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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. I just dont get it Lie after lie after Lie about tourism Who should you believe? I guess don't believer any of them They all lie.

    They need to smell the coffee and then take real steps to improve the situation. Lifting Martial law is the first step. The second step is

    hire someone with western experience to head up TAT with an Asian along side. This will work but then they don't do what works.

    Stop worrying about saving face and do something

    • Like 2
  2. You may have missed it but the new rules call for arrest if you are on overstay. The new government has no tolerance for anyone who violates the visa rules.

    But what is even more chilling is that once you have been arrested then you need to get a lawyer for it and it can take up to 6 months to go to court. And from what I have been told they are not giving bail for this anymore so you will have to sit in a nasty jail cell for the time till you go to court..

    And in jail here in Thailand there is no medical.

    cheesy.gif Just pulling your leg Give you a bit of adrenaline. Its fine just go to immigration they will give you a 7 day extension for1900. This is no bit deal

    Have a safe flight back home

    • Like 1
  3. You should start with the level of reporting and teach your reporters to finish a story. I worked for ABC for a number of years and all stories must have a beginning middle and end.

    So many stories here are missing one component or more and are disjointed. They will start with the middle and next have the end and then the beginning

    How can someone have faith in a news organization that have so called journalists that do not even rise to the challenge

  4. This is really easy Call the old owner Tell her you made a mistake and paid her the rent instead of the new owner. Tell her you are pissed and then tell ask her to give you the funds back. She will obviously say no She was scamming you So then say OK

    No problem In the meantime I will let the tax department know you have been getting this money and Tell her you hope she declared i

    She did not

    She will then relent and give you the money


  5. Sunday at mbk they refused to pick up people unless they pay a flat rate. They wanted 200 baht for a trip that cost me 68 baht. To hell given them a raise. It seems to be getting worst and worst. Even when they get a pay rate they will continue doing the same crap.

    Next time get their taxi driver number and report them They will be fined for it

    • Like 1
  6. One day overstay is no big deal I did the same think one time and they just smiled and said SORRY you have to pay 500 baht. He was really nice about it and joked and then had me translate a few words for him he was not sure of Very nice immigration officer . Then I went and got a non o visa without a problem

    So overstay one day is nothing Don't worry just pay it

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