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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Full article link in OP is worth a read.  Ringleaders are here in Thailand.  The set up sounds fairly standard, they were making and laundering millions.  The Feds have a nice little windfall for the Treasury.


    It's this kind of shit that causes government to tighten up and, end of the day, impacts vast majority of "normal" people, such my wife, who's about to apply for another US visit visa.  Or perhaps additional scrutiny on routine money transfers from US banks via Bangkok Bank NY.

  2. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    Indonesian society consists of such a screwed up bunch of a misfits and scumbags.


    The religious police broke into this guys room and arrested them after neighbors alerted them .......   <deleted>   !!    they were in there own home for gods sake ......


    Absolute twisted dirtbags .......  It's got me beat why anyone would go there for a holiday.

    Interesting that you draw the line on bizarre, maniacal government action over this event.


    Equally bizarre, troubling things taking place in THIS country, yet you seem to support the Junta  without question or caveat.

  3. The military intervened to force a political cease fire under the guise of being a neutral broker on behalf of the people.  They boast of achieving "Peace and Stability" but in reality, that's a natural by-product of a cease fire, and one with a shelf-life.   Bit like holding ice cubes in your hand.


    Army must gauge the climate/temperature correctly, allow a few pressure releases on the way, but end of the day, execute a "just in time" exit strategy to preserve the illusion of their neutrality for "the next one".  RTA has plenty of institutional experience in this.

  4. Recall an outbound CBP check at LAX, before the security check 2 years ago.  It did strike me as hasty and temporary, smashed into an existing space it wasn't designed for.  Went through Miami last time but for the life of me, can't recall if there was an outbound Immigration check or not. 


    Below article has links within extending back to 2015.  It is embarrassing that the US of A is so deficient when, to the best of my recollection, most airports I've been through elsewhere have outbound Immi checkpoint.  If you're serious about access and circulation control in your country, it's a no brainer, with the obvious problem being those who don't use established entry/exit portals.   


    New Executive Order Demands Immigration Checks When You Leave the US, Not Just When You Arrive

    by Gary Leff on January 28, 2017


    The Trump administration executive order on immigration has most widely been reported to temporarily ban visas for people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — even for those who have been living in the U.S. in valid employment or student status but who need new visas for re-entry.


  5. The question is ridiculous at this stage but great for advert traffic.  I voted Yes.


    2 years and counting, concealing massive stress and consternation is taking its toll.  Hillary the Hellion on roller skates blew up at lowly staffers, and threw things at poor old POTUS Bill's head.  Donald's apparently screaming at television screens.  Neither are spring chickens.  


    My money's still on a medical emergency, and things will move quickly.  If he survives, Trump will acquiesce and seize the opportunity, citing incontestable orders from his doctors, same as he does with his lawyers.


    "I've got no choice, the Doctors are telling me I have to.  I don't want to, but hey, people, that's what they are telling me, I have to, because my Doctors say I must, I have no choice, people."..... or words to that effect.


  6. 22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Do not put words in my mouth. 

    But if you would like to make that obnoxious mischaracterization of my POV your final word on this thread, be my guest. 


    Well, nobody else seems to be diggin' your dumb thread, might as well make it the last word.  555!


    Anyway, it's late, going to go kick the wife and shag the cat now.  Nighty night, JT.  Luv you lots, dude!  Cheers!   :smile:

  7. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes, do what you want with your money.

    I never said otherwise.


    I'm going to ignore your baiting personal insults. So transparent. I'm wise to your game yet you don't quit. Weird. 



    Referring to friends on SSI spending down, I'm going to make an assumption that is often because their income (plus savings) are so inadequate they don't really have a choice. 


    Well, that might be OK for them in the long run depending on their life span. Or a disaster.


    Money issues for older people can be very serious.

    True the last part.


    I'm not baiting you.  Give that a rest.  What you are doing is manufacturing a narrative you can action later with Mods, and you bait to draw it out to get more ammo.  It's obvious, please stop. 


    We have different political views, but not as varied as you like to imagine, nor I am some serial stalker, as you have made me out to be.   Quit trying to build an out of proportion, false narrative. 


    My views on this thread stand.  They are not outrageous but I do regret and apologize for whatever personal slant they had toward you, in particular the second one where I called it as I see it.  Whether you agree with it or not is irrelevant, but I respect your right to punch me right back in the face.  That's what a forum is all about, isn't it?

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