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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. What I read here from reactions is that no one has any faith in the Thai Police. This is one of the route problems here in Thailand and is directly linked to corruption. If you cannot have faith in your police force then you do not have faith in the system as a whole

    This is one of the routes that must be pulled out and replanted or it will continue to Choke Thai society

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  2. I too love Thailand. Been coming here for more than 20 years and living here for more than 10. In comparison this is a great country. What it lacks in certain areas it makes up for with the temperament of the people , the culture and food. In comparison I would rather have the current PM than someone like Obama as a leader. Obama cares only about his agenda in comparison with the Army chief who I see really cares about his people.

  3. This is not a limit on speed What happens is a lot of people log on after 3 pm and slow down the servers. If you suffer from this just complain a lot to 3bb and they will get tired of the complaints and move you to a less used server.

    Generally 3 BB service is good but they have terrible customer care. Many times the people that serve you are not kept in the loop as far as troubles on the net are concerned.

  4. This is only wishful thinking on the part of TAT. Reality is if they do not catch these murderers then people will stay aware. Just because they made a statement that they are doing everything they can does not cut it for tourists. I just don't get the mind set other then they are trying to appears their superiors.

    Its like saying

    Hey we know there is a 95% chance the volcano will irrupt on the Island. And the lava will engulf the town. But hey don't worry we have an early warning system that tells you when to run for the hills.

  5. Here is a great place to live. Panama City Panama Although Spanish speaking there are lots of people that speak English. They have a great infrastructure. Food is good Spanish and American standard. People are very friendly. Lots to do

    Great untouched areas Beaches outside the city are spectacular . Visa system is simple and hospitable to foreigners . No monthly reporting and financial requirements are lower than Thailand .

    Fun place but also relaxing if you want it. American Standards for the most part since the Canal was at one time owned by the USA

    I spent 2 years down there and had a good life

    Maybe 10 to 15 % more expensive than Thailand but no hassle with Immigration in many ways. Good airport facility Panamanian people love westerners

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