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Everything posted by theblether

  1. No distortion, you are accurately described. People like you making this out to be a free speech issue are delusional when demonstration for support for Hamas is criminal. But then you say "protesting against Israel is legal......." not when there there are videos of you marching down the street with Hamas banners, flags, and chanting pro-Hamas slogans.
  2. I was replying to that member - I mentioned you for a reason. You are deluded if you believe free speech beats criminal activity as designated by Congress.
  3. Don't be kidded, US law enforcement has thousands of hours of video footage and untold numbers of photographs of people demonstrating support for Hamas, that's before they go into their already vast online trove of gathered evidence. You'd need to be touched in the head if you didn't know that as soon as these pro-Hamas demonstrations took off that the entire US security and intelligence apparatus leapt into action to track down terrorist cells and suspects. No point deleting - they have it already. And can I add, American students will find their "free speech" rights don't extend to supporting Hamas. Congress has made it clear that supporting proscribed organizations is a criminal act.
  4. The problem for StevenI and his type is that there's video footage of students saying they support Hamas.
  5. The wayback machine captures all evidence. There's no point scrubbing, if it's online they'll find it. However, Trump is gunning for those who participated in criminal activity such as open support for Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organization. That's not a free speech issue, that's entirely a criminal matter and they should be deported.
  6. On a related note, 10,000 employees is also abuse of funding. Far too much is sucked up by "charitable leeches." You can live a high life on other people's misery.
  7. Some MAGA say - walk away from it all. Other MAGA say - fund the worthy ( like this case ) and cancel the stupidity. USAID was never intended to fund gay stage shows in Ireland. That's ridiculous abuse of the limited pot of money. I'm in the camp that says genuine healthcare and food, crop growing, water provision, famine, natural disaster relief etc - get on with it. Outside that, not a penny.
  8. You are aware that China's health service is notoriously brutal? People left without palliative care is routine. Pick another country. Never use China in a positive health related issue.
  9. I have them on ignore. 500 obsessive posts a week, unbelievable. Unhealthy.
  10. The White House is over the moon, they can now extend the deadline. And if it's found to be a legal offer ( likely ) more people will accept. ps - the figure I saw was 60,000 accepted.
  11. Just wait a few weeks, you'll have egg on your face.
  12. Comical answer proving you know nothing about Arab culture. If Arabs truly wanted that it would have happened already.
  13. BS. The Muslim states don't want them as they created a cancerous autonomous bubble in South Lebanon, undermining the Lebanese government. You must be off your head if you think other Arab states want that to happen to them.
  14. This is an acid test for anyone commenting on these threads. If you've never heard of the: Palestinian Exodus Don't comment until you read up on what happened and why.
  15. Google Wasfi Tal. It takes a special type of Internet troll to deny that Egypt has banned Palestinians for decades. It take as special type of Internet troll to deny the evidence of everyone's eyes that the Muslim states will do anything to avoid taking in Palestinians. Read up on the Palestinian Exodus before you beclown yourself even more. https://badil.org/publications/al-majdal/issues/items/1355.html
  16. Righty-o Worthless list paying lip service. Arabs detest the Palestinians and they prove that by their actions, offering them no refuge. In fact, they are banned from Egypt - who created Gaza to corral them as they knew they'd be a cancerous presence in Egypt. By the way, you just proved my point that you are clueless.
  17. This is the consensus, Stop commenting on things you clearly know nothing about. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/21/why-arab-states-wont-support-palestinians-qa-00142277
  18. By the way, USAID is not getting shuttered ( yet more fake news ). It's getting put through the wringer and held accountable for the money it spent. Staff cuts on the way too. Congress had to shut down USAID, Thomas Massie has cosponsored a bill to do just that.
  19. Alternatively - "Democrats funded experimental drug and implant procedures on poverty stricken people of colour." That wasn't very nice of them.
  20. Eggs are 40 baht a dozen in Thailand - this is the mentality we are dealing with. Online trolls growling about All the Presidents Eggs. Lunatics. Demented lunatics.
  21. Yes we are. They don't understand the utter thrashing they are taking from moderate Dems who are now walking away. The link I posted with the girls gathered round Trump - the number of times I have seen Dems bewailing giving Trump that victory is astonishing. The best line I saw was - "2016 we tried to bring him down for locker room talk, 2025 he's destroyed us by banning men from women's locker rooms. how could we be so stupid?"
  22. Scott Jennings roasts the Dems
  23. What beats me is why the basement dwellers and hand-to-mouth retirees get their knickers in a twist about Musk's purchase of Twitter. The guy could afford it. Give it a couple of years and if turnover returns to $5 billion or so it will be worth far more than $44 billion.
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