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Everything posted by theblether

  1. Anything short of a Bidenesque fiasco will be celebrated by Dems. This will be the first genuine sight many Americans will have of Kamala and it's a high risk move. https://youtu.be/7IwiTDJRoo8?si=Xr_BQgs1vS9rbFFr
  2. Get a grip on yourself, Bild, you're better than that.
  3. Sorry, my ration for dealing with witless posters has expired for the day. I'll be back with a suitable insult for you tomorrow.
  4. To be honest, they could hand Kamala every question up front and she'll still have people turning against her by the end. She's as likeable as a fart in a spacesuit.
  5. A toxic conclusion? The second female Presidential candidate and the first in history to not participate in a primary is now setting a new record. The first Presidential NOMINEE in history to do her first major interview with a companion. In her case, a male chaperone. Astounding. Incredible.
  6. This thread is a disgrace. 184 posts by one member, 141 by another. Constant trolling and baiting. I have never seen anything like it on this forum. To make it even worse the topic is fake. 325 replies by two members - astounding and appalling.
  7. Uhuhu Note the silence, even the most slavish Democrats are gobsmacked at this own goal. This is the type of ammunition you don't hand to Trump a few days before the debate. Incredible.
  8. Dunning-Kruger strikes again.
  9. Entertaining to see that Kamala is not trusted to conduct her first major campaign interview alone. In an act of stunning misogyny, Kamala will be chaperoned by Governor Tim Walz. A laughable mistake by the DNC, utterly appalling.
  10. Incapable of admitting fault. Just like that clown who accused people of racism for disliking Kamala. He has no answer as to why registered Democrat voters hated her in 2019. Were they racist? No. They gave her a chance then decided she wasn't fit for the job to the extent she couldn't even get to Christmas.
  11. The lie is he never quit. The entire thread is based upon fake news.
  12. Yes, I'm the racist type that thought Harris was a prime Presidential contender in 18/19 after watching her excellent performances in the Senate. Unfortunately, Democrats disliked her so much she quit before Christmas. Maybe you should refer your comment to racist Democrat registered voters that ended her campaign last time?
  13. I watched Harris as a senator and that led me to tipping her as a Presidential candidate. I was shocked at her poor performance in the hustings. I'm of the belief that you did not watch one moment of Harris when she was a Senator as your description of her is clearly made up in your head.
  14. It's wild. Any potential new members will wonder why they should sign up. At the very least, unlink the American political topics from the latest post feature.
  15. I concur with the complaints made and note you now have multiple complaint threads. Personally, I can't believe you are allowing anyone to post 160 plus times - and in one case, 23 times in just over an hour - on a single topic. It's gone too far and is unhealthy for the forum. Worse? It's not even September yet. Dear me, if you don't do anything the run up to high season is going to be a catastrophe for this Thai and ASEAN related forum.
  16. Mods - get a grip on this. First, it's fake news. Second - 161 posts on a single topic? Followed by 90? Get this topic locked and get a grip on these hyperactive trolls.
  17. Can you read? Did you see I said that Harris has a prosecutors wit? She knows how to interrogate - she's poor at debating.
  18. Childish drivel. Suits you. sir. https://youtu.be/XZS8wPJlzGg?si=dxXojCRsDNtwnxDw
  19. I'm of the opinion that Harris will win this election, and I can BOAST that I picked her out as the best candidate in 2018 - long before most of you had heard about her. My second pick at the time has gone missing, Amy Klobuchar. If she was the nominee this time it would be all over. But she's not. Harris is more than capable of blowing this election. And the best way for her to do that is to have a debate meltdown. She has the prosecutors wit with questioning, she's like a deer stuck in the headlights when confronted.
  20. Hail, the arrogance that saw Clinton defeated. He destroyed his GOP rivals on the debate stage. Humiliated "cos you'd be in jail" and defeated Clinton. Biden had to drop out the Presidential race after his Trump "I don't know what he said and I don't he knows either." debate. Now up against Harris - who Tulsi obliterated in forty seconds. Do not be overconfident about Harris in a debate against Trump. In fact, do not be confident at all.
  21. Utter nonsense. It's been weeks since the destruction of Biden. The man has destroyed premier experienced politicians on the debate stage.
  22. I mentioned this two weeks ago and you can bookmark this reply. Harris should not debate Trump, she should pull out. He will destroy her just as he destroyed every Republican candidate in 2016, Clinton, and Biden. Lets talk about Biden, who turned in the worst debate performance of all time, so bad he had to withdraw as a candidate. Trump will one-liner Harris to debate death. He is a master at that and you can be rest assured that his team have lined up some real zingers. Here's the problem for Harris. She has nothing to gain from the debates. She has plenty to lose. She is not a natural debater, and she has a sanctimonious style that turns people off to the extent that she didn't even get past Christmas in 2019. She's be far better taking the Biden hiding in the basement path to the White House, it's her best chance of winning. I say that as a guy who tipped her to be the nominee in 2020 and I was shocked at how bad she was on the campaign trail. By the way, have you noted that the Democrats have calmed down on the "threat to Democracy" line. It's not easy to make that line stick when you didn't gain a single primary vote on the road to nominee. I reiterate, Harris should not debate Trump. He will destroy her.
  23. You must be bored. Anyway, I can't be bothered, I want to enjoy life.
  24. Sauvage is too popular, it's played out. I use it as a daytime aftershave only these days. Other good daytime aftershaves are Eternity by Calvin Klein and CKIN2U for Him. Evening - Prada Carbon Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Invictus Victory EDP 1 Million Paco Rabanne Boss the Scent EDP I note the OP has a collection of thirty-five, I reckon that's too many from experience. I used to have over twenty but there's no point, narrow down. Two tips that most men don't realise. EDP is far stronger than EDT and longer lasting. Also, the second tip should be obvious. Combine your aftershaves. Prada Carbon & Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male combine well, for example. You don't need to stick to single use. I note the usual river of idiotic replies on this thread. First, ask your lady what she thinks. Thai women, in particular, are very sensitive to smell. One of the simplest things you can do to please her is to wear an aftershave that she enjoys. And contrary to opinion, most are very cheap when compared to daily cost. If you can't be bothered spending the equivalent of 20 baht a day to please your Thai lady then you're a moron. So give it a rest with your antiquated drivel. No man in history has developed a bad reputation for smelling good. That's a lesson many farangs in Thailand need to learn.
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