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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. The following brief video news-commentary says what I've been trying to convey on this thread.

    A Texan mother of 2 girls, and a strong and vocal advocate of everyone owning guns - gunned down and killed her two daughters. Shot one in the back while the girl was lying prone on the ground, already wounded. The girls were around 20.

    I dare any gun lover to watch it. Then watch it a 2nd time and let it sink in to your varicosed veined brain.

    You have a disdain for "red necks", which I take to mean stupid people, or perhaps anyone residing in certain southern US states.

    This event happened in Texas which obviously makes them red necks. There are now fewer red necks among us and the Sheriff has put the gun into evidence, and it will be destroyed later. This ought to be a win-win situation in your book, moreover that no non-red necks were harmed.

    Rednecks (one word, not two) is a term I use for people with a narrow, hyper-selfish, prejudiced outlook. Perhaps it's non-PC, but then that makes me like Trump, for using the word. ha ha ha.

    55Jay asks if I use the word for "...perhaps anyone residing in certain southern US states."

    No. I'm sure there are reasonable and decent people living in all 50 US states.

    This ought to be a win-win situation in your book,

    By no means 'win-win.' Not remotely. Two young women (I think they were 17 and 21) were shot dead. There's nothing 'win' about that.

    I agree, you do sound like Trump.

  2. The OP's question was, why did the screen display both Baht and Pounds.

    Card machines detect your card's base currency. At a DCC enabled transaction terminal, the clerk is presented with a currency decision point on the card machine's small screen - Thai Baht or Pounds (or the card's base currency). This is "our" decision to make, same as you would when presented with a DCC choice at an ATM using your foreign currency card. In the times we've been DCC'ed, the clerk never asked, and our first indication was the very long signature slip being printed from the card machine, containing all the extra DCC agreement verbiage and final price in foreign currency. facepalm.gif

    You can still reject DCC at that point, which can be a pain in the neck, which is why we've become proactive with the clerks to avoid it, rather unwinding it after the fact.

  3. The following brief video news-commentary says what I've been trying to convey on this thread.

    A Texan mother of 2 girls, and a strong and vocal advocate of everyone owning guns - gunned down and killed her two daughters. Shot one in the back while the girl was lying prone on the ground, already wounded. The girls were around 20.

    I dare any gun lover to watch it. Then watch it a 2nd time and let it sink in to your varicosed veined brain.

    You have a disdain for "red necks", which I take to mean stupid people, or perhaps anyone residing in certain southern US states.

    This event happened in Texas which obviously makes them red necks. There are now fewer red necks among us and the Sheriff has put the gun into evidence, and it will be destroyed later. This ought to be a win-win situation in your book, moreover that no non-red necks were harmed.

  4. If the slip showed Baht as the final total paid, then you're ok. We are proactive and tell the cashier "Thai Baht" when we had them our card. We watch closely and if they glance at us when the choice is prompted on screen, we say "Thai Baht" again.

    On several occasions, I've noticed exchange rate information printed at the very top of the merchant slip. I believe it is SCB card swipe machines that do that, but not 100% sure.

  5. And yet, even after viewing this video of a 13yrs old being refused to buy cigarette, porn, and beer but can buy a rifle with a smile, the NRA fanboys, the gun polishers and other still thing everything is ok:

    Doesn't look like these kids are old enough to buy a firearm. The obvious irresponsibility is the girl in second photo has her finger on the trigger - a big no no. Ought to take the adults who engineered and posed these photos out behind the wood shed and give them a few smacks for being stupid.

    Well maybe yoy should watch the video i provided then.. it seems the kid can just bought a rifle.. the stupids are.mostly the ones who still cannot link gun availbility with gun killings...

    I did watch it. I was commenting on the photos, which are an over the top dramatization apart from the video. There is a link between gun injuries/deaths and untrained kids handling firearms incorrectly, exemplified by the second photo, which is what I was commenting on.

    I agree with closing the gun show loop hole though.

  6. And yet, even after viewing this video of a 13yrs old being refused to buy cigarette, porn, and beer but can buy a rifle with a smile, the NRA fanboys, the gun polishers and other still thing everything is ok:




    Doesn't look like these kids are old enough to buy a firearm. The obvious irresponsibility is the girl in second photo has her finger on the trigger - a big no no. Ought to take the adults who engineered and posed these photos out behind the wood shed and give them a few smacks for being stupid.

  7. boomerangutang said, "I've resided in Thailand 18 years but have been planning to reside part of each year in SW US. I'm seriously doubting returning because of the intense saturation of guns. If I slightly offend anyone there (who is carrying) then that person can shoot me and get away with it. Let's say I'm driving and pass someone on a hwy. The other person is angered. He shoots me. POW! game over. Or I take a parking spot which someone else thinks should be theirs. POW! the guy shoots me. It's legal now in the US. Or I'm in a grocery story and I look at a pretty girl for a split second. The mother thinks I'm leering. POW! she shoots me. .......you get the picture? The US is so saturated with guns, and then add concealed (or open) carry, then anyone can shoot anyone for any reason. Because NRA and gun-lovers have so dominating the American landscape, they can do no wrong. Lots of people are going to get shot for no good reason, and the NRA will justify it. Already, gun makers are offering to pay for legal cases when purchasers get in trouble for shooting innocents. I shit you not."

    Well, if you are that apprehensive, my advice to you is don't go back.

    It happens. I've been out of the US for about 18 years. My last stretch was 5 years without going back, and during that time, my perspective was skewed by the concentrated, dire news on the internet. Why in the hell would I want to insert myself in what is CLEARLY an out of control hornet's nest! I could be shot the moment I walk out of the LAX arrival terminal! OMG!

    We went anyway, and it was a total anti-climax. Been back for 2 months each summer the past 4 years. Haven't been shot or beaten up yet. Maybe it's my white, heterosexual privilege.

    If it's not guns, it's global warming. If Trump doesn't get elected and crash the economy and the Dollar, and send us reeling into all out war with Zimbabwe, well, we've always got the imminent threat of a pissed off, transgender Baby Jesus, impervious to AR-15 bullets, coming back to settle the score; and that includes Democrats. laugh.png


  8. I'm a gun owner, at least when I'm in the US, obviously not here in LoS. Not a gun enthusiast even though I carried one at work for many years.

    I wouldn't mind a total gun ban IF mutual, total disarmament could be guaranteed. That's not possible or realistic so in the meantime, I prefer having a weapon because there are nutters and criminals out there with weapons. If one comes over the fence and tries to crawl through my window, and ignores a verbal warning, then it's their ass. I have a double barrel 12ga shotgun but I miss my old Remington 870 pump shotgun. Working the slide action to put a shell in the chamber is a powerful, globally recognized sound all on its own, without ever having to fire a shot.

    No problem with most of the gun control proposals from the Republicans. I have a problem with Feinstein's "reasonable belief" proposal, which puts gun dealers in the position of making a subjective judgement call, and that is wide open to abuse and stupidity.

    That idea reminds me of my first run in with the US capital controls (Bank Secrecy/Patriot Act, money laundering, etc) where run of the mill $7 an hour private sector bank tellers act as agents/informants for the federal government. There is the 10,000 threshold for reporting, then you get into this subjective "structuring" issue or even worse, the teller "feels" something is amiss. Based on what? Watching movies? Doesn't like Arabs or black people, who might be up to no good? Doesn't sound very Democratic, then again, Feinstein would take away everyone's guns if she could, without any guarantees. Lambs tied to the stake in a field of wolves.

    Question for the pro-gun US citizens living in Thailand; do you feel safe living here in LoS not being able to legally own a firearm?

    I'm interested in your perspective, keeping in mind the number of firearms that would appear from even a casual glance at local news reports to be in circulation here.

    Yes and no. Depends on the environment and circumstances.

    Living in the US, in/near a concentrated population center, crime, violent and otherwise, is higher. I prefer to have a firearm should my number get pulled, as it did one night when some jagoff tried to break in to my house at the back door. Throwing on the outside lights and yelling at him through the door window didn't work like I thought it would. I pointed my firearm at him, warned again, and he took off. Ideal outcome. I did wonder if he found a softer target to victimize that night.

    Here? I live in a small town, about 30km outside the city, small population, no window bars or steel, security screen doors. I do not have a firearm at the moment, nor do I feel I need one.

    I did keep my FiL's .38 revolver in the bedroom closet for a while a few years ago, because of a budding gang of yabba eating motorcycle retards on our soi. I didn't like the way they eyeballed me increasingly when I rode past their hooch or as they hung around the Tesco ATMs drinking. As time wore on, they pulled up outside my drive gate a couple times late night, yelling and laughing, getting my dogs all riled up. They were getting bolder, the group dynamic reinforcing each incremental step. It was just a matter of time before one them took it to the next-level of stupid, fueled by alcohol and/or drugs. The two 1 Bullet Barney cops riding around town on their Hello Kitty Scoopies, aren't very proactive. Or reactive for that matter.

    Thankfully, the retards (not the cops, the other ones) have moved on, dead, jailed, whatever., my threat needle back in the green zone, and thus, no more pistol.

    Re: legally owning a gun here, my understanding is it is permissible but I've never pursued it because I don't feel it's necessary, at the moment. I don't imagine the BiB get many permit requests from resident farangs. Perhaps we all "feel" "safe". Might also be that a good portion of expat population is from UK/EU and share a similar outlook on guns.

  9. Ignore these indicators, all a symptom of speculation and market uncertainties. Just have a cup of tea, it will all be OK.

    That's what my financial geek tells me and, over time, he's right.

    I don't know about all this EU stuff, but I have to ask, how on earth did the UK ever get along before? I presume they did and suspect if they Leave, there will be a transition, maybe a few bumps in the road, but in the end..... as you say...

  10. I'm a gun owner, at least when I'm in the US, obviously not here in LoS. Not a gun enthusiast even though I carried one at work for many years.

    I wouldn't mind a total gun ban IF mutual, total disarmament could be guaranteed. That's not possible or realistic so in the meantime, I prefer having a weapon because there are nutters and criminals out there with weapons. If one comes over the fence and tries to crawl through my window, and ignores a verbal warning, then it's their ass. I have a double barrel 12ga shotgun but I miss my old Remington 870 pump shotgun. Working the slide action to put a shell in the chamber is a powerful, globally recognized sound all on its own, without ever having to fire a shot.

    No problem with most of the gun control proposals from the Republicans. I have a problem with Feinstein's "reasonable belief" proposal, which puts gun dealers in the position of making a subjective judgement call, and that is wide open to abuse and stupidity.

    That idea reminds me of my first run in with the US capital controls (Bank Secrecy/Patriot Act, money laundering, etc) where run of the mill $7 an hour private sector bank tellers act as agents/informants for the federal government. There is the 10,000 threshold for reporting, then you get into this subjective "structuring" issue or even worse, the teller "feels" something is amiss. Based on what? Watching movies? Doesn't like Arabs or black people, who might be up to no good? Doesn't sound very Democratic, then again, Feinstein would take away everyone's guns if she could, without any guarantees. Lambs tied to the stake in a field of wolves.

  11. Reading an article in a Cambodian magazine, a minister in Thailand wants all visitors to be issued wristbands by their hotels, with passport information etc., in case they become lost and do not remember where they are staying. Next it will be ankle bracelets.

    Old story from the tourism minister and shot down by PM, but makes you wonder about all the potentially extreme policies under consideration.

    Wonder indeed. They might want to temporarily ban all farangs coming into the country until they figure out "what the hell is going on". laugh.png

  12. Yes, would be interested to hear the update.

    iBanking went down hard on 11 June for a few hours. I tried to transfer 2,000 from my main acct to my ATM acct 3 times, all ending with error screens, can not complete transaction. When the system came back up a few hours later, 2 of the 3 transfers processed, so I ended up with 4,000 transferred. The 3rd went into outer space I guess. Otherwise, I've haven't had any other probs with iBanking in 3 1/2 years.

    No, that 3d transfer came through....I got it. Thanks.

    For as many tips and advice I've gotten from you, directly and indirectly over the years, 2,000 Baht is a fair trade.

    Have a couple cases of Chang on me! wai.gif

  13. I have used K Bank Cyber banking many times to do small transfers with no glitches whatever, including a transfer when I was in Vietnam.

    One thing I did learn what that in some cases after getting the OTP message you have to start the whole process again then insert the OTP. (That's K bank, I don't know about BBL.)

    On the other hand the OP seems to be very familiar with the BBL internet banking processes.

    I wonder if the OP phoned the BBL HO on this.

    Yes, I am in touch with their IT staff. I will let you know the outcome.

    Yes, would be interested to hear the update.

    iBanking went down hard on 11 June for a few hours. I tried to transfer 2,000 from my main acct to my ATM acct 3 times, all ending with error screens, can not complete transaction. When the system came back up a few hours later, 2 of the 3 transfers processed, so I ended up with 4,000 transferred. The 3rd went into outer space I guess. Otherwise, I've haven't had any other probs with iBanking in 3 1/2 years.

  14. Where is the actual place in the airport that you collect your cat from? I'm trying to find a map or its location, but all I can see is somewhere over in the FreeTrade zone that opens at 8:30am, is that the correct place to collect my cat from?

    I hesitate to answer as it has been a while since I arrived with my cat..... hopefully somebody will confirm, or correct if things have been moved around.

    Arriving with pets as accompanied/excess baggage, we exited Immigration, turned left and walked straight to a large cargo bay with an elevator/lift down on the left side. There were airport staff there, they said wait and, about 10 minutes later, they brought our cat to us.

    We then back tracked, past Immigration lane exits and kept on walking straight and found the Vet office down that way on the right. We got there about 7:30AM and it was open.

    After clearing, which took about 20 minutes and 100 Baht, they directed us to the Red Channel Customs lane.

    Was prepared to pay 1,000 Baht customs duty but they never asked, I didn't offer, and that was it.

  15. I usually look at movies on YT, most are krap, both content and play back quality.

    Stumbled across this website last week with fairly new content and majority have options for 720 and 1080 p.

    I get click pop ups at first, which are blocked by my BluHell Firewall extension in FF, but after that, no issues and far better

    content than YT.


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