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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. The long and the short of it is Its her biological father and she wants him there. This will not take away from the fact that you raised her and she knows it

    Let her have her wish in the final analysis she knows he did not have much to do with her and she will not forget what you did for her

    Don't let petty jealousy interfere with the family. Have the graduation and then move on. Its not like he wants to get back with your wife

    • Like 1
  2. "the reason I was able to keep a young girl interested in me, is not because of money, but because, she was number one, and not number two."

    This is the exact reason I am with my girlfriend of 7 years . I am 60 she is 35 We met when she was 26. so 29 years difference.

    She never asks for money. She has a good job I treat he with respect and love and she is still with me

    • Like 2
  3. Oh this is really good ! Take your 14 year old to a bar and watch Daddy get sloshed What every child should see

    Don't we have enough problems without you amplifying future problems your kids would have since they see daddy drinking

    Don't you know

    Monkey see monkey do

  4. From day one when the government announced the Rice scheme I told my girlfriend that I thought it was a bad idea. Any government has no business in any type of business.

    Why didn't the government do what man governments do and pay a direct subsidy to the farmers that makes sense.

    From the get go this scheme made no sense and now the proof is in the pudding Way to go I love the egg on your facecheesy.gif

  5. Wow I am shocked. He was gleefully sleeping in another room when the 3 shots where fired into his brother and parents. He could not have heard the shots from the guns go off.

    And then went to work and called home later because he was worried about his family. When they didn't answer he rushed home because he was worried worried about the condition of his family.

    Ok OK He is innocent can't you tell from his story?

    • Like 2
  6. One thing we do not give the North Korean people credit for is they do know the type of Leader Kim is They know he is a Criminal and dictator. However they do not have an outlet to talk about their dissatisfaction as does everyone in Thailand have.

    In N Korea if you disagree with the government or its Leader they shoot you . So for now you will not hear of dissension. But just like when the Soviet Union fell apart so will N. Korea

    You cannot subdue the people for eternity Their day will come That I am convinced of

    • Like 2
  7. Here is what you do Go to Christian Hospital and Have a Doctor there give it to you on prescription. They are pretty good with it for a one off time to travel as

    you say for flying.

    I am sure you will not have a problem I too asked one time to get it and no problem

    Good luck

  8. oops that's good Don't pay the farmers because it is unconstitutional.

    I come from the west and I have never ever seen a government blame the constitution for not paying something owed.

    Good con.

    " Yes we cannot pay out the farmers because if violates section 2 subsection 5 paragraph 3 sentence 4 that refers to any money paid will be subject to burden of proof before the government can obligate itself. If there was no direct obligation then under section 19 of subsection 4.3 on the third line in brackets.

    any demand made to the government with regard to being paid out shall be adjudicated without prior notice and shall not be paid with regard to previous sums not directly

    subject to any levy and therefor is unconstitutional

    Does everyone get it ?

    • Like 1
  9. I have never had a problem with the Post If something comes they notify me I pay the amount and I get the package With fed ex and DHL I get jerked around and pay more than the duty because they miscatorize the product and nail me for huge money. This never happens with Thai post

    So I assume its just Fed Ex and DHL attempting to screw You and it has happened Several Times If someone wants to ship something I tell them Thai post,

    I would assume from this that not having any problems with Thai Post then it is not the government it is FED EX and DHL screwing you

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