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Posts posted by alexakap

  1. Just went to Burapha rd vendors to check this news.

    The good news are: YES, they able to sell to foreigners (and they can sunbmit all paperworks for you). Work permin/house registration/id required, yes.

    The bad news are: it IS only to Bkk residents. Those at Burapha said that house registration from foreigner MUST be in Bkk area. As i am living in Pathumthani, so I am out of luck and they rejected to do anything for me. They said, the law is very strict.

    Also you must submit an ID (a Thai ID, I meant), not your homecountry's ID. Passports etc will not work.

    This is what I was told. I visit 3 different shops, and all said the same.

    Tomorrow I will try to connect to ThGov directly and ask the things from first hands. This should be not a big deal to get the licence itself, as I have all required documents. It is just a local Burapha vendors permissions not to do the service for non-their locations....who knows.

  2. I was paid 2000 baht once at a toll station because I was told I had gone over the speed limit, actually I was under the speed limit. He said he had me on Radar. There is know radar there.. I told him I would not pay him and he said ok. We will impound your vehicle and then you will have to make your way to the station across town on foot. I paid of course.

    1. Overspeed fine (legal one) is 400THB, as far as I know.

    2. Overspeeding does not require vehicle impounding.

    He must just issue you the ticket and let you go. You must pay that prior to the next annual TC of your vehicle otherwice you'll not be able to prolong that and get a new ЕС sticker........

    ...and of course this is Thailand, and I always get my ЕС stickers even without bringing my vehicle in. Should I care for issued ickets? I don't think so... Of course it is illegal the way of living in LOS, used by majority and thus is legal somehow. :)

  3. I just did my Thai driving licence. Seeing how easy it is to get one without any proper training or theoretical drill makes me understand the traffic situation in Thailand.

    And how many of Thais not even bother to obtain that at all....

    Me myself got my drive licence in 20 minutes from the moment I stepped into the Roads Dept (or how you call that). NO ANY SINGLE QUESTION was sounded (about theory), NO ANY SINGLE MINUTE was spent on test driving....Nothing at all.

    I step into the department, provide them photo/fee/passport, they gave me the questionnaire in Thai where correct answers were ALREADY PRE-CHECKED, I passed it to the clerk, waiting for 20min and received my licence. Bingo, I became a driver!

    Lucky me, I have background of traffic rules/signs/driving since I was in my homecountry. At least I know DOs and DONT's... Many, MANY, MOST Thais do not.

    But they are driving, too.....And sometimes they driving big tourist buses, lorries, passing in front of trains etc.....

  4. It seems to me that there is too much fluff in this mega plan. It should be very simple. Quickly concentrate your efforts in moving vasts amount of water from the north to the south that is to say from the land to the sea. Electronics are not needed to tell us that there is a lot of water out there.

    But you can't fill your pocket if there is no mega-plan (read: mega-funds).

  5. In the interest of not derailing the discussion with off topic posts, I'm just going to limit myself to pointing and laughing. :cheesy:

    What else could you do here, if you cannot argue with the plain facts...hehe.

    PS: I am also having a nice laughting when someone here (never visited to the country of discussion) trying to explain me how diabolic is the country and regime....where I am simply BORN. :jap:

    A keyboard warriors...

  6. Nice to see that the hardcore commies are still healthy....By the way Russia you can vote for the communist, just people don't do it....

    Russia's elections on 16.04.2008: Democrats/Communists parties : 315/53 seats

    Russia's elections on 4.12.2011: Democrats/Communists parties : 238/92

    Seat change

    Dems 11px-Decrease2.svg.png77

    Comms 11px-Increase2.svg.png35

    and even these 238 was "adjusted". Now there are many public protests against the last election: ppl does not want Dems anymore.They simply sneaked to the majority same way Reds came to power here in TH: vote buying.

    Once again: stop talking something you have no idea of.


  7. North Korea much better than Thailand... :cheesy:

    Sorry folks, the entries for the 2011 Most Outrageous Post award are closed now, we have a winner already.

    You're just a victim of mass-media brain-washing. Go educate yourself, kiddo. Or better go there and see yourself.

    N.K. has it's own nuclear program. Thailand hasnt.

    N.K. has free education (and it is much BETTER than in TH), including universities. Thailand is out of any compares.

    N.K. has free medical service for all. In Thailand, your wallet will be sucked first.

    N.K. has its own space program and a few satellites+ballistic missiles. Thailand has zero.

    In NK, you'll be guaranteed for a job. A minimum payable job - but there are NO jobless ppl there. Think of it.

    In NK, there is no world economical crisis. At all.

    NK has it's own automobile production (designed, built and being exported to China). Read again: China imports NK's cars, while it is well known as a main EXPORTER of everything. The answer is simple: NK's cars are better and cheaper than CH's ones.

    NK is the only country where you not paying taxes. Any. It is tax-free country.

    And the main thing: NK is not licking anyone's ass (in terms of countries).

    I may compare thousands of points...should I continue? Yes, they are having hard times now after their Big Brother (USSR) is down 20 years ago, and there is no support. They MUST live at their own - and they DO live, and IMPROVING the things. Can you imagine Thailand live 20 years without any abroad support, and improve anything? Noway. Can you imagine USA living 20 years behind the concrete wall (no any import of anything), and improve something there? Noway.

    Im really proud of those ppl. Really. Go there and see. They are very friendly, EDUCATED (all!), and the main dream is not having a new iPhone - but to see both Koreas united again (!).

    PS: aahh, I forgot: Thailand has hubs, NK has not...

  8. ...

    So a coup is the best thing that can happen....

    A coup won't solve anything. All it will do is put things off for a couple of years, IF things don't go pear shaped before that.

    The only way for things to get better are for the people to learn, and the only way they will learn is for them to experience.

    Things will get worse before they get better.

    how long should the people learn? Shorter or longer than in say North Korea or in Soviet empire (50 years) ?

    Have you EVER visited to those 2, to be able to speak about the things there?

    FYI, the things there are much MUCH better than here in TH.

    Say, the majority of soviet ppl just crying for good old times to be back - but instead, they have the circus of clowns called themselves "a current democratically elected govt".

    And...another coup is very close there as well. The Communist party has doubled their supporters within last 4 years, while "democratic" one has lost 2/3 of supporters, as seen on the last election.

    Don't talk the things you never learned, bro.

  9. Mr Uten said there had been no reports of people hearing Mr Varnakov shouting or signalling for help, although there were about 20 people in the water around him.

    “Also, there were no strong currents or rip tides. This morning there was nice clear water and nice weather. So at this stage we are not sure whether he suffered some form of shock in the water which might have caused him to drown,” he explained.

    A suicide, perhaps. :whistling:

  10. Leadership by consensus, no back bone

    My god this P.M. and her cronies--what a load of TRIPE--ooohhh---Pleeeeeassssssssseee. They couldn't run a raffle if they tried. All this is getting ridiculous. They will have to go---yes get out............. before there is civil war, people can only take so much before they fully explode, doesn't Yingluck see this ???? . the situation now is getting unreal, get one of these aged Thai airways jumbo's and fly the complete lot of government to Dubai--lock stock and barrel, out of the way. All the coloured shirts mopping up, and the old government back, with no corruption from day one, and the army to protect the country-and it's borders, and the police to be police and help the people , not their pockets.

    Wake up. :(

  11. There's still more than a foot of water on our soi after 5 weeks since the village was first flooded. I don't want to heap misery and financial suffering on anyone else. I don't even want 5,000 baht. All I want is for Yingluck and her cronies to come to our house apologise in person. I will then give her the bleach, a brush, a bucket of 'clean' water if it can be found, a pair of wellies, and maybe some rubber gloves to scrub the place clean. I will gladly pay her 300 baht a day while I sit and watch her do it.

    Count on me too. I'll also stay and watch if one of those bastards in charge just come and help me clean the shit outta my house. 300 thb/day, yeah....Im on it.

    Can we pick the persons? I want that one from FROC, who was constantly saying that the water will NOT come to our area. He was even kept saying the same EVEN the water already came for .5m..I want him here, brushes+soaps are waiting... :annoyed:

    PS: ohh, no. Not now. End of Dec, maybe....as the water is still here.

    I'll arrange him a VERY special New Year eve....:jap:

  12. As regards the protesters' second demand, the Nonthaburi governor said he would have the Bang Bua Thong Canal dredged today, followed by Phra Phimol and then other canals, while also fixing damaged floodwalls.

    He promised to get 200 water pumps from the Royal Irrigation Department and have them installed today to drain flood water out, hence the water level would be significantly lowered by December 1.

    He will start doing something ONLY TODAY?? Hey, those poor Thai ppl are soaked for more than A MONTH - and he just woke up!!!??

    I will be very glad to see this govt sued over and over and over, for many months/years after the water recedes. The idiots must pay for their idiocity and their lack of actions, decideness and common sense.

    PS: Im also soaked for more than a month. And the water is still here. And I also use boats. And as a property's owner, I will sue this govt too - right after the road get dry enough to be able to come to my lawyer. :annoyed:

  13. Hang on, So its only helping people flooded for more than a week in Bangkok, In Ayutthaya there have been peoples homes flooded for up to 6 weeks up to 2 metres and water has been going down so slow its barely measurable and there's unlikely to be any real relief until the Chao Praya level drops considerably,

    I am also amazed by this. Simply amazed.

    Decades of being here, this country not stop surprising me.

    PS: most of named areas NOT EVEN FLOODED yet. Say, Rat Burana is bone dry, and will stay so. Im visiting there recently, as my own house (Pathumthani) is submerged for a month.

    But RatBurana is on the list. Pathumthani is not.


  14. Could live 20 years in a flooded area and it wouldn't change my statement

    How pathetic.

    Would you dare just come to my house and prove your words? I had a free sofa... somewhere 1.5m down there. You don't afraid to dive and look for, do you?

    How would that make my post (below) untrue? The words are proven in the quote from the article. The facts don't changed dependent on where I am located. The comment simply means things are running backwards. Authorities are supposed to be watching the dam_n to stop damage, not citizens watching the dam_n from preventing authorities from repairing it. Why are you wanting to argue over such a minor, yet indisputable, comment that obviously contained sarcasm since it is a sarcastic saying?

    Are you coming, or not? Im not going to exercise my rhetoric skills now - I have to dry my t-shirts somehow. Also my ma-ma noodle +pla kapong waits for me....

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