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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 10 minutes ago, iReason said:


    Just another childish troll post.

    Posted 4 minutes after my post of an article that was clearly unread.


    No worries it will be gone soon...


    Summed it up fairly well I think, I know you can't stand that.   Besides, you're just posting the same stuff from different sources, ad naseum, trying to dominate the field.   The source vid is nothing new.  The opinion of a Havard Professor doesn't mean chit, just more filler.  :coffee1:

  2. 1 minute ago, riclag said:

     Thank you myfriend ,It's nice to hear the facts and logic that you used.I would love to see a discussion on here  about the MSM fact reporting .

    0500 on the East Coast but expect there won't be any new "facts" emerging too quickly.


    Until then, we get to read bs filler from the usual suspects blathering on about how smart they are.  It's so....Trumpian.  :laugh:

  3. 2 minutes ago, impulse said:

    I'm still trying to figure out which beans he spilled.  Because if it was the thingy about the laptop bomb, I'm pretty sure that cat was out of the bag when they announced the ban on laptops on flights from certain countries.  And the jig was really up when they announced they would probably expand that ban to more countries in Europe.


    And even if it wasn't common knowledge, I'd like to think we'd let Russia know about threats like that given that there's usually some Brits, Yanks, Kiwis (edit: and an occasionally Israeli, too) and other friendlies on Russkie flights nowadays...

    Good point(s).  WH was careful to say Trump did not reveal sources or methods so if there's anything here, that might be the rub.  We'll see. 

  4. 47 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Of course, precedent is relevant.


    Just to be clear, I'm not a fan of The Donald.  Never have been.  But I am a huge fan of the fact that a private citizen has broken the stranglehold on high office that's been clutched firmly by the Republicrats and the Demicans for my entire lifetime.  I wish it were someone besides Trump.  I really do.  But he's the guy that suited up, took the field. 


    And it was only his arrogance and outside ego that saw him through when all the other potential civilians have dropped out or shrunk from the fight since Perot, Nader and all the others.  


    So I'm going to cut the guy some slack while he gets his sea legs underneath him, especially since every career politician on both sides of the crooked aisle are scared to death that he's the start of a trend that's going to dash their dreams of riding their party's gravy train to the top office if only they suck up to the party elite for a few more cycles.  They'll do anything to discredit the guy and get back on their career path.  With mainstream media eager to help- for their own reasons.


    Maybe in 2020, we'll get a private citizen that will bring us back to the government the founding fathers envisioned.  If we do, it will only be because Trump was arrogant and egotistical enough to stay in the race and open the door for them.  And if that happens, that's a good thing on whole, no matter how bad Trump looks in the slanted media.


    Nice post.  He "lost" me when he won the R nomination and didn't straight up his act.  It's getting harder to overlook the warts hoping for something good to fall out.  The confusion and disarray from within his own staff, is telling, and very discouraging.  The Media smell blood and have an axe to grind with him for sure, so to me, they lack default credibility.  I'm not riding the bandwagon on that, it's just the way it is IMO.

  5. The rush to judgement is the chickens coming home to roost though.  The Tweets.  The off the cuff remarks and lack of finesse.  Trump has laid the ground work for this climate, no use whining about the unfair coverage, gossip and leaks, and lack of cooperation.  It's one thing to be a maverick and punch the establishment and system in the face, but this cat has shot himself in the foot over and over again and the MSM is doing a dog pile.


    He apparently likes this kind of corporate combat, but you can't run an organization like this.  His staff are ready to pop from the constant "brush fire management" on top of their normal jobs.   Trump entered bunker mentality mode because he can't even take a leak without it being leaked.  He's going to flame out.  A medical emergency is not unreasonable speculation.

  6. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    Wrong, when I did admit that someone had posted a perception I had not considered, you jumped all over it and started personal attack. Put your own ego in check and get out of my face please.

    False flag, Al, nice try.  Not a personal attack at all.  I'm attacking your bias, and knee jerk process.


    In answer to your Q, hell no..... if Trump did the deed, string him up by his buster browns.  I'm beholden to no politician or personality.  If he did, he might wish he'd kept Comey on though. :tongue:

  7. 9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    And if it is found out that it did happen what will your response be? Call for his resignation or impeachment, or continue to defend him in the brain dead fashion that is becoming so familiar on these threads.

    Ah, there you go!  :laugh:


     I'm not defending Trump and you know it.  What I'm on about is something your ego won't let you circle back around and admit, so you double down.  That's what Trump would do.  LOL.

  8. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    What would you have said a year ago before your messiah had invented the term 'Fake News'. 


    I am glad you can so glibly defend a traitor.

    Was that the sound of Judge Al's gavel?


    Trump is a traitor.  Case closed!  Next!  :laugh::laugh:


    If the oversight committee reports later that this didn't happen, or not in the way being characterized will you be silent, or too busy flopping and twitching over the next breathless breaking "news" from the MSM Vultures? 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

    If it's not illegal then he can do it. As far as owning it, the intel was given to the US freely by a trusted ally, that would clear any ownership problems. I was his intel for him to handle as he saw fit. 



    ABC is reporting the intel was from a "partner", and was so sensitive, it was not shared with allies. 


    The only Senator sound bytes that weren't colored with bias and nonsense, was from John McCain (go figure) who said they would find out this week if  (A) it actually happened and (B) if it did happen, what the intel was.  



  10. 2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    There are 42 posts on here so far, would you like to say that to everyone? Why are you even reading the thread? We are discussing everything that is all over the news at the moment. Do we need your permission? I have not said anything that is not based on an informed knowledge of the intelligence community. Thank you for your comments, but no more are needed.

    No, not all, just the usual suspects.  You are the most reasoned though, usually, but you've allowed yourself to get swept away, and that's a shame. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Thanks for the bolleux response. No in other words I am entering a discussion and was considering with other mature interested adults that source of the classified information was Five Eyes intelligence and now agree that there is a good possibility the intel source could be Israeli. Back in your hole please. By the way there are no 'likes' on the post in question as of now!

    Why not wait for more info instead of flopping around like a breathless high school drama student.  You are too eager.


    1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    Thanks for this perspective. I was suffering from tunnel vision thinking this intel was probably provided by a member of FVEY, however, if it is indeed Israel then as you say Trump could be treated to a fairly cold reception behind closed doors when he visits as the Israeli's take this stuff very seriously.

    In other words, you have no idea what you are talking about, just trying it on, and getting lots of Likes.  555!


  13. Prayuth sure does get annoyed when the serfs make noise and start demanding things.  If he waves his magic wand though, it will encourage other government workers to think, "Hmmm, the nurses got a raise, how about us?".  Next thing you know, you've got all sorts of chancers coming out of the woodwork, circumventing the budget/programming process, looking for a quick change straight from the top.


    Telling the nurses to "Not make it political" though, is intended to categorize it as "political protest" and thus, it can be shut down.  He just stopped short of saying what was really on his mind.  But they work for the government so who else should they be voicing their complaints to?  


    I don't know for sure, maybe someone here is married to a Gov Nurse, but I suspect this has been bubbling up through the system for a while and has hit the bureaucratic ceiling.  Nobody in a white shirt and tie wants to ask the Junta for more money.   When employees think the system isn't working and their demands aren't being heard by the right ears, that's how these things go public, trying to reach the ears of someone empowered to do something about it.   It worked, and an annoyed Prayuth told them to shut the hell up!  He ought to apply for a job at United Airlines.  :laugh:

  14. Outside Thailand, haven't used a land line phone since, gosh, 2001 I think?  Work always issued me a cell phone and that crept in as the new norm.  Did have one here initially for internet and phone service, but everyone had a cell phone by then.   Got rid of the landline when we switched to 3BB for internet. 


    My Mom (in the US) is still old fashioned.  Landline with an answering machine.  She has a cheap "dumb" cell phone, not a "smart" one.  Turns it on when she leaves the house, off when at home. 

  15. It starts with you having to lie to your embassy to get a new passport, then spirals into the toilet from there.


    Read about these services before, some on TVF have claimed to use them. 


    But a scam?  Maybe.  "She" could have done a few real ones to build superficial credibility, but the whole time, taking in deposits or "half now, half on completion" paid orders, then go bye bye with a few million Baht.


    Lie down with dogs, you gunna get fleas.  They don't call it Land of Scams for nothing.

    • Like 2
  16. 2 minutes ago, bbabythai said:

    This is one of the more sensible replies above.


    The issue is that the way my stocks are going on nasdaq it might overtake the asset back home within 5 yrs.


    The capital growth on the house has been slow as its in a country town. Im ok with the modest return but its taken 15 yrs. Now the house is getting older by the day. Renting is not without its risks. Also, I dont have a crystal ball but wonder if the property bubble will burst in oz soon. The same can happen with share market in nasdaq but I only hold stocks with companies that have strong financials. The potential for returns are huge. Better than the slow low risk country house market. I think that I will go with my gut feeling which is to sell up and be cashed up. Leave most of it over there and maybe invest it in an 'index fund'.

    Roger that.  Wasn't sure where you were at in life, but you sound like you have your head on straight, sure you'll do just fine.  Cheers, J.

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