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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 2 hours ago, fxe1200 said:

    For those, who might want to see Sanders response on the last Trump speech:

    Good to hold Trump's feet to the fire and at the same time, recognize politicians and their campaign rhetoric typically do a nose dive once they get into the Oval Office.  


    Otherwise, what I saw here is Bernie projecting HIS campaign agenda and left-turn ideas onto Trump.   Bernie, you lost mate, doesn't work like that. 


    Trump seems to be following the typical path.  Flurry of energy and activity at first, a couple years of BLAH, then 11th hour flailing around near the end.


  2. 9 hours ago, simple1 said:

    For sure you know the terrible crimes against humanity 'they' carry out, so why would it be OK to facilitate their travel as you would be complicit in the evil they do.

    The UK is uber-sensitive to religious and multi-cultural needs.  If a UK citizen feels so strongly about going to fight for ISIS, then the UK military should drop the ramp on a cargo plane and give them a free ride.  A one way ticket but hey, it's the thought that counts. 

  3. 39 minutes ago, slapout said:

    The charge of ''murder '' may be a little too harsh in determining what charge to go with. The man picked up a iron rod as his cousin was chasing him with a knife. It sounds like he turned and as he did, hit his cousin in the side of the head and the man with the knife died due to the blow. Nothing like member of a family having a argument but take something like this so serious puts you to wondering how many of your extended family are so short fused.

    My wifes cousin was shot and killed by his son in law over some little argument that got out of hand, but he had remore and then turned the gun on himself, so guess you you call that one a draw.

    Maybe but, where did you get the idea it wasn't a well aimed, intentional swing?  Not from the linked article, and certainly not from the re-enactment photo in the OP. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Acharn said:

    And you know this how? My feeling is that this is a political thing. The monarchists associate Wat Dhammakaya with Thaksin. Phra Dhammachayo was accused of the same crimes twenty some years ago, and was exonerated in court. The whole thing has been handled in a way to maximize publicity and minimize actual results. Of course this is only speculation on my part, but I am more skeptical of government accusations than most of the people who post to TV and seem to assume that any accusation is positive proof of guilt.

    Maximize publicity?  Sure, the BiB set out to portray themselves as inept imbeciles on purpose, and have done a great job at it.

  5. 16 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

    I  only noticed recently that large beer bottles are 620ml now. When did that happen? I recall the reduction from 640 to 630ml but not the reduction to 620ml.

    Only once in my time here, which is a little over 4 years.  Think the fags went up about 2 years ago.  Beer price and reduction in container size was about a year ago.... something like that, it's all a blur now.

  6. Sure, you can wear long cargo pants. 


    You can wear expensive shirt and shoes, but still look like a total dork.  Don't over-think it, the intent is not too difficult.






  7. 7 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

    I know, but if you have checked-in your luggage then you hopefully have time to pass the immigration...
    AOT isn't really working that well, I tried to get a job there in the past but I only got a "Sorry, we only hire Thai people!"... at our 2nd IRL meeting and after first being offered the job in e-mail and everything worked out thru e-mail/phone and that's before I even came to Thailand!?!?
    G4S Thailand had the same answer "Only Thai people!" and didn't even recognize a letter of recommendation signed by the CEO/President of G4S as something of value for securing a job there!

    G4S bid and won the contract at a certain manpower/labor rate (Thai).  They're not going to add a white face and bust the budget and margin, which is most likely razor thin already.

  8. PM is the strongman leader type that Trump seems to like.


    Trump would be envious at how the PM controls the Press and political opposition.   Trump would be right at home with the gold plated "Bling" enjoyed by the moneyed Hi-So set he would be a member of by default.  He would enjoy the status and attention that throwing some money at Monks and Wats would bring him.  If his Mercedes runs over a peasant on a motorbike, don't even have to stop or say sorry, just have someone deliver a few million Baht to the family with a card and flowers.   The smiling, plastic Hi-So's would line up to be his fake buddy, and hit little white balls around expansive golf courses in the middle of a drought, whilst dipping into the back 9 bar for a quickee oral massage from an unusually young, attractive Burmese "caddie".


    Nope, I think Trump would get on well here. :laugh:

  9. Sure, easy to be cynical about this.  The problem is the smoke/haze.  Everyone knows the origin.  There is a solution but will involve time spent educating the rural farmers.  And that can be done.  The real problem is changing centuries of practical behaviour is going to take lots of money.  Money to buy modern equipment and gifting it to the farmers who can't afford it on their own. 


    This money has to come from somewhere and there's no return, and so.....

  10. And what in the heck is Buzzfeed anyway?.   Aren't they like an obscure, snarky blogger outfit with a Youtube channel?  Jeez, they've got to be loving this self-inflicted martyrdom, lumped in with the other innocent victims, CNN, NYT, et al.   Suspect their business and on-line following has increased dramatically.  :laugh:

  11. 1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

    Agree that multiple sites is a good thing. Thus, banning the more prominent, and respected, media sites from briefings is not a good thing.  That is an absolute truth.


    I've seen many broadcasts from Tapper.  He's not a bad talking head.  Sad that some don't see what's going on here.  Attacking the media like this is not a good thing.  Absolutely.

    Prominent, yes.  Respected?  Subjective. 


    I like Jake Tapper too and agree, in the main, that attacking the media is wrong.  Both sides engage have engaged in it.  Trump's camp is taking it to a new level.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Yes, and if trump started torturing kittens, fox news would either not tell you about it or somehow put a positive spin on it. Its Obamas fault, Hilary did it worse, its those immigrants etc

    The issue is not biased reporting, its trump trying to shut down the biased reporting that doesnt suit him or his agenda. 

    Maybe.  Or maybe it's exactly as you said re: Fox, just the shoe's on the other foot.  There are no saints here.  Pretending there are in order to jump on the Silencing of the Media train, is disingenuous.


    I'm not agreeing with not inviting CNN, NYT, Politico to the Gaggle.  I think it's childish and petulant.  But I don't pretend that it's happening in a vacuum, for no reason.  If you pretty much know they are going to twist the information to suit THEIR agenda, because they have and do, then they need to be calibrated.  

  13. 1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

    Absolutely not true.  Tapper has said many times he'd love to be reporting on good things the Trump administration plans to do...or is doing.  But can't due to the BS of the administration.  Do something right and the press will report it. 


    It's just wrong what they are doing.  A free press is a fundamental pillar of the American society.  Don't believe Bannon's statements about the press.  He's plain wrong.  And a bit looney.

    IMO, there are no absolutes.  That's why you/we have to peruse multiple networks/sites, collate, and then you can still never be sure you've got it all.


    Jake Tapper can do what he wants to do.  Might be looking for another job at some point if he does.  I know, that's cynical but..... do you disagree 100% with that? 

  14. There's often a grain of righteousness behind these nutty Trump camp tantrums.  Sure, the optics are terrible,  but it's a bit disingenuous to ignore the context and cry foul as if it didn't exist.


    When Fox was peaking on the partisan bulls**t meter several months ago (more than usual) I had to grin when Obama bitch slapped what's his name..... their WH Pool Rep..... by simply ignoring him.   Obama's gripe was Fox was "fake news" twisting truth to fit their agenda.  Might as well kicked the guy out of the room and in fact, he got so embarrassed/upset, he got up and left all on his own.  Did Fox, as a network, deserve that kind of treatment?  Hell yes!  Anyone who objected was clearly a member of the Basket of Deplorables, so who cares, right?


    It's no secret where CNN, NYT, Politico, etc stand on Trump and which side of the aisle they lean toward in general.  Trump could single-handedly save a kitten from a tree, and they would somehow turn it into a negative story, maybe some snarky jokes about his hair matching the cat's, etc....


    Being excluded from Spicer's Gaggle won't stop them filling white space, don't you worry 'bout that.  In fact, they are probably loving this development and the optics it generates.  Media Martyrs, loathed and ostracized by the most Powerful Man in the Galaxy,  rounded up, put on a train with barred windows and sent to Media Prison in Siberia for telling THE TRUTH to the Murican Peeples....who have a RIGHT TO KNOW!  Mew mew, sniff sniff.   This is waaaayyy good for business.  Michael Moore will be along shortly to make a 90 minute documentary about it. 

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