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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. America is still a Center-Right country but that is changing. One example is the  Gay/Lesbian Community, which got sick and tired of being the brunt of jokes, discrimination and worse, so it went on the offensive in the late 90's (thereabouts) and became an organized, highly effective, in-your-face social and political force.   You can see, hear and feel the change in attitude with the current generation coming up, including current, mid-range adults, like me, brought up in the late 70/80's.  That's a good thing.  Even folks who are just neutral about it all now, can be considered a victory in the overall social re-programming campaign. 


    Social/political change is cyclic, so when the stars align in your favor, you gotta go for it and strike while the iron's hot.  I do feel, however, that we've seen the natural innings on this genre, but the organizers have become tone deaf.  Finger off the pulse of a fatigued nation.


    In the last 2 years or so of Obama's term, among other big pendulum swings, feminist and gay lobbying groups knew the clock was running out, and started throwing the rest of their mud on the wall to see what else would stick.  The dizzying array of gender/sexual pref related acronyms, Bruce Jenner, women in direct combat and elite special forces units.....  even my head started to spin and when that happens, I've had enough and want off the ride for a while. 


    The "which bathroom" battle ground is, IMO, a good example of one of those 11th Hour Hail Mary Mud Slings that's lost momentum and seems about ready to back-fire. 

  2. The comment about race - white people acting black - in the same context as dudes who dress up as women.  


    This woman, Rachel Dolezal, decided she was going to be African American or just "black".  Publicly identifies as one, got the skin tone and a curly hairdo.  Does that make her black?  No.  Most people think she's got a screw loose.


    Dude dresses up as a woman, and we're supposed to fall over ourselves accommodating them?  No.










  3. 15 minutes ago, Penicillin said:

    Brazen , is a bit of an understatement ! They carry Mexican flags at protests in the USA , demand free yservices and attempt to besmirch the reputation of any law enforcement or political entity that wants to enforce USA immigration law. 

    If there are 100,000 Thais living illegally in the USA , I'm surprised . They must be doing a fair job of assimilating and stay out of trouble.  

    Yes.  Similar tone in other areas taking on immigrants/refugees- legal or otherwise. 


    I'm no fan of Trump and as long as he's inconsistent, it's reasonable to be vehemently critical of the stupid stuff he says and does.  I'm not fully against the idea of La Résistance , but fair to say they forfeit their perceived, sometimes ill-conceived moral high ground, with the methods they use.  Same as Trump.  They are the same animal at opposing ends of the political spectrum


    But on this issue, Trump is right, but his bumbling marketing strategy leaves a lot to be desired.  His bold execution is shocking and offensive, because we've been conditioned to passive appeasement for so long.  Doing a hard reset to re-establish the benchmark in a fluid, permissive environment that has been allowed to run amok for so long, ain't easy.   There will be collateral damage and unintended consequences, but you've got to be strong and resolute.  Once control is re-established and processes in place, it will be much better, and after a while, is the new normal (again). 

  4. Indeed.  The US... anyone for that matter... will not do well in low intensity conflict where the "enemy" uses terror attacks and/or guerilla tactics, concealed among the local population.  David and Goliath.  Death by 1,000 cuts.


    But in a one to one military confrontation, unrestrained US Forces will make short work of the Iranians.   They have no buffer, their coastline IS the front line, where they park, service and re-supply their Naval forces.  They consider the Strait of Hormuz is their advantage, in particular if they mine it, but it's not.  That which inhibits me also inhibits my enemy.  They virtually trap themselves in the Gulf, like fish in a barrel.  


    US Naval forces can pick off targets at their leisure from the relative safety of the N. Arabian Sea.   Any attempt by Iranians to launch an air, missile, surface or sub-surface offensive through the Strait, will be detected, tracked and destroyed. 

  5. As they should.  Illegal Mexicans in the US have become far more brazen.  I've seen some interviewed on television/internet, no problem admitting they are in the country illegally, tugging at the liberal heart string because their kid, who they brought into the country illegally, might end up being separated from them.  As if they bear no responsibility for creating that situation.  One American woman broke down in tears on camera trying to talk about how terrible the US Government was for "ripping families apart".  Always use those terms, "ripping" "tearing". 

  6. Not sure but is that a protected/national park area or something?   Signposted that taking or molesting flora and fauna is forbidden?  If so, I understand that feeding the fish would be seen to disturb the natural rhythm of the ecosystem.  Then again, if it's that sensitive and requires such a draconian fine and punishment to curb easily anticipated human behaviour, then the area should be placed off-limits to humans.   It's like letting kids into a petting zoo and whipping them with sticks when (not if) they touch the animals.

  7. I usually consider really dumb tourists as being fooled by fakes, thinking that in Asia, you can get things for less.  That category is probably a lot smaller than it used to be before the internet.


    Many buy knock offs knowing they are.  My wife has a genuine Louis Vitton handbag and other high end, genuine items, all purchased outside Thailand.  She bought a knock off LV bag recently at a market.  Looks nice, she likes the style, color, etc., and uses it as a knock around bag, doesn't worry about getting it banged up, dirty or stolen.

  8. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO, Obama didn't do it because he was owned by the rich, and they want illegal workers to exploit. That is one reason why American politics stink. Time to ban the lobbyists and stop politicians taking people's money to get elected.

    Agree with the sentiment.  Trump went in with a handicap, a lot of it from his repetitive, self-inflicted gun shot wounds, but I believe he "could" get this done.  In the mean time, his penchant for talking out of his bunghole isn't doing him any good; or anyone else for that matter.

  9. They shouldn't come here.  They should stay in their own county, ideally one with social services and family support. 


    Otherwise, there are official provisions to stay in Thailand for extended periods of time if a person can meet the requirements.   Those who can not meet them should refer back to the first sentence above ^. 


  10. Quote

    LONDON—In Britain, Big Brother just got bigger.

    After months of wrangling, Parliament has passed a contentious new snooping law that gives authorities — from police and spies to food regulators, fire officials and tax inspectors — powers to look at the Internet browsing records of everyone in the country.


  11. 21 minutes ago, BKKBodhisattva said:

    Yes that's exactly what I'm saying.

    You entered into that arrangement with your partner on a wing and a prayer which seems a foolish premise upon which to base a financial decision

    The Thai government played no part in that arrangement, did it?

    Why should they effectively insure you against the potential consequences of your own foolishness?

    Indeed.  It's called Due Diligence.   Many don't figure it out until they are in it up to their necks. 

  12.  At my last trip to Global House, only 99 employees standing around instead of 100.  7-11 only had 1 employee standing at each of the 3 cash registers instead of the normal 2 employees per register. 


    TRUE was the exception.  When we walked into the empty shop at the mall, there were 6 greeters - 3 on each side Wai'ing and Sawadee Crapping us to death.  One of them escorted us to a bench to have a seat, and gave us a paper queue number.  Again, we were the only customers there, about 11:30 AM on a weekday.  Our queue number was next.


    We sat there waiting for 5 minutes before an employee sat down at a customer service window and our queue number flashed on the screen and announced in Thai.  Wife went up and started doing the business.  I walked around then out of boredom, began counting employees.  6 at the front.  4 behind the counter.  I heard laughing coming from a small office tucked away behind one end of the customer service counter.  Stuck my head over the counter and counted 4 more employees back there.  Total 14 on duty.


  13. Interesting to be on the outside of the entitlement rat race looking in, eh? :biggrin:


    I recognize not everyone is in same situation as me, but it has allowed the freedom to, for the most part, adhere to the golden rules:


    • "Don't spend more than you're willing to walk away from"
    • "When it makes sense, rent, don't buy" 
    • "Don't get tangled up with Thais in business arrangements"
      • And that includes wife's family members

    I prefer a change in tax handling for expats abroad, and have engaged lobbying groups in the past few years.  However, expats abroad are a relatively small, disconnected niche group, and so elected officials don't give a shit.  For the same reason, Thais don't care if the relatively few number of farangs who live here full time, are happy and "feel secure".  There's simply nothing in it for them.   Stir in a dash of protectionism, xenophobia and nationalism with a flag waving military Junta government in charge, and you're as irrelevant as it gets.  And if the naked truth makes you feel bad, tough, that's the way it is. 

  14. On 2/18/2017 at 8:22 PM, Jingthing said:

    Poor Mexicans generally can't get in legally and their labor is very much needed. Before mouthing the must come in legally BS first make that even possible. Otherwise total hypocrisy.

    It's not BS.  It's the correct, obvious answer. 


    The hypocrisy is from BOTH main political parties saying they'll get it done but don't.  And that includes Obama, who was in an awesome position to get it (one of his campaign pledges) done and didn't.  Even left leaning pundits wonder why he walked away from it.



  15. 1 minute ago, funandsuninbangkok said:



    is it fale news news that Swedish people seem to agree with President Trump?




    sorry guys. Universal multicultural free flow rabble had been tried by the inteligencia and found by those with common sense as lacking. Dead idea. Move on. 

    You missed the point because you are too distracted defending the indefensible.

  16. It's not unusual for the mind to wander and become less sharp as we age.


    I can understand how Trump might have been referring to the general situation in Sweden and that his most recent reminder of it was in a program he was watching "last night".   It could be that simple, but as we've seen countless times, he's unable or unwilling to admit even simple, harmless errors. Instead, he doubles down and drives what little credibility he has left, into the dirt.  Only on the job 1 month. 

  17. Obviously they got a "tip" about what's going on in the bar.  Quite sure they sent plain clothes police in to verify (as if they didn't already know), and then go in with uniforms and a big show of force and photographers at the ready as the shocking things are "discovered".  What a load of horse shit.  It's not even amusing anymore, just a childish, utterly farcical display by these clowns in brown.


    If you want to clean up Pattaya, fire the cops and let the Army enforce existing prostitution laws and the Junta can conjure up new, specific laws making these kinds of bars and activities strictly illegal.  They will end as fast as the chicken/cock fights a cop in my village used to hold every weekend... until the Coup.  It was like a light being switched off.  Click.  No more. 


    Any undergrounds that pop up will be found out quickly, and then squash them fast and hard with these raids.


    Then give it a couple years of clean living, family friendly press coverage, and we'll reminisce about the "good old days" of bar fines and ping pong shows from new bar stools in Cambodia.

  18. I'm not a farmer but generally thought fields were tilled and prepped for the next planting with something like this:


    Granted, your average work a day farmer probably can't afford  to buy or even rent one.  Is that the simple reason there's so much burning here?  Is burned material, when tilled under, also good for the soil regeneration?

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