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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. giggle.gif WOW One last Stand Now let me see How many one last stands have come and gone. This is dying on the vine A yawner I am drooling.

    Wow I just woke up and see I am 96 years old Where did all the uneventful like go . Suthep don't you get it Its old already.

    Turn the page negotiate with them Or your whole thing will die on the vine like a very ripe piece of fruit

  2. I know what I would do in a situation like this I have some experience. I was in a Gas station one time years ago. I saw an car slam into another car right in front of the station and I saw a kid in the back about 16 or so smash his head and he was holding it . I just lunged into action ran the to toilet and grabbed a ton of paper towels Ran to the car opened the door and handed the tissue to the kid.

    He was bleeding from the head. I Told him to apply the towels to his head and use pressure . He complied. I said the ambulance was on the way and not worry that he would be fine. I told him head wounds always look worse then they are and for him to put his head back and try and relax until the ambulance came.

    This was all done with adrenalin running in high gear. I did not think I just reacted . I can tell you I would do the same no matter what person I say have an accident . We have a moral obligation to help our fellow human being No excuses

  3. I western countries IE questioned while entering the country." whats the purpose of your trip. Oh my brother is getting married and I am going to help with some photos while at the wedding

    Officer: have a nice day.

    Thailand : Oh you cannot take photos its working Oh you cannot show your friend the sites around Thailand That is acting as a guide And make sure you do not assist him with any of is baggage That is also acting as a guide. Oh yes you are not allowed to cook in Thailand and let your friends eat the food That is acting as a restaurant and you are not allowed to work in Thailand.

    Regulations must be relaxed if Thailand wants to enter the world stage and be a serious player

  4. cheesy.gif Five Million Baht That is nothing but a Joke Is she a Superstar with A TV program then maybe 5 million

    Offer them 200,000 and be done with it. They see Farang and Think RICH FOREIGNER .

    All I can say is if you pay 5 million your stupid. 100,000 is average and 200.000 is very generous I know I married Thai with Masters degree and she comes from a Good upper class Family

    Good luck cheesy.gif

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  5. Ok OK I just get  used to the last renumbering and start to remember the channels when they do a renumbering again MORONS.


    But the thing that bothers me is the insensant Scrolling at the bottom of the TV. OK OK OK I Know their is renumbering that is coming and has been completed STOP THE SCROLLING


    I am watching entertainment. BUT no more scrolling STOP  STOP STOP STOP IT



  6. Look this can go 2 ways. She is either lying to you and the hubby and wife want to try and get you to pay money Or it is legitamate. If legit then tell the hubby that you know divorces cost nothing if both parties agree to it  So therefore you are willing to give hime 5,000 USD for her freedom and a mutually agreed divorce. You then have both parties go to the local Registry office and file a paper of divorce. Maybe 600 baht at most to the Amphur. Then she is free.


    I would use a lawyer to make sure that they are legit and you are not getting screwed but that should not run you more than 15,000 baht.


    Then you have your girl and your life Hope it works out for you. And dont be stupid and just hand over money to the husband without the divorce papers in hand Good luck

  7. The reality is this. Thailand men are the 4th largest consumer of Alcohol in the world.And on top of that Thai society holds woman as second class citizens behind men. And a lot of Thai men ( not all) but a lot treat woman as such.

    In our western culture woman are treated as equals to men and men by and large including myself have a lot of respect for woman .

    This double standard in Thailand forces a lot of woman to rethink their options , Many and I mean many Thai woman are not interested in Thai men because of those reasons and opt for someone that is more respective of her.

    In general this is a matriarchal society

    So what is a womans choice She has many but sees the grass can in fact be greener on the other side

  8. Everyone is missing the point here . No one and I mean no one should take the law into their own hands. If she committed a crime under Thai law then the courts not neighbors of the parents should act out.

    No Thai citizen has the right to retaliate on a family because then are angry at that person. I dont agree with the LM laws but I also do not agree that others are upset so they are making the life of the parents miserable . Thais must grow up and be adult about this

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