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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Quote

    Cairo - A state of cautious anticipation prevails in Doha after the cousins of Qatar Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani have disavowed any connection with the Emir’s actions, and have sent an official apology to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and the Saudi people. Moreover, there is a state of popular resentment at the behavior and actions of the Qatari ruling family, as it has recently shown itself being on very good terms with Iran.


  2. Just now, iReason said:



    Too bad you might have learned something.


    Although you claim no allegiance to the occupier of the White House,

    you certainly could qualify as an honorary member given that response.

    Or, one of those who are slowly distancing themselves from the albatross on the GOP's neck.

    You were quite the defender not too long ago...


    My descriptions of the poster are accurate.

    And deserving, considering the 1 or 2 lines of simplistic, oh, never mind, I already described the general nature of the posts.

    LOL, now I'm a Trumper, eh?   Typical tribal nonsense, and just highlights my point even further.


    Anyway, small stuff and rehashes will have to do until Comey testifies in a few days.  Should be interesting to hear what he has to say.


  3. 48 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    How does this play as a win for Trump? Unless someone is foolish enough to believe that this has anything to do with terrorism. In fact, this is just the opposite and is a fracture in the grand coalition of Sunni nations he hoped to create to fight the Iranians.

    Trump goes to the sandbox, does the sword dance, and now this?   Trump could absolutely paint this as a foreign policy win in rallying the Saudis (and the others by extension) in his fight against terror.


    And at the same time, the fracture is win for Iran.


    I don't know what will happen but a part of me thinks the Qataris will get back in line.  


    What do you think?

  4. 9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right

    Here is how it works: Rather than defend President Trump’s specific actions, his conservative champions

    But the real heart of anti-anti-Trumpism is the delight in the frustration and anger of his opponents. Mr. Trump’s base is unlikely to hold him either to promises or tangible achievements, because conservative politics is now less about ideas or accomplishments than it is about making the right enemies cry out in anguish.




    Sure, all those things you enumerate above, exist.  Depending on who's got the WH, House, Senate, you just change up the Left/Right/Names.  Each side engages in the same bullshit.   Gloating about it when you're on top and the other schmuck has his/her turn in the barrel is normal too. 


    That's the problem, and what grates on my nerves.    Neither side, nor the media, is grown up enough to break the cycle.  So here we are again.  HRC Part Deux, on steroids.  How much nastier and louder can it get?  Is there another notch ABOVE this? :saai:


    Good post though.

  5. Mayor Khan is a bit too optimistic given the reality of the situation.  But even so, Trump's Twit was a cheap shot, and way out of order.


    Khan is saying and doing what most leaders do, and not that far off Rudy Giuliani, and Bush 43's advice to the nation after 9/11.  At any rate, a Mayor is at the very end of the sewer pipe in all this, thus has no influence over UK policy, actions and associations abroad.  All he can do is try to detect and break up plots, and react to the ones that do slip through the net.


    And for my friends on the far left crazy train, here's a theory you'll like better:  Trump's tweet not only suggests Khan is impotent in times of crisis, but also that he might be intentionally impotent because he's a muslim and thus, his true loyalties are suspect.   In that context, appeals for a quick return to calm and normalcy are interpreted as a quick return to complacency; which aids the next attack.  This is one of those Trump "dog whistle" messages to the racists and islamophobes.

  6. Quote

    President Trump has no plans to invoke executive privilege in an attempt to block fired FBI Director Jim Comey from discussing in his testimony before Congress this week any conversations he had with the president, two White House advisers told ABC News.

    While the officials stress that Trump could change his mind ahead of Comey's scheduled appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, they said attempting to block the former FBI chief's testimony would look terrible for the president and would have no guarantee of success legally.



    Glaring conflict with ABC New's story link on 4JUN, saying Trump expected to block Comey, yet the article says there are "No Plans".   Wishful thinking, or just another small but telling display of biased journoboobs jumping the shark. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, pegman said:

    totalitarianism at its finest. 

    Well sure.  This has been simmering for a while and not the first boil over, but my observation was purely about the swift, efficient action once the decision is made. 


    Politically, can be played as a Win for Trump.  Sure the UK will get behind this rallying of the troops as well.  "All Hands to the Pump".

  8. Quote

    Saudi Arabia will close the vital land border through which Qatar imports much of its food and other commodities, and air and sea travel has also been suspended, the Saudi Press Agency said.

    The three GCC countries have also given Qatari nationals 14 days to leave their respective countries, and diplomats 48 hours to exit. Qatari nationals will not be allowed to enter or transit through the UAE and Emiratis are also prevented from travel to or through Qatar, UAE state news agency WAM said.


    Etihad Airways said it would suspend all flights to and from Qatar starting on Tuesday.



    Minuscule in scale when compared to the US travel system, and of course very different political/government systems, but once these guys make their mind up, the order is issued and that's it.  Close borders, trade, suspend flights and transit.  Bang.  Just like that. 

  9. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

    I challenge you to name one assertion by the mainstream media that has been proven factually untrue - in regard to the Russia-Trump connections.

    I would reciprocate by naming the hundreds of claims by Trump and his cohorts that have proven untrue, but I might get carpal tunnel from typing so much.


    Mark Twain once said:  'Never pick an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel.'


    Trump voters don't seem to care about the Russia-Trump connections, for primarily the following 2 reasons:


    >>>   98% of their cranial calories go toward their own immediate issues:  job, family, guns, family dog.


    >>>  and Trump fans don't know much detail about, nor care about international issues.  


                                I'm different, perhaps because I grew up in a family which traveled often; US, Africa, Europe.  I attended 11 different schools in a 14 year span (and yes, I got booted out of some) ....in 6 different countries, so I have an int'l perspective on things.    Trump should have people like me advising him (tho I wouldn't want to work for him) - people who can see outside of their self-administered blinders, and who have some knowledge of history.    


                       Trump is not even helping himself get a better grasp on int'l affairs.  There are hundreds of positions which are still unfilled, most of which are at the State Dept.  Trump barely glances at daily intelligence briefings.  He thinks he knows more than anyone else ("I know more than the generals, believe me.").   He announced the Carl Vinson was sailing west when it was sailing south.  He didn't know Israel is in the Middle East.  


                             Could there be a worse person as prez?   Maybe Cruz, because Cruz also has awful policy ideas, but Cruz knows how Washington works, so Cruz could get some of his America-harming ideas passed into legislation.  Thankfully, Trump (and Jared and Bannon) don't know how to get things done in DC, so they're essentially hamstrung - just bunkering in the Oval Office, continually bleating "fake news!" in response to every new finding by the Wash.Post and NY Times.



    "or buys paper by the ton".


    Assertions aren't facts.  Facts I have no problem with.  All the agendas and noise around them, dragging it out, leaks, etc, is what bothers me.  I have no sympathy for Trump or his crew.  They'll reap what they've sown.  But the spectacle, the lies, half-truths, noise, the process or lack thereof, and the MSM, is troubling.  On this, Prez Obama and I agree. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


    I agree the media's going after trump tooth and nail. OTOH, he's doing alot to affirm people's suspicions of him. I see today Nunes has put himself back in the investigation, what's that about. Really looks like someone high up  is trying to muddy the water.

    Indeed.  Ancient Chinese Proverb:  Never throw bloody tuna carcasses at the sharks, then jump in the water with them. 

  11. 51 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


    Yes, an emoji-based rebuttal. Probably is considered definitive in the political circles you move in.

    No wonder most scientists are Democrats.

    Emojis are fine, this is an entertainment site.  It was also the most concise, appropriate, equivalent response to your deflection post.  Laugh out Loud!  But, don't take TVF too seriously, mate, lest you wind up with an ulcer. 


    BTW, I don't have a political circle.  Do you?  Which one? 


    If you champion one over the other these days, hey, you might as well just go ahead and use Emojis too.  :laugh: 

  12. 2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    As a casual observer, when I see so much effort and time dedicated to denial, deflection and discrediting Russia investigations, it leaves me with an opinion of guilty. Why else would you try so hard ?

    If there is nothing to hide, do nothing, let the investigations proceed, in fact welcome the investigations." If you have nothing to hide"


    Ask a group of kids "who stole the cookies", the one that protests their innocence the loudest is the one who stole the cookies..

    The media is trying, very hard, to leave you with the impression of guilt.  Don't be suckered in by the repetitive, blatantly obvious messaging; civil/psy ops 101.  Ignore the predictable cut/paste nerds on TVF as well.  They know jack s**t.   Remain aloof and neutral.


    Agree that this investigation needs to be conducted in a vacuum, away from the political fray.  House/Senate hearings are Reality TV political posturing.   Had high hopes Bob Mueller would get his arms around this thing but it appears he can not, or doesn't want to.


    At any rate, this has all the hallmarks of a bloodless coup.  A political assassination conducted by the DNC in cooperation with select MSM and print news outlets, using the "Death by a Thousand Cuts" method.


    However, as we learned not long ago, being a clueless idiot, or pretending to be one, even at a high government position such as US Secretary of State, is not a crime.  It is a forgivable flaw for a candidate seeking the highest office in the land.    So is gross incompetence about basic duties and responsibilities, mismanagement, corruption, using appointed office for personal and political advancement, refusing to comply with congress (smirk), conspiracy to conceal and/or destroy evidence to hinder investigations and congressional oversight committees.  Even barely concealed, direct intervention by a former US President seeking to influence the legal disposition of federal investigations is, apparently, the new low bar for acceptable behavior, according to the interpretations of the former FBI Director, given the nod of approval by his spineless, politically corrupt boss, former US Attorney General.  But, as long as you apologize, eventually, when all other options have failed, you can still be endorsed as a viable candidate by the sitting President of the United States. 


    Given the precedent, and extreme lack of credibility in the handing of investigations at the highest levels, I'm ready for anything.  But for now, all these leaks and drips sound like more of the same to me.



  13. 1 hour ago, sujoop said:

    Sorry, I can't take credit as the point was made by Trump's top General and leading Military strategists. But apparently Trump's minority of followers as well as Trump himself 'know more than the Generals'... (plus more than 97% of climate scientists;) thus are qualified to 'take that risk' - on behalf of everyone else....


    There's an even larger gaggle of Global Group Thinkers that say god exists, and among them, plenty of discord over the details. More likely to be killed by one of them, than a falling chunk of glacier ice.


    And let's be clear-eyed about your cited Center for Climate and Security.  It is not a group of leading military strategists.  It is a recent political action group with a specific agenda, showcasing retired military officer$ for the appearance of credibility, because their charter is focused on getting Defense "on board".


    The quotes by SecDef (I think you cited in previous post) were from his confirmation hearing, where you have to, at times, say the "right" thing in order to placate all sorts of fruits and nuts on the vetting panel.  Mattis (and DoD in general) acknowledges climate change, as do most deniers.  Not that humans are the cause of it though. 


    You’d think Secretary of Defense James Mattis was as concerned with man-made climate change as the head of Greenpeace based on reporting of leaked written statements he sent to lawmakers in January.



    Mattis is an educated man, an experienced war fighter and leader.   Which means he is open to all manner of natural and man-made calamity scenarios.  He has to be.  There are locked cabinets full of "What If" plans in the Puzzle Palace.  It's part of what they do for a living. 


    Don't read too much into it.  Don't allow your Trump bias to overshadow reality and reason.  Don't allow yourself to get carried away by the shrieking media, bloggers and SJWs, no matter how good it makes you feel to be accepted into the group think coalition.

  14. 3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    It seems the whole world is united in condemnation of America pulling out of the agreement.The America First idea seems destined to see America becoming less and less significant in the world order, as other countries are already moving closer together in ways that would have been unlikely not long ago.

    That seems to be the trend over the most recent 16 years in general.


    "Mind your own business"  "Solve your own problems" 


    Who knows, maybe Trump is the right villain for the times.  If his decision causes the sky to fall and, as you say, "moves other countries closer in a way that would have been unlikely not long ago", that's a good thing. 


    After all, the consensus is America's time in the sun is about over, and their pollution, with all the measures and restrictions already in place, isn't more harmful than Poor Folks' unfettered pollution.  The polluting 3rd/Developing world is low hanging fruit and needs all the help and resources it can get to catch up with the times.


    I would say to them, yes, the glaciers are melting, the seas are rising, not a moment to spare.  So quit wasting time moaning about an irrelevant USA, and get on with it. 



  15. 4 hours ago, sujoop said:




    Was merely pointing out the FACT (something Trumpsters stumble with;) that even Trump's own top General and all the strategic military planners are saying climate change is not only real, it IS already having a real effect, predicting results will eventually bring further instability in already unstable regions, plus increased migration (read: the dreaded 'refugees/immigrants', which ironically forms a key pillar of Trump's support)

    However, Steve Bannon (plus a desire to 'WHITE-OUT'  anything Obama's fingers touched) obviously Trump's mere science and even one's own top General & military strategists... Memories of another Trump boast 'I know MORE than the Generals, believe me'...


    Well, that settles it then, doesn't it!  LOL. 


    The point you were made originally, however, which you've side stepped, was based on regurgitated nonsense. 


    At any rate, don't put too much stock in the guy in your photo above^.  TVF Member, I believe it was iReason (but I might be wrong about that) just a couple short weeks ago, said he was "senile".   So anything's possible at this point. 

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