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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 1 minute ago, Allstars said:


    Are you sure about that, or is this just some more drivel from sore losers.


    Make your choice.



    I'm not a Trump sore-loser.  But a reasonable adult knows he must be taken with the grain of salt, case by case, never at face value.   His credibility is gone, forfeited by his own actions and words.


    No, I wasn't sure.  I am now after reading the link you provided, which is a perfect example of desperate clutching at straws to boot strap another stupid Trump gaff.   It also disagrees with Trump's own justification about what he meant - referring to the general situation in Sweden.  Although he clearly referred to an non-existent incident in Sweden  "last night".  Your link refers to a 3 Neo-Nazi dipshits from an incident 1 month ago. 

  2. Ironically, Trump created the "fake news" he's been bangin' on about.  Even better, he was watching Fox News. That's so amusing.


    I'm sure the amusing irony2 is lost on him until Kelly Anne Conway takes another deep, deep breath, calls him into the Oval Office for a "Time Out" and explains it to him.  Which seems to last about 8.7 minutes until the next blurted gaff.

  3. 7 hours ago, goferman said:
      12 hours ago, simple1 said:

    As the Sudanese  have entered Canada via the US one would assume they had all been thoroughly vetted and are genuine refugees. In addition many refugees (most?) from the Sudan are Christian as well as from tribal non Muslim culture. 

    One should assume nothing about vetting or religious beliefs and affiliations.  One could, however, think that for such gentile, pre-vetted christian people, they would of been thankful to the country that took them in, as well as the one they are now taking the piss out of, entering illegally and claiming "asylum".   Asylum.  From Delaware, USA.  Pullll-eaze.

    7 hours ago, goferman said:

    It's reassuring to find at least one voice of reason here among the spew of hatred, racism, paranoia, politics, various phobias, uninformed assumptions, illogical conclusions and positions that are clearly not supported by the Canadian government or the people of Canada who elected their government. I will choose to not engage in the many arguments posted and simply want to assure like-minded folk that not everyone condemns the refugees and there are still people who believe in humanitarianism for our World.

    You believe in humanitarianism and that's fantastic.  Many others do as well, and many of them also engage in similar, worthless virtue signaling on social media.  Always nice when they are filthy rich, living in mansions in a snow white neighborhood, demanding the government push more immigrants into other peoples' neighborhoods..... and have them pay for it.  :sick:

  4. Very useful poll for apologists to keep a list of non full-timers so when they fail to capitalize Thailand or have the temerity to bash it or the locals, we can lord it over them about their temporary tourist status.  Better yet, the tenured, salty dog rant, "Listen here ya' wet behind the ears newbie, I've been livin' in Siam since before gravity was invented, and used to ride a dead buffalo to work, in the snow, up hill, BOTH WAYS!"  :laugh:

  5. 2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    I don't see any spin.  This is what's great about the US (and other democratic nations).  Public protests like this are OK and actually healthy.  It's all part of being democratic.

    Applauding these protesters for demonstrating American values is a nice gesture and I don't disagree with the sentiment, but it's a misguided distraction. 


    I consider this state of affairs analogous with a small child in a supermarket cart throwing a tantrum to get that colorful box of Fruity Pebbles. Because the kid has been conditioned - tantrums, tears and guilt trips work.


    The exasperated Mom with lots of problems and stress on her plate will give in to prevent the tantrum, or to make it stop so people quit staring at her.  But she knows deep down that Fruity Pebbles have no long-term nutritional value and contribute to unhealthy lifestyle later on.   And that screwing up the courage to reset the bar is very difficult and moreover, will require ongoing, consistent discipline to maintain. 


    Doing the right thing in the face of adversity, is never easy. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, xFury said:


    Good point on the computer stuff, gonna sell it also lol. Thank you for your response!



     Also remember the driving side and lanes lol is opposite of US roadways.

    If your laptop is good, keep it and bring it with you on the plane. 


    Yeah, driving takes a bit of adjustment here but you'll get it.

  7. If you aren't in a hurry, also consider second hand.  In particular from a Westerner who's leaving Thailand and needs to sell off their things.


    Our first fridge, full-size Toshiba, nearly 10 years old now, quiet, no problems.  FWIW and with exception of phones, decided to steer clear of Samsung appliances.  Bought a second fridge 2 years ago, medium size Samsung inverter to hold various beverages.  Works but vibrates badly and sounds like an old pick up truck.  New Samsung microwave wound up in the junk/recycle bin after only a few years. 

  8. 6 hours ago, xFury said:

    The items are in excellent condition, and prefer to keep it, but you do have a point on selling them and purchasing it in Thailand instead.


    What do you recommened about the clothes? My clothes are about 2-3 Large Square boxes maybe. Gonna start packing soon and see what I have for clothes.


    Any shipping agent you recommend? I tried to search some, but some website looks fishy.

    Will take this into consideration! Does have a good point.


    No recommendation from the US as we relocated from the middle east, but dude, just crack the yellow pages/Google and make a few inquiries.  Journey of a 1,000 miles begins with the first step, jump in there and git 'er done. 


    As far as the clothes go, you might want to consider paying the airline you eventually fly on, for an additional suitcase/weight.  That's what I learned during a long, shopping spree trip back to the US a couple years ago.  Post Office estimated about $250 to send it all.  Korean Air's extra bag fee chart indicated about $100 something, so I bought a large, second hand suitcase at a consignment/junk shop for like $25 and packed it tight.

  9. Are these household items of very high quality or sentimental in some way?   If not, the cost of shipping may outweigh their replacement value.  Except for your clothes, consider selling then once you get here, find a place, you can buy new (or used) things. 


    You can contact any number of shipping agents there and they'll provide an  estimate based on the few items you have listed above.  That will help you decide whether to ship or sell.


    I'll let someone else answer the passport/shipping question.  When we moved over full-time, used my wife's "returning Thai citizen" allowance, but we had a lifetime of "stuff" and my company paid for it, so we shipped everything and the kitchen sink, and then some.

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