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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Today in ‘Donald Trump’s Campaign Is a Garbage Fire’

    "If Donald Trump were an otherwise normal candidate, with a reasonable knowledge of public policy and no pronounced affection for authoritarian rulers,

    or habit of blurting out overtly misogynistic and racist comments, the Republican Party Establishment would still be in complete meltdown right now over his campaign’s political incompetence." laugh.png

    "Recent reports have uncovered a slew of hair-raising details about the campaign's amateur/quasi-nonexistent status. Trump is raising nowhere close

    to the level of money required to run a modern presidential campaign."

    "His campaign staff is skeletal and lacks the ability to coordinate a message, leading to chaotic setpieces where the entire Democratic Party message apparatus is being countered only by,

    Trump’s personal Twitter account."


    Twitter. facepalm.gif

    Amateurs. biggrin.png

    Kiss it all goodbye Donnie...

    Another turd post from "NYMag" swirls in the bowl.

    Dunning Kruger. The King of Turds. laugh.png

  2. The Downward Spiral continues... thumbsup.gif

    Clinton leads Trump by 11 points in White House race: Reuters/Ipsos poll

    "The online poll, conducted from Monday to Friday, shows 46 percent of likely voters support Clinton while 34.8 percent back Trump. Another 19.2 percent support neither candidate."


    11 points which, as the article points out, is virtually unchanged from before she clinched the bag of Dem delegates.

    The only downward spiral here is your desperate, inane posts, circling the commode on their way down to the turd sump with the rest of them. laugh.png

  3. I found 3 that are ideal. If some of the less cranky folks want to learn in case you want to try, send me a message.

    You wouldn't believe the great response I got on this one from outside of this group (with some positive exceptions of course)...

    Thanks again for helpful responses.

    Rayk - I think I will have to agree with you. haha

    My girl is 23. Gorgeous. Sexually adventurous. I'm extremely lucky and will be enjoying our private sessions soon. Everything will stay inside the clothes, so no danger of public indecency and no, will not be slobbering all over where people can see. We do that in wide open space at night clubs. I'm young, in shape and don't think that kissing should be an issue at night clubs - even in Thailand. Cheers.

    Reminds me of Japan in the 80s. Good times. giggle.gif

  4. It would be more lucid to question the motives and actions of the Chinese gov in and around the SCS, which, of course, several nations have and continue to do. You know this, of course, but insist on these intentionally obtuse commentaries, fabricating a propaganda worthy narrative that, somehow, the US is responsible for all this. blink.png

    China is the kid with cake icing and candy sprinkles smeared all over its face and hands, being accused of having stolen a chunk of birthday cake by the adults in the room.

    Who, me? Cake? What cake?


    And then.........


    Let's not kid ourselves ...SCS is about resources and today the Philippines new president is willing to trade and co explore with China proving the point again that it's about trade and he is willing quote " keep his mouth shut for the next 6 years" if he gets the trains built in Mindano and get co explore rights as mentioned in WSJ

    This again goes back to the point that Philippines played USA acting as the damsel when their real interest is a better trade deal

    Remember while every country in Asia talks trade only the USA has being replying with military assets and marketing this to the media as a possible armed conflict and takeover of the island

    The reality is making the USA blush because all the ASEAN countries is doing is to make sure they don't get missed out on the possible trade $$$

    China is the fat kid here in the region with the cakes and trade deals and they want to trade not invade ....and again as a superpower they want to trade at a point to their own advantage and strategic needs ...nothing wrong with that.

    Every major G5 / G7 country goes into negotiations in a position of power and negotiate from there...that's reality. So while we may feel for the smaller countries , the countries in ASEAN and SCS disputes are not pushover and China has no intention of underestimating them at the table while they negotiate

    It's not the usual operating USA matrix we understand that as you are more used to bombing and then talks later on deals ...here there is no opportunity for the fireworks show as Asians are not interested in wasting time and money

    As before, when your poppy cock is called out for what it is, you transition over to this economic talking point. Not that there isn't truth to it, but it is just another of your well-trodden deflections to avoid the scary proposition of holding the Chinese gov accountable.

    As Publicus would say, "The Boyz" are powerless to stop all this fussy defiance. The normal play book just doesn't work outside their communist bubble. They've drawn some arbitrary lines on paper, chest thumping and warning others not to cross, and are using its own people as human shields. Despicable tyrants.

    You can join the tirades against china ...but when you are wrong you use degrading or names terms against a country which depicts your maturity / viewpoints and refused to see logic

    If you have been following my threads , I am not a blind follower , there is a lot of critique of the government but it happens in closed doors and it's real but because individuals like you and P are not invited it does not mean it doesn't happen. I have bee providing feedback to The Central government for years and over the years the logical minded have seen how progress has happened and there are area where they can do better there is no doubt on that

    Just that skewed viewpoints does not help China improve ...it's one of the most morphed communist countries with such a big population to take care of and world affairs to engage in. If will have to navigate a tricky path of staying modern and relevant while remaining true to its governance and communist context

    It's complex and when viewed as a totality , you can continue your name calling with the Trump gang but to the logical minded , there is no denying here China has progressed and more to be done but China will do it in its own timeline and not allow any other country to challenge its status in an unfair manner

    The USA have acted irresponsibly in the SCS conflict and aim against to escalate non issues into issues but the ASEAN countries have been chuckling none stop because unfortunately in the matters of foreign affairs , the USA have always relied on a strong military as a reply but there is more to that

    No one is taking away the fact that the USA has a big heart and wants to help in good intentions mostly but it's naiveness is its Achilles heel ...the businessman I have met from USA are thankfully not as clueless as some of their ministers ...

    It's not a case of whether I'm wrong, it's the fact China is and you seem altogether unwilling to acknowledge the obvious. You are thin skinned on behalf of China, and attempt to deflect by fabricating alternative narratives about the US in this matter.

    China has acted irresponsibly. They continue to do so in the face of mounting protest, which exacerbates tensions even further. While there are layers and other factors, the underlying, core issue isn't rocket science.

  5. It's not uncommon to read about expats performing cunnilingus on Thai women in public.

    I was searching for that thread to post on here but couldn't find it.

    Pattaya Soi 6 and any BJ bar would be good enough for the OP biggrin.png

    Mamasan is likely to charge a corkage fee if he brings his own though.

  6. It would be more lucid to question the motives and actions of the Chinese gov in and around the SCS, which, of course, several nations have and continue to do. You know this, of course, but insist on these intentionally obtuse commentaries, fabricating a propaganda worthy narrative that, somehow, the US is responsible for all this. blink.png

    China is the kid with cake icing and candy sprinkles smeared all over its face and hands, being accused of having stolen a chunk of birthday cake by the adults in the room.

    Who, me? Cake? What cake?


    And then.........


    Let's not kid ourselves ...SCS is about resources and today the Philippines new president is willing to trade and co explore with China proving the point again that it's about trade and he is willing quote " keep his mouth shut for the next 6 years" if he gets the trains built in Mindano and get co explore rights as mentioned in WSJ

    This again goes back to the point that Philippines played USA acting as the damsel when their real interest is a better trade deal

    Remember while every country in Asia talks trade only the USA has being replying with military assets and marketing this to the media as a possible armed conflict and takeover of the island

    The reality is making the USA blush because all the ASEAN countries is doing is to make sure they don't get missed out on the possible trade $$$

    China is the fat kid here in the region with the cakes and trade deals and they want to trade not invade ....and again as a superpower they want to trade at a point to their own advantage and strategic needs ...nothing wrong with that.

    Every major G5 / G7 country goes into negotiations in a position of power and negotiate from there...that's reality. So while we may feel for the smaller countries , the countries in ASEAN and SCS disputes are not pushover and China has no intention of underestimating them at the table while they negotiate

    It's not the usual operating USA matrix we understand that as you are more used to bombing and then talks later on deals ...here there is no opportunity for the fireworks show as Asians are not interested in wasting time and money

    As before, when your poppy cock is called out for what it is, you transition over to this economic talking point. Not that there isn't truth to it, but it is just another of your well-trodden deflections to avoid the scary proposition of holding the Chinese gov accountable.

    As Publicus would say, "The Boyz" are powerless to stop all this fussy defiance. The normal play book just doesn't work outside their communist bubble. They've drawn some arbitrary lines on paper, chest thumping and warning others not to cross, and are using its own people as human shields. Despicable tyrants.

  7. It would be more lucid to question the motives and actions of the Chinese gov in and around the SCS, which, of course, several nations have and continue to do. You know this, of course, but insist on these intentionally obtuse commentaries, fabricating a propaganda worthy narrative that, somehow, the US is responsible for all this. blink.png

    China is the kid with cake icing and candy sprinkles smeared all over its face and hands, being accused of having stolen a chunk of birthday cake by the adults in the room.

    Who, me? Cake? What cake?


    And then.........


  8. All this talk of repatriation coupled with my recent trip to South Dakota has kinda spurred me on to accelerate my own plans.

    The seemingly endless crazy rantings of the government has got me increasingly spooked about potential future clampdowns on exchange controls, especially when 'the event' happens and all Hell breaks loose.

    So started the process this morning of getting all the FET thing going so I can actually move money back.

    I know this ain't JT's thing, but I've already scoped out some great condo's in the SD Black Hills, which as a Californian, are an unbelievable price.

    I think it will somehow calm my nerves that I know I don't have everything tied up here and I do have a bolt hole if things get ugly

    A couple of pics just to wet your whistle for life in S Dakota. First from the snow queen festival second a normal afternoon out for retired folks.

    I just love your static signature - ting tong club. Classic! clap2.gif

  9. Just some background information about that La Razza judge, for those who are interested and can stomach the idea that Mr. Trump could possibly have a point: La Raza Judge Gonzalo Curiel and the Hispanic National Bar Association…

    The Hispanic National Bar Association published a press release on July 2nd 2015 which specifically stated their intention to target the “business interests” of Donald Trump:


    To me this sounds like an agenda... No?

    Now imagine you were a business owner and you and your business is an official target of this "Hispanics-loyal" organisation... And you get a member of this organisation to judge your business... I too, were very concerned and wouldn't personally appreciate this, to say the least.

    And this comes from a club of honourable people who are supposed to "be blind", uphold the law and nothing but the law. There must be no place for such agendas. Disgusting. Why does a supposedly unbiased judge join (or stay in) such a club in the first place?

    Interesting, I hadn't looked at this point since the day the "damning" internal TU documents were released. I did find ref to this, as well as the Firm behind the class action lawsuit had documented ties to the Clintons.

    All the MSM is quoting, however, and not unsurprisingly, is Trump's own words - that the judge is bias because of his Mexican heritage. While that may be a factor in Trump's logic, it would of been much better for him to outline the judge's potential bias based on political and ethnic affiliations of the judge, as well as the legal firm's own background.

    Not a smoking gun but worthy of closer look if presented correctly. At this point though, Trump has lost the initiative and is being roasted alive in the media. He could of handled this much, much differently and in the process, not only shut Hillary up but also make her look suspect. A lost opportunity.

  10. Thanks for the link! I won´t purchase the 20 yrs version of TE but might still go to BH for these check-ups. Seems almost too cheap to be true. :-)

    They are a good deal here. I had the equivalent "executive check up" for my age group at at Mission Hospital in BKK, I think it was 12,000 Baht. Very efficient. American doctor, Dr. Nick, did the results out brief, Q&A, etc. Well worth the time and effort.

  11. OK so it is a scam, just give them100 baht for fuel, job done away they go.

    Why make waves, no reason to upset them.

    Play their little game then they go away happy, and leave you alone.

    One thing to remember is that government officials are sent to do these visits, and do not get paid for fuel, it has to be paid from their own pocket.

    You do see the logical fallacy presented in your final sentence, don't you?

  12. The P1 program isn't doing so well vs. the P8.

    It is not an unfathomable notion it could falter, and the Junta would have bought into a more expensive, dead end niche air frame. Unable to dump on the secondary market, they would rot on Thai tarmacs like piles of Shinawatra rice.

    Me thinks there is also a hint of the "other than America" political theme in this announcement, which PM/Junta have been keen on lately. The Boyz in Green don't like to be criticized.

  13. Reading the CR thread jealously about your nightly rains. Finally received 4 hours of it night before last down here in middle earth. Outside until midnight filling my storage tanks with glorious rain water then sat on the back porch with a cuppa hot ginger tea enjoying the cool breeze, sound of rain drops on the leaves against the backdrop of a frog chorus. Lovely Jubbly! smile.png

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