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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. If you are not against Trump and don't post accordingly, then you are an easily manipulated, poorly educated right wing, holy rolling, woman hating angry white skinned red neck. Which, of course, means you support the bloviating, flip flopping, Wall St. funded vile monster who relishes the thought of you losing your home so he can frack for oil in the backyard.

    I'm just curious what it would take for Trump supporters to have some doubts about their hero. The current news cycle is about Trump University. Well, it really wasn't a university, but a pure scam meant to defraud thousands of Americans so Trump could line his pocket. Don't take my word for it, it's all over the news.

    But if you look into this case, you'll find that Trump basically sold these "Trump believers" a bill of goods, promising them untold riches. His sales pitch made a lot of promises, but in the end, failed to deliver (massive understatement). This sales pitch is very much like his campaign promises. Don't you think the end result will be pretty much the same?

    I suspect Trump supporters are wondering the very same thing about Clinton supporters.

    I don't find the idea of slick real estate seminars by real estate goons, that unusual. I do find the whole Trump U affair, which litigation for has been on-going for 6 years already, pretty sleazy, and Trump's attempts to kill it have failed. The process to hold him accountable presses forward. Good. Seems valid and warranted to me as is the FBI~Hillary Clinton.

    As the Trump U sales docs popped into the public realm today, so have assertions that the primary legal firm honcho'ing the civil action law suit against Trump is a ..... documented Clinton donor to the tune of $675,000 paid for speeches by both Clintons. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the merits of the case, but a mental note has been made none the less.

    Trump is also calling the Fed judge on the case bias because, he's a Mexican (American). I rolled my eyes again, farkin' Trump, what an idiot! But wait, turns out the judge is, in fact, a card carrying member of La Raza. Which has nothing to do with the merits of the case and Trump is still an idiot in how he says things, but a mental note has been made none the less.

  2. My point just zipped over your head again. Hillary is in the pay of the establishment as evidenced by her funding sponsored by Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley https://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/contrib.php?cid=N00000019&cycle=Career


    That's why the Republican party and Democratic party and Media are united against Trump. It's Establishment vs non establishment.

    My point just zipped over your head again.


    The rightwhingers are lined up in support of Trump 100% and to the last man. Dedicated and promoting their new hero against the libtards, political correctness, immigration, marriage equality, the MSM, Obama, the Clintons, the UN, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution itself and the rule of law. They want the wall up and they want Musims out. Libtards silenced.

    It is unmistakably obvious the Trumpfanboyz are the usual suspect far out extremist whingers. They are undeniably the green cheese fringe who this time around and with Trump in the lead will only use the word "change." The Trumpfanboyz rarely discuss Trump's specifics nor will they discuss Trump's day to day wildness as Trump HimSelf flits from one intemperate statement to the next crackpot claim, all the while ignoring completely facts and reality.

    The Trumpfanboyz have spent their lives ignoring facts and reality too so to them this is a match made in, well, someplace.

    If a rightwhingenut walks like a Trump and if a swarm of rightwhingenuts form up a line behind The Donald to walk like The Donald and attack the same enemies as the whingenuts have always attacked, then it's a Trumpwhingenut by any feather. wub.png

    The usual suspects. This time they simply and innocently want "change." clap2.gif

    Apparently you are a reality denier or don't watch the right wing media as they have been trying to dump Trump for months.


    Sorry if this does not fit in your talking points today but it is reality. Trump is change and Hillary is establishment.


    The latest "impressive" candidate is a staff writer for....... The National Review! facepalm.gif


  3. You are trying to label everyone right wing and left wing and missing the point. It's establishment politics vs anti establishment. Trump is the outsider and Hillary is the insider. Nothing to do with right or left wing. Hilly gets paid tons of money by right wing stock brokers to speak. The fix is in and Hilly is the choice.

    We're looking at the usual suspects charging forward to support Trump with a persistent determination while each day declaring him the people's champion and the sure winner in November. It's so common it's comical.

    The rightwhinge are to the last whinger lined up behind Trump. Firmly and as True Believers marching forward.

    The rightwhinge hide behind the word "change" all the while ignoring the changes Trump has specified in his speeches and other rants. The right simply tries to dress up Trump in the camouflage of simple and innocent "change."

    The changes would be cooked up, devised, imposed by none other than the original and unique American Mussolini. That by definition is extreme right wing politics and government. As far right as it would take or be deemed necessary.

    All the while the usual suspect right wingers attack the libtards, the libs, the liberals and try to associate those opposed to Trump with demonstrators against Trump at his rallies. All the rightwhinge does concerning the First Amendment is to claim the libs abuse it. The rightwhinge Trump supporters self-identify as rightwhinge Trump supporters by attacking the libtards. Which is what they've done all their lives, not simply or suddenly now.

    The right has nothing good or positive to say about the First Amendment and absolutely nothing to say to respect the Bill of Rights. The right also remains silent concerning the Fourteenth Amendment also which would protect immigrants against mass deportations on the Trump Trains which would of course run on time.

    The new political correctness of the far out lunar right is to speak only of "change" and to leave it at that. Change from the Bill of Rights to the self defined rights of the reactionary right.

    My point just zipped over your head again. Hillary is in the pay of the establishment as evidenced by her funding sponsored by Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley https://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/contrib.php?cid=N00000019&cycle=Career


    That's why the Republican party and Democratic party and Media are united against Trump. It's Establishment vs non establishment.

    My point just zipped over your head again.


    The rightwhingers are lined up in support of Trump 100% and to the last man. Dedicated and promoting their new hero against the libtards, political correctness, immigration, marriage equality, the MSM, Obama, the Clintons, the UN, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution itself and the rule of law. They want the wall up and they want Musims out. Libtards silenced.

    It is unmistakably obvious the Trumpfanboyz are the usual suspect far out extremist whingers. They are undeniably the green cheese fringe who this time around and with Trump in the lead will only use the word "change." The Trumpfanboyz rarely discuss Trump's specifics nor will they discuss Trump's day to day wildness as Trump HimSelf flits from one intemperate statement to the next crackpot claim, all the while ignoring completely facts and reality.

    The Trumpfanboyz have spent their lives ignoring facts and reality too so to them this is a match made in, well, someplace.

    If a rightwhingenut walks like a Trump and if a swarm of rightwhingenuts form up a line behind The Donald to walk like The Donald and attack the same enemies as the whingenuts have always attacked, then it's a Trumpwhingenut by any feather. wub.png

    The usual suspects. This time they simply and innocently want "change." clap2.gif

    A cursory glance at the right whinger landscape, scuttles your post very quickly.

    You're not just any old predictable, Usual Suspect. You're the Chairman of the Board. clap2.gif

  4. One interesting move designed to stop Trump is this big hush hush move by Bill Kristol and the GOP establishment. Kristol tweeted yesterday that there was a new independent candidate coming, and Trump freaked out and started calling Kristol names, etc.. People are questioning whether this is likely, but Kristol is not one to bullshit on something like this.

    The Washington Post had reported a little over two weeks ago that GOP operatives had mounted an effort to derail Donald Trump by bringing in another conservative candidate. Goldman confirmed that several names were being considered at the time, including former Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and retired Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal.


    But the deadlines are coming and going for this, so not sure if we will see this happen or not. One thing that is interesting is to see how many desperate normal Republicans who jumped on the Trump train will jump back off to support a real Republican.

    It could be one last way for the GOP establishment to shut down Trump, as the convention path was shut down.

    I've been reading the trail of Tweets going back a couple days, and got the impression BK was just screwing around.

  5. @Post 2857

    Interesting how the quote:

    "a relatively sedate crowd of hundreds of bikers and assorted tourists"


    Turns into the terribly desperate, edited characterization of: "a relatively sedate group of bikers and assorted tourists" whistling.gif

    While ignoring the Bloviator's blatant lie of "600,000" attendees and the complete bomb that was the Bloviator's rally.

    Cognitive Dissonance.

    @ Post 2861,

    No, it's just that your point, and your credibility, is diminished by your bloviating style of posting regurgitated internet nonsense and generalizations. Very much like the guy who you attempt to criticize. Ironic, innit?

  6. The pandering, lying, supposed billionaire Bloviator is at it again:

    Trump invokes MLK at D.C. biker rally

    Donald Trump observed Memorial Day weekend on Sunday by speaking in front of the Lincoln Memorial at a rally of thousands of motorcyclists, where he praised veterans, called reporters “lowlifes".

    Thousands. whistling.gif Yet:

    "Trump spoke at a stage set up at the end of the reflecting pool closest to the Lincoln Memorial to,

    a relatively sedate crowd of hundreds of bikers and assorted tourists, who did not entirely fill the space between the pool and the memorial. The businessman said it was not the scene he expected to encounter:

    I thought this would be like Dr. Martin Luther King, where the people will be lined up from here all the way to the Washington Monument,”

    said Trump." You wish. cheesy.gif

    "Deb Teall, 61, who helped organize the rally, said she had reservations about inviting Trump to speak at an event created to help missing soldiers and POWs. We don’t want to lose that focus,” she said. “We’re not really sure what his stance is on POW/MIA and accountability.”


    And more BS:

    "Trump repeatedly claimed – falsely – that hundreds of thousands were trying to attend the event, at one point claiming there were “600,000 people trying to get in”.

    There were no visible lines or back-ups at any point in or around the mall. Furthermore, according to the United States Census Bureau,

    the total population of the District of Colombia is just 672,228."

    "The Republican nominee dwelled mostly on crowd size, sharing his disappointment that he was speaking facing the Lincoln Memorial and not with it behind him."


    A complete bust. A Major Fail. laugh.png

    2 or 300 angry white people? cheesy.gif

    One thing the Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker had in common with,

    Dr. Martin L. King that day was,

    "I have a dream"

    Of filling the park. NOT. clap2.gif

    Dunning Kruger.

    It's once again "funneeehhhhhh" for someone how clearly fits the Dunnig Kruger effect to use it so often as last sentence smile.png

    And the terribly desperate characterization of "a relatively sedate group of bikers and assorted tourists" somehow turns into "2 or 300 angry white people."

    It's plain to see who the real angry white people are here. I believe the applicable psycho babble term on display is Freudian Projection.

  7. Are you trying to play the vids via internet browser - youtube, other web sites, etc?

    If so, verify your browser and its extensions and plugins are up to date. If using Firefox, it's the puzzle piece looking icon, I've got mine placed on the top toolbar area for easy access.


    other sites, even the odd clip on here, mostly News clips both Thai and and World News sites.. clips on Facebook

    Sometimes use my PC for Live TV - Kodi, that also will suddenly stop, no mater how many time try to reload it will not, must reboot PC

    Use Chrome..

    In Add-Ons is this something I need to add ? have No idea what it is/does?? Videostream for Google Chromecast™

    I'm not familiar with Chrome, but someone who is will be along shortly.

  8. My US bank (Schwab) gives a conservative 3 to 4 days processing notice for ACH transfers. I screwed up the first two times, waiting too late in the business week and they got hung up in the weekend queue.

    Now I make an effort to transfer earlier in the week. I ordered a transfer this past Wednesday, 25 May, about 2200 US time. They processed it on Thursday 26th, via BB New York, posting in my local acct Friday at 0942 local time.

    The two times I've done large SWIFT wires, also via BB New York, it only took 14 and 16 hours respectively.

  9. For those who can't "get it", there's always Canada.


    Why always Canada and never Mexico?

    Probably because it's usually "progressives" threatening to leave the country if an election doesn't go their way. They cite Canada because they like the fact that it's mostly caucasian.

    next question....

    I knew the answer already... it just shows what a bunch of hypocrites they really are about "racism blah blah blah".

    Yes, I was referring to the various people who say all sorts of things to get attention but sadly, if/when Trump is elected President, won't have the chops to follow through.

  10. Number of people here said how expensive Tesco is... what is the cheaper option then? I haven't found one

    Wife and I made a bit of a comparison effort when we moved here full time 3 1/2 years ago, and generally found Makro to be slightly less expensive on most things in our basket. Admittedly, haven't paid much attention to it since but I have noticed an increase on a few of my routine items at Makro.

  11. Lou Dobbs explains why Trump will win. If you don't "get it" after watching this, there's no hope for you.

    I watched the whole editorial by Fox's Lou Dobbs. He sounds like a Siamese Twin connected to Trump at the belly.

    The only policy specific he hinted at in his entire rap was something about our (the US's) military being too small. Spoken like a true eager-to-overspend vague Republican. The reason the military is not as bloated as earlier years is that some semi-smart people in the Pentagon have realized a military force can be lean and mean - and be much more effective than a bloated military like China's, with thousands of generals who don't know a grenade from a grapefruit, but have so many medals pinned to their chest they're a danger to themselves in a lightning storm.

    That "smart thinking" originates 10+ years ago.


    It's been a hard and at times, costly road in re-shaping the force with these "smarter", multi-use plug and play platforms requiring fewer people, not forgetting the whole Cyber warfare battle space. China, and others, mean to test the US' new concepts and capabilities, and the political will to use them.

    Oops, wrong thread. facepalm.gif

  12. Lou Dobbs explains why Trump will win. If you don't "get it" after watching this, there's no hope for you.

    I watched the whole editorial by Fox's Lou Dobbs. He sounds like a Siamese Twin connected to Trump at the belly.

    The only policy specific he hinted at in his entire rap was something about our (the US's) military being too small. Spoken like a true eager-to-overspend vague Republican. The reason the military is not as bloated as earlier years is that some semi-smart people in the Pentagon have realized a military force can be lean and mean - and be much more effective than a bloated military like China's, with thousands of generals who don't know a grenade from a grapefruit, but have so many medals pinned to their chest they're a danger to themselves in a lightning storm.

    That "smart thinking" originates 10+ years ago.


    It's been a hard and at times, costly road in re-shaping the force with these "smarter", multi-use plug and play platforms requiring fewer people, not forgetting the whole Cyber warfare battle space. China, and others, mean to test the US' new concepts and capabilities, and the political will to use them.

  13. The other observation is China is using its "secret ships" (fishing fleet) to test the resolve of other nations, to see just how far they can push before triggering a reaction. Precisely what Lawrence Chee has said so cavalierly a number of times. As if it is normal and perfectly acceptable behavior, alongside a purposely dismissive attitude toward the smaller, less military potent offended parties.

    The Chinese see mealy mouthed diplomacy as a time wasting weakness to be exploited.

  14. Are you joking. Who says China got to the Spratly islands first? Those islands are quite near the Philippines. It's natural to assume Phil fishermen got there first. Just because Fils didn't plant a flag or build an airstrip, doesn't mean they were not there first. Or perhaps it was Europeans, hence the name Spratly. The same name which traditional Chinese maps used. Plus, Chinese maps dating back hundreds of years never included those islands as part of China. It's only in recent decades they've started to do that, along with placing Chinese names on them.

    And that nine-dash map. Where did it really come from? Is it over a hundred years old? Verifiable? Regardless, it's the cheapest of cheap shots to show a primitive sketch of the area with dashed lines and use it as confirmation that the Philippine islands are Chinese. It would be silly, were it not for serious ramifications.

    Boomer, let's say IF European sailors got to the Spratly Islands first.

    Well, surely, it would be absurd if Europe was to now claim them Spratly Islands ??

    Not surprising China making overtures to Indo. Indo stood up to them. That's the only way to deal with a bully on the school yard playground.

    Seems the Argentinians don't put up with any Chinese nonsense either.

    Thanks for that link about Argentina clashing with Chinese fishing boat. It's surprising there aren't a whole lot more incidents like that worldwide Asian fishing vessels in particular are prowling everywhere they can get to, to get sharks fins - a disgusting trade which is decimating shark numbers ww. Ships that harvest shark fins should be sunk, period.

    Thais have no problem with wiping out sharks, and there are dozens of shops in Bkk which openly peddle sharks fin. Yet another proof of the chummy ties (Thais that bind) between China and Thailand. Partners in wiping out sharks. They're even targeting whale sharks, the biggest fish in the sea. Lumbering giants that scoop up krill.

    Indeed, there are more incidents in the ether. Not to belabor the point, but stumbled across one I hadn't heard of, or had forgotten, from late 2014 - South Korea Coast Guard shot and killed one of several belligerent Chinese fisherman during a VBSS action in Korean waters.


  15. Anyone that gets excited over the rant above on arm sales is exactly who we don't want on the council negotiating for the islands

    The preference to sell arms to ensure everyone gets a destructive piece / capability and then gleefully think this will tilt the scales is nuts

    If everyone gets that same amount of enthusiasm to sit on a table and try to cobble a deal, that's more sensible and useful to the region rather than selling arms

    Lawrence, what negotiating council are you referring to?


    Chinese say they (and Russia) need to be cautious about any forced arbitration - of course referring to foreigners meddling in what they see, and have demonstrated to the world, is in fact "their" neighborhood. They even drew up some new maps to prove it is.


    Analogies are being used because you seem to (continuously) ignore the central point that China has literally created and intensified these disputes, and its own President has said he would go to war to defend China's unilateral claim(s). But, let's negotiate? blink.png Now THAT is some forced arbitration for you right there.

    Yet another analogy would be telling a rape victim in highly dismissive, arrogant way, that she ought to quit whining about what's happened, get over it, and engage in some friendly negotiations with her rapist.

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