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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 5 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    The concept of fairness is man-made, only exists in the mind of humans and cannot be found in nature.

    Thought that was obvious.

    Nice one.  Watching YT vids of a small mammal being envenomated and/or constricted by a snake, in their last moments before being swallowed, do they think, "This is so unfair" ?


  2. 42 minutes ago, teko said:

    And what makes me laugh more about those rabid anti smokers is they are living in one of the most heavily polluted cities on the planet with all sorts of 'nasties' floating around in the air 24/7, plus all the below par food that is doing even more damage to your health. F@#* me' then they complain about an E ciggie.......

    Indeed, none of that matters.  They've latched on to E-cigs as the latest thing they can be upset about. 


    Similar to hard-core feminists and other attention seeking SJW warriors, anti-smoking crusaders have been emboldened and empowered by a successful campaign against cigarettes, so they feel they've got the upper hand, and thereby expect obedience from everyone by default, for whatever else they decide to be outraged about.  Science and test results only matter if it supports their position.   Information that doesn't work for them, is besmirched and/or ignored.


  3. 12 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    And not surprising, Most Japanese smoke (both M and F) and smoke everywhere and anywhere, and with no consideration for others and they basically refuse to recognize the well researched links to lung cancer and other dangers to health.


    So of course they embrace e.cigarettes.

    We're talking about e-cigs, not analog tobacco cigs. 


    E-cigs don't produce "smoke" but facile, rabid anti-smokers go nuts if they see anything smoke-like emanating from a person's mouth.   Embracing a less harmful product isn't a bad thing either.  The push back from anti-smoking zealots is somewhat counter-intuitive IMV. 


    Thailand is upside down on this one.

  4. I think an independent investigator/prosecutor is a great idea.  Should have been one already as Comey compromised himself long ago.  Surprised he didn't resign, or get replaced much sooner.


    And yes, agreed, Trump's timing reveals his real irritation and motive.  He's never been very good at concealing his emotions, and blurts at inopportune moments.

  5. 3 minutes ago, iReason said:

    Behind Comey’s firing: An enraged Trump, fuming about Russia

    The president deliberated for more than a week before ousting the FBI chief who was investigating Trump associates. (sub-title)


    "He had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by his inability to control the mushrooming narrative around Russia."


    "He repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldn’t disappear and demanded they speak out for him."


    "He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said."




    The walls are closing in. :thumbsup:


    And the Lemmings can't see the forest for the trees.

    Boy, are they in for a shock now that a Grand Jury has convened and issued subpoenas...


    About Sec. Clinton, my ass...

    The myopic, willfully uninformed Trumpeteers are pathetic.

    What's happening is happening regardless.   I thought the photo and idea was amusing and added some balance to the continuing American clown show unfolding here.  Not seeing that, or the humor in it, and throwing around your tired old "Trumpeteer" label, is myopic, and pathetic.  :coffee1: 

  6. Everybody knows you sort this out in private, not a public sacking, with media coverage and press releases.  Preferably on an aircraft with government agents keeping the Press at bay.


    If the conspiracy theories persist, just say it was a 45 minute chat about grand kids and golf.  Donald!  What a Newb!  


                       555!                       555! 555!                 555!






  7. @taichiplanet


    On 5/8/2017 at 5:27 PM, Baerboxer said:


    Hang on, let me get this straight. The first thing you do when you check into a hotel/resort/guest room is to open the aircons and wash the filters if they're clogged?



    I do the same.  Not my "first" thing and not all the time, but if the room is not clean, musty smell, a/c not functioning efficiently, I pop the lid on the a/c and, like TCPlanet said, 9/10 times, the filter is a science experiment.  Not shocking given the typical attitude here toward preventative maintenance, and employees and business owners who don't know, or know and don't give a shit.   My next stop is the loo, checking water heater for earth ground wire.

  8. 8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    Thanks, Al.  Yes, reads the same as all the other usual suspects, although that quote from GW's former ethics lawyer in your link was good, and spot on.  


    Mentioning possible, upcoming changes to the visa program, and that timely investment may result in grandfathering under existing rules is also not a promise, but a reasonable possibility given how governments operate. 


    The Chinese know about this Visa program, probably more than this Kushner ding dong does.  IMO, this lady embarrassed herself up there on that stage and will $uffer accordingly, but IMO, there is no ACTUAL wrong doing, or the realistic prospect of any.  JMO, happy to be corrected in the future.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    WOW! Looks like the Kushner's have promised a lot of visa's to be awarded to Chinese investors if they are building that. Now can anyone remind me again. How can the Kushner's promise award of a US Visa?

    Where did you find that Visas were promised?


    It's an available program from the US Gov since 1992, in place through D and R Congresses and Presidents.  


    From what I've read, that particular Visa program is quite popular with the Chinese Elites already, but some have said the 5 year wait to adjust status, is too long.  Boo Hoo.





  10. 1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

    It's laughable on so many levels yet you seem incapable of listing even a few. That's laughable too. But just on one level. A very low one.

    You know what they are.  Come on, Password, you're trying too hard to pretend the obvious and much larger hypocrisy on display here, doesn't exist. LOL.   


    But let's get back over to the Kushner thread.  Maybe you can explain to me what, precisely, is wrong with that.

  11. So, what's the story here exactly? 

    One Journal Square Approved by Planning Board

    >November 11, 2015<


    The Jersey City Planning Board voted unanimously last night to approve the new major site plan for One Journal Square presented by Kushner Companies and the KABR Group. The new plan consists of a 48 story residential tower on top of a 9 story base containing a mix of retail, office and parking for a total height of 57 stories.



  12. 5 hours ago, pentap said:

    Why the hell do people keep such volatile animals as pets?

    It's beyond me?

    Today or yesterday, a very young girl was viciously attacked in the city of Liverpool, UK, by a dog or dogs in her own home, and seriously injured.

    No matter where, all dogs are dangerous or potentially dangerous animals. Fact!

    I'm a lover of animals but let's face it, dogs are not real pets. They are work animals and are dirty too., pus make a lot of noise, mess and are very Territorial, especially the smaller of the breed, and normally fight in packs. They should be kept outdoors, on a chain within a safe confined.

    Too many of the bloody things are stray and roam in packs. Too many youngsters are attacked by these creatures including adults.
    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    Don't disagree with comments, stray problem here, etc.  But I would suggest keeping a dog chained to a tree, which I've seen here quite a bit, is not a good strategy.

  13. 4 hours ago, sanukjim said:

    It would have to be an IDIOTIC IDEA for any American,Japanese or Chinese to go there ,and especially at this time.    WHY?

    11 minutes ago, Los Luver said:

    Were this guy what he claimed to be doing in NK. ??? was it his purpose to come to NK ??



    There is an official state religion and of course, adulation and reverence is reserved for the former and current "gods" in charge of NK, not some made up/fake christian god.


    These cats, at least the last couple, are christian missionary types.  Soldiers for God, and that's why the language used by N. Korea is so cold war/spy game sounding.  Because they, and their religious ideology, are dangerous and destabilizing to N. Korea's system and also, there is a known link to the christian underground there and christian church in S. Korea (and China), which helps people defect.


    The US State Dept's warning list of prohibited activities (Link in post #4^) includes:

    • Proselytizing or carrying out religious activities, including activities that may be construed as such, like leaving behind religious materials;


    IIRC, that goof ball kid who got himself locked up for the high crime of trying to steal a propaganda banner from his hotel was, apparently, put up to it by the dumb asses in his church back in the States.  Hence, in part, the seemingly disproportionate, harsh sentence.


    Interesting article about religious assisted defections.  Of course they'll deny it but right..... accepting help from christian missionaries comes with some strings attached. 


    The first time Joseph Kim heard the words “Christian” and “church”, he had no idea what they meant. He had never seen a church and Christianity was as unfamiliar to him in his famine-ravaged North Korea as Disneyland.


  14. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    revise employment terms for better incentives, compensation, and other benefits in order to attract competent workers. 

    I can't imagine the newly hired bright sparks will be happy working for the existing lot of entrenched, un-incentivized, poorly compensated incompetents who purchased their jobs for various undisclosed sums of money.


    But this, and the leadership/management training, presuming it's worth a <deleted>, is a good idea.  Have to start somewhere.

  15. 2 hours ago, Becker said:

    They aren't nutty because they're religious, they're nutty because they call themselves Christians while at the same time criticizing the Pope for pointing out that the teachings of Jesus don't exactly go hand in hand with their political beliefs.

    I thought that was obvious.

    No, I get it.  It's a garden variety, smarmy, lazy point made by left wing libtards about right wing nutters.   Going through so much trouble to say religious loons are often convenient hypocrites, is like announcing water is wet.


    Popes weigh in on earthly politics, which I find annoying and hypocritical.


    But the one wearing the funny hat now apparently doesn't like Trump's border wall or stance on global warming (from the OP).  And then swings for the fences by saying it ain't the christian way to be?  What?  Laughable on so many levels, don't even know where to start! 


    What else is laughable is Libs/Progressives who, IMV, are often staunch Atheists and alternate lifestyle types, now sit up like trained poodles and embrace The Pope all the sudden?  The Catholic Church?   555!   Talk about irony dripping with hypocrisy!  :laugh:


    Misery (and politics) acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. 

    ~ William Shakespeare

  16. 14 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    "He said he personally thought it was necessary for the country to have submarines "

    so the leader of this 'probe' has a bias and publicly expresses it

    Certainly seems that way  + that comment about dog in the house..... hand out the tissues cause it's a Happy Ending for the Admiral-in-Charge of the Submarine Fleet. 

  17. I like old Bernie's approach to Trump from the outset.  He's a calm, reasoned voice, but avoids rolling around in the gutter with the bottom rung in "The Resistance". 


    Which is why he retains credibility.  I don't think Trump is ready to pull his head out and ask him for advice yet.  Probably never, but it sure would be nice to have an adult in the room.

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