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Posts posted by alexakap

  1. That was all, but they must have wanted to freeze the moment. You would want to do it for them.

    "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them" Lev. 20:13

    "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper." Rom. 1:26-28

    "We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81

    "What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk." Qur'an 26:165

    "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets if be done to him." (Tirmidhi, a sahih (authentic) hadith)

    "I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct" (Lord Buddha)

    In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime (http://en.wikipedia....uality#Buddhism)

    The Dalai Lama ... commented that all forms of sex other than penile-vaginal sex are prohibited for Buddhists, whether between heterosexuals or homosexuals. At a press conference the day before the meeting, he said, "From a Buddhist point of view, [gay sex] is generally considered sexual misconduct." (http://www.religionf...ty/buddhism.htm)

    Should I copy-paste more?

    What is your point, please?

    Copy\paste homework, of course.

  2. So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

    I have no gay children, and will never have.

    The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

    And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

    That sir, is disgusting. They let anyone be a parent these days, don't they?

    Then it is their problem and their responcibility, isnt it?

  3. 1) You could just answer "Sorry, I am not interested!" like a civilized person would do!

    Then I am not a civilized person. And I can smash his lipsticked face right right at the spot and accuse him on homosexual harrassment so I commit a self-protection, can't I? Yeah, I could be that bad.

    Take it easy - I just spit and go out, and never come back to that BigC anymore. smile.png

    2) Just ignoring it and going on with your business is not an option, obviously?!

    I have NO businesses at the same room with the sodomit "in action". Yeah, Im old stinky barbarian and I love the way I am. smile.png

    3) No I don't know, what you mean! Because I much rather don't like someone coming to an interview and being plain stupid! Because that is what matters!

    I have no talks to someone acting not their own. And of course I have no opened positions, oops sorry mista. The reasons, they may ask? Ok: I don't like their face, I may answer. And my company is a gay-free company, I may even add. Yeah, Im that bad. smile.png

    4) Let me guess: you are Muslim! And let me also guess (for I don't know for sure): your Holy Book might have one or the other thing to say about "empathy" or "compassion" and "love for your fellow humans"?!

    Ohh dear, I am eating pork and drinking beer right now. Yeah, Im that bad Muslim, too. smile.png

  4. Im not Hitler nor Pol Pot. I can only guess what were they smokin' at those times.

    Here I am explaining only my own personal views, and not call to kill/hang anyone.

    So relieved that you don't want to commit mass murder of people just because their sexual practices disgust you. You're such a softie!

    Nope. Why should I act - Im just a small men, what can I change in terms of the nations... I prefer watching the Mother Nature doing so. Much more effective and 100% guaranteed, believe me. :)

  5. And while you are on it: pray tell, why they should promote anything on you?

    For example, I DO NOT like when I went shopping on BigC, stand in front of one shell and thinking about new TV\read specs etc - and one of "sweeeeeeeet guuuyyysss" (from the staff) came to my back and stand a little (no any problem so far, despite his looookinnnggg) and then asked me...you know what? No, not something like "How may I help you chosing new TV mista". No. He sweetly asked me "Do you have a boyfriend yet?? I am freee.....". This once happened to me in Pattaya (BigC South Ptty).

    I DO NOT like when I come to men toilet somewhere - and there is someone in front of the mirror, refreshing himself by putting pink girly lipstick (once happened in one bank's toilet)

    I DO NOT like when someone coming to interview with me with this kind of gay's attitudes, styles of speaking etc., you know what I mean.

    etcetcetc, on DAILY basis. Include the picture at the 1st post, yeah.

    I simply do NOT want my kids even see this daily sodomity. Even a men wearing woman's cloth is already inappropriate picture to youngsters - you know their wants to copy adults just to look like adult one...But this country, it seems so normal...and they call themself "Buddhists", yeah. :(

  6. wow do you really believe it is the ultimate sin, i would have thought murder was

    Sometimes (just sometimes) you can explain a murder. Sometimes it is necessary (while protecting yourself or your family from gangs, for example).

    A man f..ing another man to the arse cannot be explained even in terms of "necessarity".

    I will tell you more: in my society, it is strongly prohibited even to accept the food\drink from the hands of (or cooked by) someone who is a gay or who is just acting as a gay. We have cases when someone sometimes killed the chief\waiter after discovered they are "not clean". And everyone understands... Sorry to tell you that.

    Im not calling to hang'em'high here on TV pages - I am just telling you the true stories. smile.png

    mass murder, or even genocide, committed by people like Hitler and Po Pot, could you tell me why they killed so many people it slips my mind at the present.

    BTW Hitler executes gays as well - for the sake of "cleaning the nation". And the strange thing is that his nation was STRONGEST EVER at his time...Dunno how it is related, think yourself. smile.png

    you say and his nation, i think that sums your

    intelligence, i also think he murdered a lot of people because of skin colour, religion, and Po pot had something against people wo could read and write, how can anybody justify such acts, just to say their balance sheet was healthy, i pass as a white aryan,and you my freind?

    Im not Hitler nor Pol Pot. I can only guess what were they smokin' at those times.

    Here I am explaining only my own personal views, and not call to kill/hang anyone.

  7. Include physical abuse. 1zgarz5.gif

    Has that happened to you, a lot, back in ... Moscow?

    You say it is OK to murder gays in your culture, so don't be so coy, don't you realize you have made us curious about what that culture is? Don't be such a tease!

    I bet those Moscowians (or how you call them) do not like gays as well. I heard some scary stories too. Anyway they are in between Hitlerland and MiddleEast, which may explain manything....haha :)

  8. Interesting. So you think homosexuality is a genetic defect.

    Yes. And once happened (in normal wild life, IRL), it is being washed away just within one generation. Completely, in the most hard order: no offsprings, dead end.

    Notice the speed of the nature's reaction. Usually genetic issues last much longer, over centuries or so. But not this one - giving you the sign of importance of the (possible) affection to the whole breed.

    Heterosexuals have been producing gay offspring throughout history and no indication of that letting up.

    A normal heterosexual couple MAY produce many variations of gene mutations - it is very normal (read "mutagenecity").

    But those mutated genes will NOT survive if they NOT adapted to the current living environment, and thus the game (for this genetic set) is over.

    Homosexual couples are not adapted to the current natural environment. Men let them be, and help them to survive - as a special, artifical "breed of men". Once returned back to the normal, wild life - they will not survive even one generation.

    The same goes for any artifical breed of any animals. Say, you can't find a mule (a mix of donkey and a horse) in the wild. Say, a male horse can "cover" the female donkey (and a mule will be born). There is no such thing as "a female mule covered by male mule producing another child mule" in the wild - to have a mule you'll need horse+donkey genes, and (mule genes)x2 sterile in 100% of cases.

  9. Interesting. So you think homosexuality is a genetic defect.

    Yes. And once happened (in normal wild life, IRL), it is being washed away just within one generation. Completely, in the most hard order: no offsprings, dead end.

    Notice the speed of the nature's reaction. Usually genetic issues last much longer, over centuries or so. But not this one - giving you the sign of importance of the (possible) affection to the whole breed.

  10. In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime (http://en.wikipedia....uality#Buddhism)

    Interesting you stopped the quote where you did, and left out "and have been linked with calls for compassion and understanding from the non-homosexual populace."

    I did it because I have no compassion nor understanding of sodomity - and will always bash that regardless of "calls for". I am sorry but I was born/grown/came from the population where it is a big (if not the biggest) sin.

  11. gay or hetro?, monogamous or promiscuous, love or lust, happy or unhappy, so if we read all the holly books correctly, and listen to what the wise and clever people are saying, is that all gay people will be damned for trying to find somebody we would like to spend the rest of our lives with, is this not what these two guys are trying to do?

    Monogamous couples are childless (speaking about monodelphs aka higher mammals). Nature protects itself well from such of genetic perversions. You still able to "spend your life with someone", but your genes (and abilities of "spending your life with") will never be passed to your descendants and become a dead end of the evolution yet regardless any Holy Books or forum threads or human-made laws or whatever.

    I am sorry, but you can't ousmart the Mother Nature by your rhetoric abilities. smile.png

    PS: and the above picture is so offensive. I want to vomit. sad.png

    I have four kids

    Then the "gay pride :sick:" threads are not for you (and not for me), and we both have nothing to discuss here. Good. :)

  12. Drats! Modern science attack on archaic fundamentalists, what will they think of next?

    Modern science opens the doors to bypass the natural selection - and to pass the sudden sick/bad/corrupted genetic sets to descendants as a defaults (while these sets were scheduled to disappear within one generation just to keep the whole breed stronger and more adaptive). Read "mutations", educate yourself.

    PS: Note the huge increase of genetic sicknesses during the last century (the boom of "modern science" at the same time). The answer is simple: once corrupted the genes not disappeared (as it normally happens IRL) - but being kept alive, and transferred to the children as default gene sets (read "heredity").

    PPS: in natural life, lesbians "will NEVER tend to have children quite a lot and sometimes use the sperm of their gay male friends. Drats!" Game over just in one step.

    PPPS: Im not against modern science - Im against "men playing Gods".

  13. gay or hetro?, monogamous or promiscuous, love or lust, happy or unhappy, so if we read all the holly books correctly, and listen to what the wise and clever people are saying, is that all gay people will be damned for trying to find somebody we would like to spend the rest of our lives with, is this not what these two guys are trying to do?

    Monogamous couples are childless (speaking about monodelphs aka higher mammals). Nature protects itself well from such of genetic perversions. You still able to "spend your life with someone", but your genes (and abilities of "spending your life with") will never be passed to your descendants and become a dead end of the evolution yet regardless any Holy Books or forum threads or human-made laws or whatever.

    I am sorry, but you can't ousmart the Mother Nature by your rhetoric abilities. :)

    PS: and the above picture is so offensive. I want to vomit. :(

  14. That was all, but they must have wanted to freeze the moment. You would want to do it for them.

    "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them" Lev. 20:13

    "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper." Rom. 1:26-28

    "We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81

    "What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk." Qur'an 26:165

    "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets if be done to him." (Tirmidhi, a sahih (authentic) hadith)

    "I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct" (Lord Buddha)

    In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime (http://en.wikipedia....uality#Buddhism)

    The Dalai Lama ... commented that all forms of sex other than penile-vaginal sex are prohibited for Buddhists, whether between heterosexuals or homosexuals. At a press conference the day before the meeting, he said, "From a Buddhist point of view, [gay sex] is generally considered sexual misconduct." (http://www.religionf...ty/buddhism.htm)

    Should I copy-paste more?

  15. Yingluck can't

    Of course she can't. This was pretty clear since the very beginning.

    Now someone please answer me - what is the purpose of keeping her in her position, pay her salary my tax money, and looking at the continuous losing the face of this country to the restof this world?

    No any reason except someone's personal greedies.

  16. Pheu Thai Party Denies Alleged Flood Relief Boat Scams

    Nothing new here. That would make sense if they accidentally ACCEPTED that. That one article I'll read in full...

    But....what these morons can do for more? Only deny every and any criticism, while the facts saying opposite.

    Me myself seen SELLINGS of "free,donated" foods. Yes, you got to pay 20 baht to get a "free" pack of food...Hey, Jirayu Huangsap and former Pheu Thai MP candidate Mana Khongwuttipanya - please answer me, where these money now?

    Just one example.

  17. can you register your address to bangkok. then buy the gun and regiater it to that address. then change your residence address to where u live in thailand and then transfer the gun liscence back to your address.

    It is not about just a "register the address". It is about having the "tabien baan", a property owner's book or how they call that. A blue one for the main owner, and a yellow one for co-owner (as far as I understand the difference between these two). And there is your full address, registered at the provincial municipality (amphur).

    Renting a condo in Bkk will NOT provide you even a yellow tabien-baan. You will not be registered at amphur this way, so.....forget it.

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