth" and identifying the people who hired them.

    The Democrat politician said he rejected the offer, as the requested sum was too high.)

    Deep routed corruption The democtratic pototician said the demand was too high So that means if they came up with a lower figure he would pay

    This is a sad statement of what is really wrong in Thailand as far a moral fiber is concerned .

    Prosecute them and force them to tell you who the ring leader is. Don't pay scum like this

    But the Thais don't get it

  8. And 12 K for a week That is rediculous. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much. There are village people with no education

    Give them 6 or 8 thousand a month and tell them that's it Very simple.

    Where did you meet this girl. I cannot believer she was in love with you It was more like How much could she extricate for her family. This is why she pulled a nutter on you .

    Her parents did not give a care about you or her future Only about how much money they would get.

    I have been with the same woman for 7 years and in that 7 years she has only asked me for money ONE TIME . That is it ONE TIME

    So your wifes actions speak for themselves

    I would wait 2 years and file for divorce in the UK and no she cannot get anything from you in the UK

    Don't bother with the amphur She will just want more money for the divorce


  9. This all has to do with social standing. In general have you looked at the men that marry these woman. Not your cream of the crop I would think

    Then ask yourself the question What was their social life back in their own country.

    I was lucky I guess I am with a very hard working corporate girl. Very pretty Very smart So sometimes I ask myself why on earth is she with me .

    The only answer I come up with after 7 years is She must love me

    • Like 1
  10. First what I would do is just pay for her English course. Tell her to keep her job and give her a little extra for traveling

    You don't need her to be financially dependent on you . What is a year down the road it does not work out You did not think about this

    If you can send her family 5000 baht you can pay for her English class. Give her the Independence that she needs and help along the way.

    Think about it She is with you 24 7 Very difficult She needs mind stimulation just like you. Stop thinking with your little head

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