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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. The bottom line is clear Suthip hurt the Thais He was not concerned for the Thais His actions hurt the Economy and more thatn 2 million did not come to Thailand because of his antics

    He did not care about the farmers or the thai people He was interested in Power thats it.

    Did anyone ever hear of THE PEOPLES COUNCIL Suthip wanted to set up Well They did that in Cambodia wit the Khmer Rouge and in Germany during Hitlers time and in the USSR during Stalinist times These type of people always say THE PEOPLES this and the PEOPLES that rather than ONE MAN ONE VOTE. How many of you have heard THE PEOPLES COUNCIL OR THE PEOPLES PARTY or the PEOPLES WORK FORCE Common don't you get it after 75 years

    IT always leads to the same thing control of the people communism Natzi ism CONTROL WITH POWER

    I thought by now people would understand this but for some reason they don't

    • Like 1
  2. Wake up and smell the Coffee She is divorced with a Child . There is NO SIN SOD period Although the family and others would like to take advantage of farangs ignorance.

    I would tell her family you will help from time to time but you have paid a heap in all departments and she should just be glad you are taking care of her and her child

    So do what you want but there is NO SIN SOD

    THe dude from Canada was marring a single girl never married no children So yes there is Sin Sod

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  3. This is the reality I got a divorce from my Thai wife 6 years Ago They cannot get what you do not have in the country. So plead poverty Its that simple and make sure you tell them you dont have any money and will be going back to your home country

    Tell the lawyer that and tell him he can have a certain amount you are willing to give meaning half the value of the house since you cannot own it but are entitled to its value and that is it

    See what he does and get a lawyer you need one

  4. Debit cards can be used just like credit cards provided they have raised lettering and are in every way identical to credit cards except that the word "debit" is usually written somewhere on the card (though not always) and you use your own money.

    No Thai bank that I know of issues such cards though. All Thai issued debit cards have the card details printed onto the cards, usually have an expiry date about 10 years in advance (unlike credit and debit cards issued overseas which are usually valid only for 2-3 years at a time), generally don't have the card holder's name printed and state "electronic use only".

    I have so far not been able to use a Thai issued debit card online.

    Australian and US issued debit cards can be used just like credit cards and indeed I have used them to rent cars and the like both in those countries and in SE Asia, no problems, no questions asked.

    You have not been able to use a debit card on line from Thailand because you must register it first with the Bank for use on line Call the bank and its simple to register and can be used on line or in person

  5. There have been 9 deaths due to "people either accidentally or suicidal jumping from balconies here in Thailand over the last year or so

    Population of Thailand is approximately 66 million people

    There where 8 deaths linked to balconies in the United States in the last year

    Population is approximately 315 million

    Think about it what are the numbers telling you . Accidental ??????

  6. With anything caution and smarts is the best combination. And in general Thailand is very safe but If I was doing what she wants to do I would hook up with someone else that likes what I do and do it together. A famous saying. Safety in numbers . Would I travel alone and site see in the USA no Always go with someone else.

    So answer to your question play it safe and buddy up with another woman and then go and have a good time

    Good luck

  7. First a Sin Sod is not a given. Lots of Thai girls marry without any. It sounds like her family may think they found a mean ticket. Was she married before does she have children

    If that is the case then NO sin sod is necessary. Tell her the problem you have with sin sod and what happened with your ex wife taking a run. Tell her you are not Thai and do not follow those traditions.

    Tell her you have no problem with assisting with her family but over time as anyone would in the west. If this is unacceptable to her and or her family Guess what she looks at you as being an ATM machine

    If she really loves you then it will not matter..

    Oh yes I do have a girlfriend of 7 years and during that time she has not asked me for anything and I mean anything. Oh yea there has been 500 or 1000 baht from time to time but in reality nothing has been asked for from her or her family

    Just the other day she asked me if she could borrow 15,000 baht Never happened before. So I said hear just take it No need to borrow. She never ask me. So why not

    This is love of you not the money.

    I hope she is a good one for you

  8. Its fun to make jokes about this but in reality Suthip is showing his level of intelligents . School kids want to fist fight . But a man who is "head of the Peoples Council"

    Why can't the protesters see beyond his idiocy. Grasping for straws and making really idiotic comments

    He's just a street bully . We all know if they don't get "their" way they want to fight. Hey Suthip what happened to Democracy

  9. It is not Suthip that will bring down the Thaksin Regime. Since Suthip has no real reason to do so other than "His own agenda. It is the rice farmers that will.

    From the outset I was critical of the rice scheme. I scratched my head in wonderment as to how a government can get involved in business and expect it to be successful.

    By in large in the west it is common knowledge that governments stay out of business and let business run themselves. We from the west know too well it does not work.

    So what made this government think they can do it better.

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