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Everything posted by theblether

  1. I have never commented on this conflict. I was shocked to see the BBC put the boot in this morning. This is all in stark contrast to the oft-repeated and now rather hollow sounding Western mantra of sustaining Nato support for Ukraine "for as long as it takes". Hollow sounding mantra? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2k5wyqqlq0o
  2. And before we get into the long grass, TRO is not a conviction in any way, shape or form. The Treasury TRO has been decimated by another judge already and will likely die on Friday, the USAID TRO will go the same way after a couple of righteous repairs.
  3. You can't point to a law that Trump has broken since resuming office. Not a single one.
  4. An interesting thing about China is that the wealth is gathered on the Eastern Seaboard and the Interior is poverty stricken. Average Chinese income is around $14,000 a year - US is around $85,000. For China to match the US income level it would need to effectively control all world trade - never going to happen. So they dance around with preferential treatment under developing country status that they don't deserve because fundamentally the power brokers don't give a flying frog about those that live in the Interior. But here we have the usual world experts on everything that haven't spent a single second of their life in China pontificating a lot of utter drivel about China winning a trade war. Very good - your off your nut if you think China can genuinely take on the USA and the West without causing severe economic hardship and potential unrest. No doubt many of you will be of the opinion that the CCP has an iron grip. All it took was a few video images of the last world cup to start street protests and the CCP dropped their knickers. The Chinese were enraged when they saw the rest of the world enjoying freedom post-covid. But of course, you all knew that. The primary reason ( I should really ask this as a question and have a laugh at the Dems replies ) why China hasn't attempted to take Taiwan is fear of defeat. The CCP would not survive a failed invasion. It's a legacy of the Opium Wars, the national psyche is shattered and another white man defeat would blow Chinese society apart. What made it even worse was that the Japanese adopted white man technology at a rapid rate and completely ragdolled the Chinese in the 30's, the Rape of Nanjing being a prime example of Chinese humiliation. Never underestimate the Chinese fear of defeat.
  5. Just remove their developing country status and see what happens. Economic catastrophe for China.
  6. Within the law and his executive powers, yes.
  7. I am convinced that Liberals were the cowardly that were terrified of monsters under the bed. OOOOH, scary
  8. First of all, nonsensical drivel. Apply your intellect to posts. Or maybe you did and that's the best you can do? Oh, dear. Anyway, he learned from the first time when the administrative state turned against him. He made it clear that he would do this during the election campaign. He won a clean sweep. Get over it.
  9. If he thought he was a king he'd send soldiers into Congress and the Courts. Just as real kings did in Europe. He has done neither. You guys just make up things in your fevered heads and run with it. It truly is ( once again ) Pathetic.
  10. It looks like Tulsi Gabbard has the votes with both Collins and Murkowski - the GOP awkward squad - pledging to vote for her. I understand her Senate confirmation vote is 10.00am Eastern so 10.00 pm Thailand? I bet some of our left wing pals can't wait. It must be annoying to see the so-called Russian asset put in charge as the director of national intelligence. That Russia Hoax will haunt the Democrats for years.
  11. The Judges ruling was effevtiely that Bessent couldn't sit next to a data analyst and view the data. Which is just utter stupidity.
  12. So for all the ball-headed bickering on this thread by the demented left, you'll be enraged to see federal judges destroying nonsensical rulings that you celebrated. What a pity.
  13. Add to that - Judge Vargas has already narrowed the TRO to ensure that political appointees such as Bessent can access Treasury data. Vargas knows it was an absurd argument from the get go and when the TRO is challenged in court Trump can't lose. He'll either see D.O.G.E. carry out the work or he'll be served with an injunction which can be immediately appealed. Part of the appeal or allied to the appeal will be a challenge to the authority of district judges on national issues.
  14. Looks like I'm right again. To paraphrase - no judge has the right to insulate civil servants from political oversight. Where I'm right? Trump wants this battle to go to the Supreme Court. District judges - who are themselves polical appointees - should not have the power to overrule the executive. Absolutely absurd that a district judge who was nominated by a President, voted out of the committee and confirmed by the Senate thinks that other appointees who go through the same process are inferior to civil servants.
  15. Too late. USAID is toxic. It might be put out of its misery tomorrow by Judge Nichols.
  16. And I know there has to be a slush fund. You can't record a payment to Achmed Hussain, 24 Arab Street. Islamabad - reason for payment - told us where to find Bin Laden. Just create a separate national security fund and have the Treasury transfer the money there. IMO Americans would accept that.
  17. I maintain. Rerun the election today and Trump would be in Reaganesque 1984 territory. 250 plus reps & 58 Senators. I can't remember a worse three months for the Dems in my life and it looks like it's going to get worse. Some of the reports I'm reading just can't be true. And if any are, it will rock the entire American governance system. One example - $100 billion a year in untracked payments from the Treasury. Absolutely no record of where the money was sent or why. That can't be true, that's absurd beyond belief. A trillion dollars disappearing every decade. Come on, no American can tolerate that. Let's hope it isn't true.
  18. Posted elsewhere but it is relevant here. I think Nichol's has a hearing scheduled for tomorrow and it appears he'll rule in favor of the White House if they offer ( and they will ) a couple of basic repairs to the original order.
  19. ^^nonsensical. Worthless. Anyway, X is boiling over. It hasn't occurred to the left that the White House wants this issue to go to SCOTUS. As one guy says here - district judges are not Kings. I have no problem with district court judges ruling against the executive and the issue being expedited to their circuit appeals court, who can then impose an injunction. Alternatively just do what Biden did, ignore the courts. You didn't hear the moronic left complain about that when the courts ruled against Biden re student debt. Goose, gander and all that.
  20. Drivel. I indicate the thoughts of the longest serving SCOTUS Justice and you say I'm projecting. I am projecting nothing. You are embarrassing yourself. Dunning Kruger strikes again
  21. Those convictions will.never survive an appeal. No chance.
  22. Only SCOTUS has the power to rule laws unconstitutional. They can do so by vote or by allowing Appeal Court rulings to stand. District judges are not vested with that power. Hence, Justice Thomas wants and end to judicial activism. All sane Americans should want that.
  23. Drivel. But pleasing to think you put a lot of effort into that utter waste of space.
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