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Posts posted by alexakap

  1. get ready for major demonstrations, perhaps even violent ones, 5000 bt is a major insult and the rich will suffer the consequences for this


    They already start talking about "changing PM".

    150 USD PER FAMILY (not even per person!) to compensate the losses is absolute absurd.

    I gonna spend more for soaps,clothes & paints ONLY.

    Don't tell me about those in Auttaya having that much monthly. They also eat som-tam - should I eat that rotten-crabs-salat too?

    Just have a visit to Auttaya's Lotus or something like that, and see how much utilities you can afford for 5K thb. Don't count on average income - count on average prices, nationwide! Lotus, BigC are cheap enough even for locals - go there with 5K and see how you will repair your house.

  2. You KNOW (???) that? No, you don't! You just accuse me to be!

    Ahh, these dry red supporters again.

    You go get your body wet....stay that for an hour...a day...a.week...a FEW weeks with no electric\water\food\or even no grass for my rabbit or sand for my maew........and only then we can discuss the govt support in right terms. And I am sure we will use very similar trms, not opposite (like now).

    You simply never tried the thing you are trying to protect now. Then....Im not going to feed the troll.

  3. Here in my village in the suburbs of BKK people have lost quite a bit more then that. They are not rich here but they had build up savings and possessions. Its gone now.

    If the government had told us what was comming we could have taken more precautions. But because of their constant mishandeling of the situation and covering it up not to loose face we were kept in the dark till it was too late.

    A lot could have been avoided. That is why i think compensation should be awarded. Because the government failed its task. Not because there is a national disaster but because they made it worse.

    Let me ask you a simple (yet not so simple) question: who will actually measure IF a government (any government) "failed it's task"?

    What are actually your measurement policies? The "best case scenario"? The continuously "we would have been better of with Abby and a SOE"?

    How do you KNOW (not assume, not wish, not accuse) that this wasn't the best they could do?

    How do you KNOW, a lot could have been avoided? And how much? And how does that value?

    Don't get me wrong: I want everybody to get compensated! The poorer people are, the more I want it.

    But where does this "demand"- position come from?

    "If the government had told us what was comming"

    Where have you been in the last 2 months.

    It is over the news 24-7 that flood was coming.

    Sorry mate, I think you are being unreasonable.

    Mate when we got hit 3 weeks or more ago nothing was said about the scale of this problem. No information. Later when they could not deny it anymore they started to tell people stuff. So no im not unreasonable. The government is a fraud filled with incompetent cronies who are friends of mr T. and have a seating at the feeding through of government money.

    +1, as I see exactly the same around my location.

    Govt? Where is the one...? Hellooo...?? Pls be patient - they will come... soon...when water patiently evaporated...


  4. Just where do you want the government to raise the money? Would you like Thailand to go on a debt adventure and end up in as bad as shape as the EU or the USA?

    These money will curculate within Thailand. Regardless they give - 1 baht or 1K baht, these are just a NUMBERS on electronic accounts. Some numbers will jump from one record to another, and soon (when ppl spend) they will jump back. All of this - within one country.

    Don't compare this to US/EU debts (they consume more than they produce, creating inadequate EX/IM) - better learn how modern money/banking works. Supporting LOCAL ppl for LOCAL spending won't make any trouble.

    OK, let me see if I understand, as long as you only create internal inflation by "just NUMBERS" (same as printing money) there are no consequences?

    You will NOT create inflation. You will NOT "printing" money like those in America.

    You will shift some amounts from one account to another (from govt to Somchai). The total volume of money within the country will remain the same.

    And someone in da govt will buy his new Benz not tomorrow, but next year (when Somchai finally spend those "numbers" to his daily lao kao, and the money finally come back to the country's budget).

  5. Easy: just pay out (or compensate to me while I can pay them first) all the bills while repairing house/vehicle etc. I will collect them to the separate folder, for easy reviewing.

    Me myself not need any extra baht, but to cover these UNPREDICTED losses.

    The sum will be the exact amount, different for each house. Got a calculator? :)

    Oh, that won't be abused at all. Anyone have Photo Shop and a printer?

    Abuses is another task (or will you think that there will be zero abuses with current 5k rate? C'mon...). Those in insurance companies know very well how to deal with abuses - just use their knowledge or even their workers.

    And...ahhh...sorry, my printer is under water and not functioning. I'll buy a cheap new one (5K thb would cover that, I guess).:whistling:

  6. At that time then PM Abhisit said "although Bt5,000 was not a large amount and was unfair to households with severe damage, flat-rate payment would be the quickest way to help the victims."

    Does he mean that there will be other (slower but more adequate) ways to help the victims? Or just give them this fast 5K, mark it "Mission accomplished" and forget this all?

  7. Just where do you want the government to raise the money? Would you like Thailand to go on a debt adventure and end up in as bad as shape as the EU or the USA?

    These money will curculate within Thailand. Regardless they give - 1 baht or 1K baht, these are just a NUMBERS on electronic accounts. Some numbers will jump from one record to another, and soon (when ppl spend) they will jump back. All of this - within one country.

    Don't compare this to US/EU debts (they consume more than they produce, creating inadequate EX/IM) - better learn how modern money/banking works. Supporting LOCAL ppl for LOCAL spending won't make any trouble.

  8. How is putting 10 billion baht into the Thai economy a bad thing at this time? How much should it be? 1 trillion? 10 trillion? A trillion, trillion? How much??? And if you name a number, tell us all where it should come from too.

    Easy: just pay out (or compensate to me while I can pay them first) all the bills while repairing house/vehicle etc. I will collect them to the separate folder, for easy reviewing.

    Me myself not need any extra baht, but to cover these UNPREDICTED losses.

    The sum will be the exact amount, different for each house. Got a calculator? :)

  9. All I see are complaints about how little money is being given, why do they actually have to give anything? Is there any rule/law that says it is compulsory?

    Is there any rule/law that says - OK, you can flood another houses/businesses due to incompetence of those in charge, and just say "Ooops...SORRY!" ?

    We paid our taxes to them, keep them on their positions and let them protect us.

    They did nothing. Year after year.

    More than that - they did opposite and only worsening the situation (like that pumps soap opera).

  10. Insurance against flooding is almost impossible to get most natural disasters are always excluded.

    Yes, but this is NOT a natural disaster. It is a man-made one, caused by stupidity and incompetency of those in charge.

    PS: only my nice wooden stairs from 1st to 2nd floor cost me around 100K THB. Now it needs to be completely changed. Will someone change that for 5K THB? Please send your offers via PM. :bah:

  11. Not my beloved PM and if you just are here to be ranting your frustration away...that may be your godgiven right. Sorry that I mistook you for someone who wanted to contribute to the subject.

    So do I.

    PS: the nice things might look so ugly if you change dry side of view - to a wet one. Things could even be seen in opposite means, believe me. "A man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry", you know. Tell this to PM.

  12. I hardly believe that Swampy will stay against the waters for 1 month.

    Those newsmakers seems not understand how much water is going to pass through, how wide Swampy territory is....and how low the Swampy itself is built...

    It will be not a pleasant draining after the common rain....Yet those in charge have failed ALL the places they tried to protect. See DonMuang scenario, or any industrial estate.

    Aren't these the same people that said that Bangkok wasn't going to flood?

    Flood?? In BANGKOK?? Which flood?? :blink:

    ...(a sad joke, I know....But this will not affect tourism!!!)

  13. The govt. is telling you to b patient; who tells you something else or who logically COULD tell you something else?

    That was just a sarcasm (about "being patient"). Of course I am not.

    But there is not only Bangkok to be "helped"! 1/3 of Thailand is under water...

    and I guess "patience" is the best thing that anyone can have.

    Im not in Bkk. And the water came here long ago the current soap here on TV and TV (television)

    Just FYI.

    And we are "being patient" just toooo long now. 3 weeks, and counting, and no any good news in sight.

    Don't get me wrong: the govt. (and govn.) help plan is either very badly excecuted or non existant. But I doubt, that anyone could give a different advise than "be patient"!

    We (being patiently soaked here) no need advises. We need urgent actions - as well as those up north or down Bkk.

    Everyone able to give advises while sitting at their armchairs. Me myself can give you a hundred advises within next 10min (starting by "Be patient!"). But hey, how about patiently pumping the water out of my house/moobaan/province?? Noone seems doing that for weeks. Only useless advices and other govt verbal crap and blahblahblah.....60% of Bkk have not listening it today - too busy with sandbags. Soon there will be noone free to listen to advises.......and when the water gone, all of them will start questioning your beloved PM about the price of the advises instead of urgent actions. Believe me. And I'll join them too.

  14. I hardly believe that Swampy will stay against the waters for 1 month.

    Those newsmakers seems not understand how much water is going to pass through, how wide Swampy territory is....and how low the Swampy itself is built...

    It will be not a pleasant draining after the common rain....Yet those in charge have failed ALL the places they tried to protect. See DonMuang scenario, or any industrial estate.

  15. More to do about lowering the ground hight by extracting ground water and filling in canals which has added to the pre-existing flooding problems.

    I think the figure was ground shrinking by about 3-5cm per year since 1970.

    Don't worry - soon it will jump up, as lots of water comes to fill that extracted one.

    We all are enjoying the show in progress.

  16. BUT...please tell me what other parties (not meant politically) have done for you, that you bash the PM for telling you to be patient?

    Soldiers (army) provide free shuttle army cars to everyone. Totally free for all, no any "tickets" or "transportation fees".

    They also provide shuttle boats. Not often, but still. Say, 1 round in da area in 2hrs - those who keep staying already learnt the schedule.

    And the common locals - most helpful in the area. Just a common poor thai ppl around - they organized their own boats, selling food at the dry spots, etc.

    That's all.

    Govt? Ahh, I remember I once saw a one white helicopter flying fast in da distance around 2 weeks ago...Was that the one you calling "the current govt help"?

  17. Here we go...

    The very, very same scenario it has already flooded my house.

    My condolences to all Bkk residents, as there was NOONE competent while the water was far away and flooded my house @Pathum - and here is NOONE competent after these 3 weeks, to protect the inner Bkk (which of course much MORE difficult than protecting spreaded moobaans on the flats up north) . NOONE. We was at our own, and now you bangkokians - at your own only. Govt?? Don't make me laugh. FROC? Gimme a break...don't even cross your fingers.

    ...and be prepared for looong story: here on Pathumthani the flood has come 3 weeks ago, and till now no any good news.

    Those who able to go other places - please go now, tomorrow would be inpassable roads and lots of traffic everywhere on expressway.

    PS: aaahh, I forgot: "Inner Bkk is 100% safe!", and "Please be patient!". Everything in order and as planned..."na ja!"


  18. alexkap.

    Read my post then think about that which was said and also the ------ whistling.gif


    Read my post then think that she'd lost ANY face in my own eyes.

    Too much lies, Im sorry.

    I no need such of liar as PM.

    "Bkk is safe"..."Don Muang is safe"..."FROC will NOT ever relocate from DM"..."The flood will never come to inner Bkk"..."The flood in inner Bkk will be minor"..."The FROC will never relocate at their 2nd time"...."PLEASE BE PATIENT"....3RD WEEK of such "news", w/o any improvements!!!!!!...F-off!!!

    Get lost (for her).I'm still paying my taxes, so I can say that : pls do NOT interfere while locals help each other. It is MUCH more efficient than all of your govt, froc-frac and so on. Just fly to DXB and stay away of this all for a while.

    Just get your feet wet and help the people around you, talk and blabla or gossip will not help your Thai neighbor's remember we are still a guest in this country so act like it and be polite and helpful !!!

    My feets not dried for 3rd week FYI. Should I get em even wetter?

    And "to be helpful"....to who? Noone here, just a few guards per moobaan watching for the looters, that's all I see.

    All of common people just abandoned their places, as it is impossible to stay (no electricity, no tap water, noo food, no any help, no LAW).....and only the distant chants "Please be patient...please be patient" could be heard.

    What is the purpose of "being patient" in my situation? What is the purpose to chant that from the news - how could ppl "being patient" even longer, when half of Bkk is under water now (ahh, "Bkk is 100% safe!!", I forgot another mantra)....

    Hail YS!!! Be patient!

  19. One inflammatory post and a reply has been removed. You are welcome to disagree with a poster, but let's not get personal.

    Added: Make that two inflammatory posts.

    Really, you people are going too far. You allow congenial liars to post. but if someone honest calls them a liar they are censored, and I presume, when you read this, banned. I mean it's just too much!


  20. alexkap.

    Read my post then think about that which was said and also the ------ whistling.gif


    Read my post then think that she'd lost ANY face in my own eyes.

    Too much lies, Im sorry.

    I no need such of liar as PM.

    "Bkk is safe"..."Don Muang is safe"..."FROC will NOT ever relocate from DM"..."The flood will never come to inner Bkk"..."The flood in inner Bkk will be minor"..."The FROC will never relocate at their 2nd time"...."PLEASE BE PATIENT"....3RD WEEK of such "news", w/o any improvements!!!!!!...F-off!!!

    Get lost (for her).I'm still paying my taxes, so I can say that : pls do NOT interfere while locals help each other. It is MUCH more efficient than all of your govt, froc-frac and so on. Just fly to DXB and stay away of this all for a while.

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