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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Not easy or cheap to work your way up into the front end of a big name airline jet.  Losing husband, probably fired friends during the election/campaign process for not sharing her regurgitated political views, and now skating on thin ice at work. 


    Hope she can get her head right again but suspect once this story is forgotten (by tomorrow) she'll be given the boot.  Being an OCD Facebook political groupie doesn't pay the bills.  Gotta keep it in perspective.

  2. An off-putting encounter indeed, then again, wasn't that lovely stroll around a cauldron of questionable liquids and discarded BurgerKing take away bags, in a city choked with air pollution and weirdos from all over the world? 







  3. These two seem a bit clumsy, like opportunists, not Pro's. 


    When I was an MP in my younger days still in uniformed patrol, from time to time would get dispatched to the base PX to meet with in-store security who'd detained a shoplifter.   I think the oddest one I remember was a retired, full Navy Commander (3 stripes/0-5).  Forget what the item was now but recall it was rather insignificant.  He followed the typical path of being embarrassed, then tried to intimidate us with his former rank/status, then opened his wallet to show us he had lots of cash on hand, and asked to pay for the item and forget the whole thing.  Not.


  4. On 2/9/2017 at 1:51 PM, hdkane said:

    The negative comments here only indicate the stupidity and willful neglect/refusal of real facts...liberals in the USA have an agenda and feel absolutely vindicated to lie and use force to silence free speech and opinion...


    reality--Sessions helped end the KKK in Alabama...he is not a racist, and anyone who thinks so has not even bothered to gather basic information....


    he replaces Holder, an attorney general who intentionally poured illegal weaponry into Mexico, knowing full well that people would die...moreover, Holder has refused to  investigate or prosecute actual racists and fellow liberals...simply because the individuals held an opinion that aligned with his own...


    give Sessions a chance...and if he screws up, nail him...but do not be stupid and mindlessly believe the liberal line...

    He's replacing Loretta Lynch.  Holder hasn't been AG since 2015.

  5. 1 hour ago, alanrchase said:


    I will never consider a holiday in America again. Awful place according to you. Thanks for the Truth.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    Other awful places have similar, if not worse, problems than the Muricans.  You live in Thailand (I presume), so don't put your nose too far up in the air.




  6. Interesting the higher court said it wouldn't wade in before the lower court/judge that issued the stop order had a chance to review all the evidence.  Indicating what?  That the lower court judge didn't do that already?  He did seem anxious to jump in front of the cameras and do a "me against the world" martyr act though.


    The subtle, amusing irony here is the judge and/or Trump may have acted prematurely or even inappropriately but both seem to agree that stop until we can figure out what the hell is going on, could, in fact, be the right answer.


  7. 17 hours ago, OldSiamHand said:

    Not too confusing really.  They want married women with education and jobs preferably to have more babies.  They do not want single teenage girls to have more babies.

    While educated mum is at work, the teenage kids are riding around on motorbikes, shagging, and making more of those undesirable babies.  Mum is so exasperated, she dumps them off like a load of dirty laundry at the grandparents' house, where they shall receive a ploper upbringing. 


    Wash, rinse, repeat. :mad: 

  8. The guy in OP's observation seems like a dikc, maybe one of the angry, ex-blue collar heroes who are so emasculated by their ex-bar girl wives, they can only unload their pent up frustrations on an unrelated, dark skinned savage. 


    Depends on the venue of course, but I'm pleased and appreciative if a waitress/waiter is paying attention and asks to clear the table.  Positive reinforcement of their effort and a tip given directly to them is a nice response, not snarling like a Soi dog protecting a chicken bone. 

  9. 36 minutes ago, Titan1962 said:

    I was a smoker for 35 yrs,Quit a couple of times for about 12 to 24 months.But when i got really stressed out went back to the cigs to help.

    Now i have been on the vape tool for about six months. Enjoy it a lot, bought a couple of cheap vape tools,not to successful. upgraded to a hybrid mod a few months later. Chose the wrong mod. Now i have a couple of decent hybrids,and learnt how to make my own coils. Its like a hobby now. I spend a bit of time on you tube learning the ropes.

    To anyone out there wanting to quit,look at you tube,learn a bit about it first. Buy a decent Temperature controlled mode and a couple of Rebuildable tanks. I ended up with 2 Smok aliens,and 2 avocado top airflow tanks. and two vapersso tanks. Really happy now,but wasted a few bucks on getting there. Now i am just trying to find a few good juices that i like. I still need a juice with nicotine in it as i still get the craves for it. Started of with 12mg.,now down to 6mg. Then i will head down to 3 mg after a few months. Hopefully get myself right of the nicotine altogether.

    To get started and have what you need you will need to spend about 8000 baht.

    Feeling better already,plus the GF really happy i dont stink of cigs. Just go to be a bit careful when smoking when i am out and about.

    You can indeed.  I started on Low nicotine juice.  Got some 0% juice from the US and diluted the Low even further.  Then stopped vaping altogether. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Orac said:

    Unless the US is prepared to go down the nuclear route there is not much a military threat can do to them without major economic and regional consequences to the rest of the world given their geographical position and Gulf coastline.

    Fascinating article here regarding potential military conflict here recounting how 'Iran' sank two thirds of the fifth fleet in a US war game that was supposed to demonstrate US capabilities to them.


    It wasn't that long ago the US Navy didn't operate carriers inside the Gulf, and there's no reason to presume they would if they got into a shooting war with Iran.  They don't need to.  When Iran was laying mines in the Gulf and Strait in the 80s, US Carriers operated in the N. Arabian Sea and launched sorties from there.  


  11. Taking emotion and politics out, viewing this as a command and control exercise, it's interesting to watch Trump switch off the Auto-Pilot and tap the brakes to see how the US Government behemoth responds.   It's important to know that you CAN stop.  Also important to know if you can't. 


    I lived/worked in the ME for quite a while, and a number of times the government put a full stop on certain nationalities if they felt the liberal visa/entry policy was being abused or too many were coming in and taking the piss.   The US is well within its rights to do so.  The tears and gnashing of teeth indicates to me it should of been done quite some time ago.  

  12. No experience with GSB but got the typical run around when opening my first BKK Bank account on a Non-O visa.  That done, I then asked for on-line banking, and we started the "can not" game all over again.   To be fair, it was a provincial branch not used to dealing with a lot of farang.  The front desk lady's default answer was "No" when, in reality, she should say, "I don't know, let me find out".  After intervention by the branch manager and phone calls to HQ in the Sky, everything worked out in the end. 

  13. No direct experience yet, but nearly everyone I know in Korat (farangs) use St. Mary's because it's less expensive than BKK Hospital.  One of my mates who always uses St. Mary's wound up getting surgery (stone removals) at the Thai Army Hospital, which you can attend on pay for play basis, and said it was very good for same or less than St. Mary's. 

  14. 10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    IF Putin does hold the watersports tape and/or other compromising things likely about financial corruption related to Russia, Putin's hold on trump will last as long as trump is politically relevant. We'll probably never know if the tape exists, but it hardly matters, trump has behaved as if that or something like it DOES. 

    Every action or comment that trump makes related to Russia needs to be considered with the filter that something's very fishy about this relationship. Even if trump plays a game of getting hawkish with Russia, that should be seen suspiciously as well, as a temporary ACT to fool people that Putin doesn't own him. 

    trump releasing his tax returns could help mitigate the suspicion but of course he will never release them, which begs the fair question, what's in them that's so bad that he won't? 

    In other words, if Trump does nothing, it's suspicious.  If Trump does something, it's suspicious. 


    Right.....back to your numb nut conspiracy theories and daily avatar changes.  :blink:

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