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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Indeed.  But, as far as we know from the OP, the 20 year old isn't related to him or his wife.  Neither is the girl who got shagged. 


    The only connection to the OP is these two shagged in his (wife's) partially built house on some lump of land, probably in bum <deleted> Issan.  She was #10,472 on that night in Issan as a whole, I reckon.   :laugh:

  2. Just proves that even a University education doesn't insulate or inoculate some from stupidity.  I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Just be the dumb farang with the crazy ideas outside the box.  You can't change it, so don't try. 

  3. In the first 3 or so years here, I primarily wore shorts except in certain situations.  I have found myself wearing long pants and proper shoes (not open sandals) and socks more often recently.  Beyond social/cultural considerations, some of my thought process is protection against mozzies, and even being covered, I will still give myself a few squirts of repellent on exposed areas (arms/elbows) to keep the buggers off me. 


    I've not had Dengue Fever yet, and I hope I never do because I know 1 or 2 who have,  and it's not something I want to volunteer for. 

  4. She rang you about this?  Where are you? 


    I say stop answering the phone for the next 48 hours.  It's simply not your problem.  If you let yourself be carried away by these faux village dramas requiring money to "fix it", you're setting a precedent.  Even if they did shag in your (wife's) half built house, there is absolutely no impact on anything whatsoever.  It's bricks and mortar.  Let it go.  Ignore it.  This too shall pass. 


    Edit:  If it wasn't this particular 20 year old bloke, it woulda been another riding a Honda Click.  It makes no difference.  Don't get carried away with the village oooga booga drama.

  5. Why I prefer not to do business here, or get deeply involved with too many people.  Early on I was presented with ideas about land purchases, various business opportunities, soft money loans to extended family, etc.  All of them I let pass by, and in hindsight some would worked out fine but meh, just don't need the money, aggravation or worse...... 

  6. Tax imports.  Exempt taxes for exports. Lower tax rate for businesses in the US. 


    Sounds fairly straight forward.  But it's just one aspect of broader (R) tax reforms, and gets mired down further with unintended consequences with other countries, WTO regs, and the "VAT" elephant in the room.  


    Notwithstanding all the happy talk about Congress passing a tax reform bill in 100 days next year, any effort to rework the revenue code will require Congress and the Trump Administration to unravel an exceedingly tangled ball of string. And perhaps no problem is more knotty, and more politically explosive, than how the U.S. tax code treats international trade.


    I go back to Kelly Anne Conway characterizing Trump as a "transactional leader".  And that's fine if you are managing your own business for decades, and have a deep understanding of how everything works.  The aperture is wide open now, must be like a ton of bricks falling on his head.  But I give him credit for tossing turds into the proverbial punch bowl and seeing what floats.

  7. 4 minutes ago, JaySonic said:

    You have ongoing problems with logical evaluation. Ho can you suggest Im being negative when I fully pay for lodgings, am told theres, no need to confirm, yet the booking disappears? And you still haven't validated your earlier statement that is, well, quite frankly nonsense. 


    Rest assured, we'll never share a trip together, I am not eligible to board the special needs bus. I wonder if you're related to the hotel manager...

    Horse can be led to water, can't make 'em drink.


    I'm out.  :laugh:

  8. 7 minutes ago, JaySonic said:


    You pose a question of uncalulatable logic. How on earth would I have known the manager was a moron if the booking process had unfolded as intended? Do you expect me to pre-interview the manager of every hotel I stay in? 

    Despite this - why would I care if the manager is a moron. I catch taxi's where there driver is a lunatic. shop in a supermarket where the staff are pathetic, and live in a country led by a fool.

    Sounds like you're a glass half-empty person that nobody would want to be stuck next to on a long flight.


    Good luck with your complaint to Consumer Affairs. 

  9. I'm hot and cold on Trump, have been since he secured the R nomination and continued rambling and hurling insults around.  He really lost me when he embraced the religious voting bloc (sans the Mormons apparently) and all their baggage.  :sick:


    But, this is one effort I've always been behind, critics be dam_ned.  I never cared much about the "Mexico will pay for it" bumper sticker slogan either.  We need to do it regardless, and should have a long time ago.

  10. On the flip side, emergency services are not respected here perhaps, in part, because some of their brethren do not conduct themselves as or, in fact are not, serious professionals.  


    RTP driving around, bubble gum lights flashing away for no apparent reason before parking up casually outside their Lactasoy sponsored police shack.  I've seen this in other 3rd world/developing countries, not just here.


    The private "rescue" mini-trucks with blinky lights and sirens tear assing up and down the highways. :blink:


    "Fake" cops and soldiers. 


    The Boy Who Cried Wolf.  Inappropriate, over-use of emergency signals reduces its effectiveness when there is, in fact, an emergency.  Systemic corruption, professional standards and training a mixed bag... all helps to breed apathy, cynicism, contempt, and general lack of trust that those in the public trust are legit, and further, acting appropriately, and responsibly.  Once the benefit of the doubt is gone, it's gone.


    I still yield to the various flavors of emergency vehicles here, even the "rescue" road pirates.  I do, however, wonder if they are actually responding to an emergency, or just having a little fun, late to pick up the kid at school, or heading to the noodle shop for lunch.

  11. Wife and her girl gang has been 3 or 4 times but the novelty seems to have worn off already. 


    I went once.  Foodland, the small baking/supply shop on the ground floor and of course the Cheap and Good cafeteria outside Foodland, were the only things that I found useful.


    Been back to the good old Mall at least 4 times since.  The last visit, Mrs said they were doing away with the free parking policy enacted as part of their T21 induced anxiety.   I wonder if they now think T21 isn't quite the threat they'd anticipated.


    Be interesting when Central opens this Fall with a TOPS Supermarket providing another layer of variety.  Maybe they'll put a bowling alley in.  Korat doesn't need 3 ice skating rinks. :blink:

  12. It's gotta be tough screwing up the fortitude for another trip to Rimping among the old boys wearing big grins, cargo shorts and flip flops, pushing their trolleys around whilst canoodling with a Thai bird half his age.  Week after week.  Month after Month.


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