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Everything posted by Tippaporn

  1. Down On The Farm featuring bannork and his Band Of Musical Farm Animals. Circa today.
  2. I always feel good, Hummin. And a Happy Songkran to you (and all), too.
  3. Tippaporn in action . . .
  4. Quick update. We had our appointment with VFS Global this past Thursday. All went well. The did try to throw us for a loop on the British countersignatory. They told us that it had to be a British citizen living in Thailand. Fortunately I brought along the UK Application Instruction pamphlet and said that nowhere is that requirement stated. There's always the possibility that my daughter would be denied but I see no reason for it. 13 weeks max. and we should have my daughter's UK passport no later than Thursday, 22 June. I'll post one more update to let everyone know where they can get their free beer in celebration.
  5. You are truly a gentle soul, Sunmaster. You could have addressed your post specifically to me, as it is obviously in response to how you perceive my approach and you wish to comment on my approach by contrasting it with yours. Of course as long as you don't name me then there can be no confrontation. No worries if you directly name me or even call me out. I enjoy criticism. As long as it's constructive and not given for the sole purpose of denigrating. I agree with what you say but I also disagree. But you'll have to wait on my peculiar perspective until tomorrow. And another post which I very much want to get back to. I'm leaving reminders to myself for when I come back. Bookmarks, if you will.
  6. No doubt there's some prep work to be done. First of all there must be a willingness to suspend one's current beliefs while entertaining other ideas. What I mean by this is that of course new ideas will clash in direct opposition to currently held ideas. That's to be expected. So current beliefs must be set aside temporarily while pursing fresh ideas. Temporarily suspending currently held beliefs does not mean giving them up to never to return to them again. It merely means setting them aside long enough to consider other ideas. For you cannot consider new ideas while at the same time filtering new information through current beliefs. It ain't gonna happen. Another way of putting it is that you play with ideas. No different than a child plays with building blocks. Build them up and if your construction doesn't please you then tear it down. Children treat building blocks as play. Fresh ideas should be treated the same. That is how it's meant to be. Discard the deadly seriousness. Don't fear that some unfamiliar idea, if followed, will take control of you and you'll forever get lost in some maze from which you are eternally trapped and can never find your way out. By all means, retain your common sense. Do not, I repeat, do not leave it at home. That initial approach is a must. I would recommend discarding any limiting beliefs which directly prevent one from any successful exploration of new ideas. Chief amongst these is the idea that no one can know who we are or what the true nature of reality is. That will quickly kill any exploration one undertakes. For if your journey is to acquire true knowledge and yet you believe that no one, especially yourself, is capable of doing so then you've just defeated yourself. Pack it up and go home. Save yourself the time and trouble. Another limiting belief which will ensure failure in your exploration is the idea that you are unworthy. That heavy baggage will weigh you down to a standstill after only your first few steps. It's a false idea and a severely limiting one. Unload it. I'll continue tomorrow in reply to your great post, Sunmaster. This post is another which I want very much to continue with as Sunmaster's question is a vitally important one because the answers are very broad in their sweep. But one which I've allowed to fall by the wayside as I get distracted with newer posts. I'll continue on this as well when I get some downtime again shortly.
  7. A most excellent and thoughtful post, Elad. BTW, I'm the poster who gave you the "thank you" reaction. I have no idea why the powers that be decided to hide the identity of those who give a reaction. I'm not afraid to let it be known what my opinion is via a reaction. I gave you the "thank you" reaction for a number of reasons. Your genuine curiosity is perhaps the foremost. Unfortunately I have to divert my full attentions elsewhere for at minimum two weeks. But I thoroughly enjoy this discussion and have much more to say. Also, I look very much forward to honouring your request to take a look at Seth's concepts of time. That is something I will put together for you and I promise it will be very thorough. Until then . . .
  8. That's a novel way of explaining why people can't understand answers to questions. "The answer - even if fully correct - will have no anchor-points in the questioner's world-view and it will be rejected or distorted by his pre-conceptions." That about sums it up. And quite succinctly, too. Did you know it would have taken me at least 2~3 1,500 word posts to say that exact same thing? Ask anyone around here. They'll tell you. BTW, since it's been awhile since you've been here Sunmaster and I have started a cult. PM either of us and we'll give you all of the details. Costs & monthly dues, initiation rites, rules & dogmas, appropriate clothing, the proper supplication techniques when addressing your guru (that would be Sunmaster . . . I'm just his side kick, accountant, tax consultant, real estate investment advisor and harem screener), etc., etc., etc. Be sure to empty your mind at the door before entering. Those preconceptions can really do a number on your advancements up the ladder to heaven or bliss. And make sure you tick off what you're trying to achieve on your application form - 1) heaven or 2) bliss. Don't tick off both because the result would be too unendurable. Too many folks asking for refunds because they got heaven instead of the bliss they really wanted and vice versa. They didn't leave their preconceived notions at the door and mistakenly thought they were the same thing.
  9. Well, welcome back old friend. Stay out of trouble, will you? To do that you must try not to open your mouth.
  10. Create a crisis and then step in to provide the solution. An age old tactic. It all leads to social engineering and all for a price to be borne by those who can least afford it.
  11. I wouldn't call that a fair judgement. In fact I'd say it's rather unfair. No one exists for the purpose of meeting another's expectations. And then to be criticised for it.
  12. You raise a great point, cmsally. If anyone doubts that climate change and all of the various outgrowths which will emerge from it, such as 15-minute cities, is one big hoax for the dual purpose of controlling the plebes by mandating their behaviours and taking their money one only needs to do just a little bit of digging as to what familiar names of oligarchs start to pop up everywhere climate change outgrowths create opportunities for investment and huge profits. It's so in your face. The oligarchs take this to the bank every day . . . “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ― Mark Twain Once you've been fooled it's like leading the lambs to their slaughter. They go willingly. Just the way the oligarchs like it. Not only does it keep them safe but the sheep become ardent, faithful and loyal supporters to boot. And sometimes even serve as the jackboots for those who see clearly.
  13. Plenty of instances already where Merriam Webster has changed definitions of words to reflect the move to newspeak.
  14. Spot on. The oligarchs see climate change as something that can be infinitely monetised. Can you hear that giant sucking sound?
  15. I'm sure governmental plans will be idyllic. Just like everything else government does. Just curious, though. Sincerely so. Why would you be in favour of a government mandate to limit and control your movements? How do you rationalise that acceptance? And what about the next mandate? And the next? And the one after that? Because you know that this will be taken to the extreme. This idea of 15-minute cities is only a start. You can take it to the bank that these social engineering wizards have many, many more "great" ideas for how they think you should live your life. How about government mandating that you consume bugs? Or not eat meat? Or become cashless where every one of your transactions is recorded, eternally saved and sold to any entity that wants that personal info? Do you have any lines drawn in the sand? Or would you blindly follow any and all mandates? As I said, anyone who wishes to freely walk into a jail can do so. But I'd advise that one should think a bit more deeper before making such a decision, such as asking themselves the above list of questions. Else you'll find yourself in a jail with no bars and windows and open air but a jail nonetheless.
  16. Rules for me and rules for thee. I believe that's how the game is played. But as long as we're doing our part we, at least, can claim the moral high ground. That feels satisfying and makes our efforts worth it. I'll do anything . . . eat bugs and fake meat for the rest of my life . . . I don't care. At least I can feel good about myself for having helped save the planet in my small way. <sarc>
  17. Wow! That's exactly how I've envisioned heaven all my life!
  18. Then it sounds like you stand for nothing except yourself. I thought this topic was about making personal sacrifices and changing the way one lives for the lofty goal of saving the planet? One needs to have values that then serve to preclude any negative personal affectations.
  19. Perhaps we're reading it differently. My reading of it took Elad's response in the context of save the frogs comment. "Posters critical of science re spirituality" to "of course physics works." But I'm willing to take your word for it and perhaps my reading was wrong. Although I would have never come to the same interpretation of the exchange as you did. And I still don't think your interpretation is what Elad was getting at. Maybe it's best to have @Elad elaborate and we can shake hands again.
  20. But what about your values? Do your values kick in only when they personally affect you?
  21. I thought you asked for examples of the next "lockdowns?" You were given a few. Granted, they weren't identical to Covid lockdowns but the flavour is all the same. Restrictions and controlling the aspects of one's life. So what to do? Dismiss them as they're not high on your list! Brilliant way of not having to answer when evidence is given.

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