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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. I don't understand this speculation. First, the protests have nothing to do with Expats. No one is really protesting our existence. Secondly our financial contributions in Thai society are substantial and in large part support the Condo rental and purchase community.

    I don' t see any substantial change as we are not in the mix as far as the government is concerned . This is all about money and internal politics.

    This is not a
    "Chicken Little " Scenario

  2. I had agreed to Sin Sod with her parents but the parents started to question me a lot about my business and why I could afford the SS.

    Way to many questions so I just stopped the whole think and called it off. No reason they should know why I do something about my total finances

    Just a bad situation I remedied

  3. I think the big question is "do you want a wife or girlfriend that is currently sleeping with many men" I think not

    So give this guy a break He is realizing that there are nice girls in this world.

    I have been with a nice girl now for 7 years and she never asks for money from me She is around because i treat her very well.

    So stop making excuses for woman who sell CAT. They are what they are and that's the reality of it

    • Like 1
  4. These guys are looking for a raise. Thai airlines fairs are far too high anyways and they say then want to restore the airline. Well then take pay cuts and discount airfares

    You cannot have both. This is the reality of the free market system. Sure get the pay hikes and in 1 yr it will be out of business.

    What can I say except this is a doomed airline if it continues on this course.

    Just do it now and restructure throw the union out and start fresh otherwise you will end up in bangkrupcy

  5. I met my girlfriend 6 years ago on Thia love Links and she is the farthest thing from a scam

    Try it just be sensible about it that's all. Most are not scamming but there are some just like in bars or anywhere else

    Use common sense and think with your head between your shoulders not the other one

  6. First let me tell you It is not the law The agent is doing this to make sure she gets her commission up front and does not have to wait

    In reality you can negotiate most anything with a builder depending on their desire to sell

    So don't be stupid drop this moron as an agent


    If you are concerned about your money sitting without a condo the Government has an escrow account that the builder knows about , If you really want to protect yourself

    Use the government Escrow. Albeit not to much faith in the government but maybe better than just a builders word

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