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No doubt there's some prep work to be done. First of all there must be a willingness to suspend one's current beliefs while entertaining other ideas. What I mean by this is that of course new ideas will clash in direct opposition to currently held ideas. That's to be expected. So current beliefs must be set aside temporarily while pursing fresh ideas. Temporarily suspending currently held beliefs does not mean giving them up to never to return to them again. It merely means setting them aside long enough to consider other ideas. For you cannot consider new ideas while at the same time filtering new information through current beliefs. It ain't gonna happen. Another way of putting it is that you play with ideas. No different than a child plays with building blocks. Build them up and if your construction doesn't please you then tear it down. Children treat building blocks as play. Fresh ideas should be treated the same. That is how it's meant to be. Discard the deadly seriousness. Don't fear that some unfamiliar idea, if followed, will take control of you and you'll forever get lost in some maze from which you are eternally trapped and can never find your way out. By all means, retain your common sense. Do not, I repeat, do not leave it at home. That initial approach is a must. I would recommend discarding any limiting beliefs which directly prevent one from any successful exploration of new ideas. Chief amongst these is the idea that no one can know who we are or what the true nature of reality is. That will quickly kill any exploration one undertakes. For if your journey is to acquire true knowledge and yet you believe that no one, especially yourself, is capable of doing so then you've just defeated yourself. Pack it up and go home. Save yourself the time and trouble. Another limiting belief which will ensure failure in your exploration is the idea that you are unworthy. That heavy baggage will weigh you down to a standstill after only your first few steps. It's a false idea and a severely limiting one. Unload it. I'll continue tomorrow in reply to your great post, Sunmaster.
Now you might think I'm joking or being facetious but I tell you with great sincerity that you've been a blessing to me. Granted in ways you would not understand.
"I know what I know . . . " "I do not claim to know . . . " Hopefully you can see the contradiction in those two statements. Here's my stance: "I know what I know . . . " "I do claim to know . . . " I understand fully that your reality is true and real for you. I don't try to invalidate your reality. I attempt only to show you there is a much greater reality than the one you are familiar with. There's more. Much more. But also that it is beliefs which form whatever reality you consider to be true and real. A transgender female, for instance, believes she is a she but the truth is that she's a he. No amount of belief can change one's biological heritage. Yet for the transgender female believing that he is a she is both true and real for them. Kudos to them. And I say again, kudos to them, though they deceive themselves. That's what you don't get. You don't get that there exists a bedrock reality that cannot be altered simply by believing reality to be what you want it to be. You cannot simply ignore foundational truths and base your beliefs upon assumptions which have no real roots in bedrock reality. Well, of course you can. But beware of problems when you attempt to do so. Such as experiencing thoughts of negativity. You are no doubt aware of the ever growing insanity which this world is experiencing. What is the source of all this insanity? Might it be because folks believe in ideas which have no basis in bedrock reality? To believe a man can become pregnant is perhaps one of the best examples of how far man can drift into the theatre of the absurd and subscribe to ideas which are wholly and so obviously in direct contradiction to the very basis of human biology. While believing that life happens to you also has no basis in bedrock reality it is a belief which is nonetheless subscribed to by the great majority of mass human consciousness. And the strength of the "truth" of that belief prevents anyone from even attempting to consider that maybe, just maybe, reality doesn't really work that way. And to speak the truth of how reality actually works, in the face of the belief in the exact opposite, is both heresy and nonsense. You do not claim to know. I claim to know. And yet when i ask you to explain, in as much detail as you can muster, how this "life happens" works, how it functions, the mechanics behind it, you falter. Badly. You then interpret, through the filter of your beliefs, my questioning of your view of reality as my attempt to deny you your reality. Again, I'm not trying to deny your reality, I'm attempting to broaden your awareness to more reality than that which you are presently aware of and familiar with. And you feel insulted by that attempt. Again, only because you believe I am attempting to deny what is true and real for you. I understand more than most that no one shares the same reality. It's been said by Seth, rather humourously, that it's amazing that anyone can say they even live in the same world. Because the world is vastly different for each of us. No two people believe the same. Overlaps, sure. But different enough that no two worlds are alike. And sometimes even worlds apart. Seth's comment that man cannot meet his current challenges using the set of ideas he currently holds to be true is because too many of those ideas have no true basis in bedrock reality. And as I've said before, go ahead and oppose the laws which govern reality as much as you like but just beware that you will have problems as you do so. It is inevitable and the problems are there to alert you that something is amiss. Seth has made that comment several times and in one instance he added that if we do not return to bedrock reality and continue to believe the world works in ways in which it does not then our very survival as a species is at risk. And I see the world drifting further and further from actual reality using greater and greater impoverished ideas.
BTW also, I thought you were on a self prescribed sabbatical?
BTW, Hummin. It's no coincidence at all that you would be the first to confirm the below. For a guy who claims he knows nothing, at least nothing with absolute certainty, then surely no one else can claim to know anything with certainty either. It's only logical.
I know nothing. I know nothing. I know nothing. Just keep repeating it to yourself, Hummin. You're doing just fine. Edit: I forgot the smiley.
Well, do you agree with the analogy? Do you think it fitting? Mornings are my best time. Now I'm far from being a Jane Roberts but I cannot ignore the fact, nor do I even attempt to deny the experience, that in my mornings I am often literally assailed by information of which I know is coming from me but feels as though it was not. I'll sit in quiet whilst drinking my coffee (I'm usually up hours before the rest of the family awakens), not yet focused on the day's reality, and information comes so quickly that I have a difficult time keeping up with it. It just flows. Part of my problem posting here is that the information I receive in the mornings is oftentimes perfectly that which I'd like to post but it is extremely difficult to recall once I attempt to "slow it down" enough for me to type all of the information out. You have no idea how many posts I've started only to scrap them because I'm not satisfied with them because I've already forgotten much and as much of the flow as I can recall just doesn't come out the way I think it should. My above magician analogy was produced in the way I describe. But this analogy struck me to be such a wonderful analogy that I kept going over it in my mind again and again so that it was committed to memory. The short of it is that we perform our magic via our thoughts. Our thoughts literally produce not only our experience but all of the lovely paraphernalia as well. And we are generally completely and thoroughly unaware that we create using thought. The title of the essay Jane Roberts produced in 1963 says it clear as a bell in one simple sentence. "The Physical Universe As Idea Construction." Now others may think what they will of that statement. They may take it as metaphorical or they can take it as pure nonsense. I take it as literal. Purely literal. Zero distortion. We are forgetful magicians, I say. For who here believes in the concept that their thoughts create their experience, let alone their entire reality. No one. I do grant that you understand it, Sunmaster. Everyone is looking for answers outside of themselves when the reality is that it's all coming from the inside of us. And so we live, for the most part, in an illusion is which thoughts have no bearing on anything and furthermore it is not we who create our lives (okay, maybe to an extent - grudgingly admitted to) but something else . . . genes, heredity, the hand of God, chance, happenstance, luck, our environments, our past, Karma, the chemicals flowing through our brains, human nature (whatever that is) . . . anything but US. And just like the audience member who perceives the sleight of hand and sees the mechanics behind the "magic" anyone can become that audience member and see and understand the mechanics behind the magic trick which is our life. The analogy doesn't fit in one sense. The audience of a magic show are in full awareness that there is no real magic being performed. They are all fully aware it is they who cannot follow along and they understand just as well that their attention is being deliberately and intentionally and artfully diverted to the magic happening rather than the process by which the illusion is conducted. And when that member of the audience who perceives the devices, the sleight of hand, and stands up and proclaims he knows the magic then the audience applauds and beseeches that member to divulge the workings of the trick so that they know, too. The analogy fails in that in r-e-a-l life the audience does not applaud that member who perceives the mechanics behind the trick. Rather they attack him. Viciously at times. And they disparage his explanations as nonsense. And worse. I, for instance, am a deceptive cult leader who attempts to lead people away fro the r-e-a-l 'truth." Anyway, the short answer I've given you is not one which you are unfamiliar with, Sunmaster. But as I've said before, the devil is always in the details. And there are a lot of details. It's funny. I find that folks often expect short answers to explain the mechanics of life. Despite have a deep realisation of how complex we are and how complex the world is. But still, if you can't provide one paragraph explanations then they've neither the time nor patience to hear any more. Hopefully folks understand that the above is not a judgement. It is, rather, just an accurate observation of what is and nothing more.
Do you want the long version or the short one?
Here's my personal observation which I'll share. Life is a magical world in which the magic appears to be performed outside of ourselves. "Life happens" is this the grand illusion. But the truth is that we are the magicians who not only perform on a world stage but create the stage and all of it's paraphernalia as well. We are forgetful magicians, as well. And so, just like a good magicians trick, it only appears that someone else, someone who is outside of ourselves, is creating the magic of our lives. We see a magician perform his art of illusion which deceives our senses. Whether by sleight of hand or otherwise, the magician's art is to force the attentions of his audience in a direction which is away from the actual process he utilises to create his illusion of magic. The audience is well aware that no real magic is being performed. And despite this foreknowledge they are unable to perceive the magicians sleight of hand by which he artfully deceives his audience. There are always, though, those few within the audience whose attention is not so diverted and they are able to witness the devices employed. They then understand how the "magic" is performed. We are all magicians in the truest sense of the word. But for whatever reasons we have chosen, in this probable reality, to purposely forget our true roles. And so it appears to us that the magic is not us. Yet just as within the audience of a magic show there are those who perceive how the "magic" is performed there are always those among us who also perceive how the magic of our lives is performed. I invite everyone to perceive the workings, the devices, with which we perform our magic. And to then know beyond a shadow of a doubt who it is that we truly are.
You'll be back after a good rest. It's like a good night's sleep. You awaken with renewed vigor and find yourself ready to hit it again.
Once you understand that there are only two things anyone could ever think about, and you realise that whatever it is you focus on becomes your experience, then it becomes quite easy. Don't worry, don't hurry, and don't forget to smell the flowers. Easy peasy.
The distortions I'm referring to are where a person's beliefs colour otherwise quite valid inner information. Had Jane Roberts been a devout Catholic she could have interpreted Seth's information by clothing it in religious garb. Thus distorting it. True, there is no such thing as wasted time. We're not in a race to anywhere. On the other hand, I could see myself spending years trying to sift through distorted information. Seth delivered information for over 20 years. You can imagine the range of topics he was able to discuss over such a lengthy time frame. He did mention the challenges we face today, though. And his ideas about what would need to occur for mankind to blossom into a new age in which man used his inherent abilities and expansion of consciousness to create a much more ideal reality. "Consciousness, by its nature, continually expands. The nature of consciousness as you understand it as a species will, in one way or another, lead you beyond your limited ideas of reality, for your experience will set challenges that cannot be solved within your current framework. Those problems set by one level of consciousness will automatically cause breakthroughs into other areas of conscious activity, where solutions can be found." —UR1 Section 3: Session 697 May 13, 1974 What he's saying is that our current mass accepted ideas about the nature of our reality will not be sufficient to overcome our current challenges. From the evidence I see of the direction this world is moving in I'm in full agreement. Ideas such as men having the ability to become pregnant are just not going to cut it.
My reaction was due to my imaging a male hermaphrodite. And the thought that there are probably people willing to believe in the existence of such a creature with all seriousness. Otherwise, .
You'd probably find more than just a few similarities. And just as many nuggets worthy of retaining. It's not surprising, really, as the reality we find ourselves in has been perceived to an extent by many. So you can find it everywhere. Amongst all of the nuggets you will find distortions as well. For myself, the less distortion the better. Seth is about as distortion free as I've ever found. He eliminates the need to separate the chaff from the grain. Saves a lot of time.
I think everyone worries about what will become of their loved ones upon their demise. It's quite natural to care about others and their futures. I've learned that just as the world provides everything I need to live the life I want so too does the world provide the same for everyone else. As soon as I catch myself worrying about their welfare I realise I'm treating them as cripples. As people unable to manage their lives or fulfill their reason for being without my presence. And so I then feel the burden I place upon my own shoulders to be the provider and savior in their lives. Rather, I trust they will do just fine without me. Just as I did just fine in my life. I am, after all, dispensable.
America was founded on the idea of self governance. Self governance by it's nature imposes responsibilities upon each citizen. Yet the citizens refuse the burden of such responsibility and so allow themselves to be ruled by the forms of governments which they had rejected in the first place. Voting every election cycle does not represent the extent of involvement that a self governing society demands of it's people. Great ideas are worthless if they are not acted upon. Som nam na. And so a bunch of bad ideas are allowed to flourish, government then gets to run roughshod over the people, and the people end up with the idea that they are helpless and powerless. And are certainly not to blame for their condition. Oh, no. And yes, the insane end up ruling over the sane. Not really the insane but rather the corrupt. Of course they are the same. An upside down world created through . . . the use and implementation of ideas.
I'm not talking about implants. Getting pregnant naturally. Carving up and mutilating a man's body so that he can be pregnant is in itself not only dumb but insane as well. And I hope I don't need to explain to anyone why.
Well, it's hard to miss ya, Sunmaster, when you look like Jesus' twin brother. Nice smile, BTW. Very comforting. And such wisdom in your eyes. I know the guy on the left used to be in a wheelchair. I saw him last time. Just a touch is all it takes!! You're awesome, Sunmaster!!
Can a man get pregnant? Yeah, there are dumb questions. I just informed everyone that I do wear underwear while posting, at a minimum. Thus I am not entirely revealed. And I doubt anyone here wants that I reveal myself completely.
Just to assure everyone, I do wear underwear while posting.
I hope it wasn't me!!! I'm no troll though I may look like one in real life.
Let's stick with B instead. I play pool. You always want to take the most difficult shot first and leave the ducks for cleanup. Let's start by asking you a personal question. What's your financial situation? Okay. I don't want you to answer that as it's strictly your business. But we'll use it nonetheless to prove a point. What are your beliefs about money? - Do you believe money is hard to come by? - Do you believe that money is easy to create in sufficient quantity? - Do you believe others are out to get your money? - Do you believe money is good? - Do you believe money is bad? - Do you believe money is the source of happiness? - Do you believe money is the solution to problems? - Do you believe money is the source of all good things? - Do you believe money is the root of all evil? - Do you believe you have enough money? - Do you believe you have too little money? - Do you believe you have the skills to command a great deal of money for your talents? - Do you believe you do not have any skills or talents to create a great deal of wealth? - Do you believe money makes the world go round? - Do you believe you are underpaid? - Do you believe you are fairly paid? - Do you believe you are overpaid? - Do you believe you struggle with money? - Do you believe money lost is gone forever? - Do you believe there's a limited supply of money? - Do you believe there's a never ending abundance of money? These are just some of the questions regarding money that I ask you to answer. Not to me or anyone else. But only yourself. But you must be brutally honest in your answers. Otherwise, what's the point of fooling yourself? Now I'll ask you to match your answers and see how your experience mirrors those answers. Your answers matched to your experience will serve as your personal proof that ideas create experience. You can do this using any subject matter. Why? Because the process which is used is the same for all issues. You create every issue in your life using the same process. And so, the evidence for you and everyone else is your lived experience. As I like to say, the proof is always in the pudding. And the pudding is your life.
Folks only see what they want to see and they don't understand that point. They like to imagine that what they see is the only thing there is to see. Not just for themselves but for everyone. What they can't see either doesn't exist or it's bullsh!t. They'll figure it out sooner or later.
Subjective reality can't be proven. Not by science or anyone else. Only to one's self. You don't understand that very important point. Yet.