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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Yes, you can apply for a new extension every year.

    Make sure you plan ahead if you intend to use the 400,000 Baht in a Thai bank, to satisfy the income requirements for 1 year extension based on marriage. It has to be seasoned in the Thai Bank here for 2 months before applying.

    If you don't have a Thai bank account, are busy in that first 90 days after arrival and don't want to deal with it, or simply do not want to import that much US currency into Thailand to begin with, then the monthly income method might be preferable for you - keeping in mind the work permit issue raised above. Obtaining an income verification letter from the US Embassy here is a fairly simple, straight forward process.

    If you need further info about Thai banks and pushing money into Thailand from the US, you can find good info over in the Business/Banking thread here> http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/13-jobs-economy-banking-business-investments/ There are some helpful, knowledgeable guys in that forum as well.

  2. Restructure the system NOW.

    Don't wait until it rains as it probably won't start when the TMD predict but I hope that the rainy season will start by July and that we will have more rain than last year.

    IMHO it will take about 2 years or more to gets the dams and reservoirs back to where they should be.

    Right, people have short memories and a "Whew, it's raining, no more drought!" mindset.

    I would like to see my Tesseban maintain water conservation policies even if we get a good dump from the predicted La Nina this Aug/Sep/Oct. Keep the belt tight through the next dry season then with next year's rain season, we might get ahead of the power curve. My local reservoir is pretty large and deep, and has been completely empty for months. Starting from rock bottom. Literally. I presume many dry/non-irrigated areas are in similar situation.

  3. Can and does happen all over the world. Life does seem to be cheap here though.

    The 4 lane highway that cuts right through the middle of my town, is a death zone. Just the same old rusty "Slow Down In City Limits" sign next to the police station that cars and big trucks fly right past at 100-120kph - sometimes flashing their lights and blowing their horn madly as they barrel past the knot of kids, adults, cars and motorbikes at the daily market.

    I've lived here 3 1/2 years and there's at least one death every 6 months or so. I hear the ambulance sirens, parents rush to the scene hoping it wasn't their 8 year old helmet free dumbshit on the family motorbike who got flattened this time. No mass protest by families at the Tessaban to install stop signs or signals. The police are a waste of sperm.

    The town folk seem incapable of learning anything from the "last" one, or just too selfish or apathetic to act on it for the betterment of the town as a whole. You take your chances and if someone gets nailed, well, that's how it goes sometimes.

    And so it goes. The monks rake in the donations as they blast the well used dead music CD from their expensive CD stereo system. People rub amulets and crawl around on their knees praying, and then throw a party at the headman's community center. That means food, and beverages, and lots of tables, chairs and umbrellas that need renting. The police strut around with their .357 Magnum hand cannons, and, ironically, don their high visibility traffic safety vests and block the tiny, narrow sois with cones for "sah-tafe-tee.

    It's enough to wanna make you pull your hair out, or laugh, possibly both, simultaneously.

    Life is cheap, and death seems to be a good little money spinner around here.

  4. This thread may be useful to people who want to see how real estate prices in areas they are looking at have moved over time, up or down:

    The overall U.S. housing market has recovered from the crisis that plunged the country into recession. But a new analysis by The Washington Post shows that the recovery has been deeply uneven, creating winners and losers along lines of race, income and geography.


    Personally, my concern as I'm seriously looking at FLORIDA is that Florida will start spiking back up too quickly, as my the planned timing of my repatriation is about two years. Oh well ...

    Are you not in a position to go spend some time there and secure a property now?

    I regret now not being more assertive in/around San Diego when the housing market hit some interesting lows a number of years ago. I had been and still was working overseas and had established a landing pad in Thailand should things go awry work wise. My Mom wanted/wants me back in the US and was flabbergasted at my lack of enthusiasm when home prices were so depressed. I did put in a half hearted 180k offer on a 190k, standard 3 bed post-flip home in a decent neighborhood 4-5 miles from the beach in Oceanside, Ca. I didn't budge and it sold later for 195. Stupid, should of grabbed something to at least enter the market as years later, starting to tire of Thailand, and am enjoying my trips back to the US more and more. My Mom just stares at me now, shaking her head. facepalm.gif

    Florida has always intrigued me (I'm a boater/fisherman type) and still offers an opportunity to "get in" at a reasonable price. As you've learned already, gotta be mindful of the area - storm surge inundation zones, rivers, sink holes and of course the annual hurricane season and associated insurance issues therein.

  5. Went to Korat Immi last week to pick up my 1 yr extension after the 30 day under consideration period. The new form you mentioned wasn't provided, didn't notice anyone else filling it up as we waited.

    Reading some parts of Thai Visa Forum can lead to all sorts of anxiety, but when I rock up to Immi, take a deep breath and dive in ready for anything..... it's an anti-climax. The two minor speed bumps I've encountered were my errors, otherwise never had a problem. Just lucky I guess.

    • Like 1
  6. Dropping a conspiracy turd in the punch bowl like you did, trying to get a reaction... a troll post if there ever was one. The fact you slipped into doodle brain lingo at the first opportunity, merely highlighted your lack of credibility, and sincerity.

    Faux concern for "The American People" doesn't work either. Give Piers Morgan a bell, he'll bring you up to speed. tongue.png

    I actually agreed with some of what Ron Paul was on about. His kid too, would of liked to see him go further in the campaign. You can buy a Ron Paul commemorative silver coin here http://ronpaulsilver.com/

    Meanwhile in England..... what did you think of the Outsider Obama Brexit commentary?

    I'm intrigued that you seem so hostile towards some anti-tax protesters and what they claim through their websites and yet you say you like some of Ron Paul’s policies because he seems to echo what they say ? In fact Ron Paul is shown in interviews on many YouTube videos claiming the US income tax is unconstitutional.

    Many Americans in the lead up to this general election are genuinely astonished as they seem to be slowly discovering that as Trump says -the voting system is rigged. So is it beyond the realm of all possibility that the tax system and the whole way the IRS operates under fear and persecution ( rather than following the law) is also rigged?

    Regarding England I wasn’t at all surprised the “ stay in “ crowd would enlist the support of anyone they can possibly get to try to reinforce their message but it may have backfired because according to a YouGov poll 65% of Brits regarded his comments as being not "appropriate."facepalm.gif

    Anti-tax windbags are too extreme. They are also wrong. Which is why they land themselves and, sadly, other people, in jail from time to time. Anyone who trots out their nonsense, and tries to defend it, deserves some hostility.

    I said I liked some of what Ron Paul was on about.

    Americans who parrot Trump's "it's a rigged system" sound byte, are likely as clueless about it as he is. Trump was in a rough patch, losing traction, so he moaned about it. He's had a great few days now, and, predictably, not a peep out of him about the rigged system. laugh.png

  7. The range of issues and points of view on this thread, are fascinating to read.

    I had no idea until yesterday (BBC Doc posted last night) that the Chinese machine gunned Viet troops in 1988 and took over a submerged reef out there. There wasn't much context, who started shooting first but man, seeing those Vietnamese standing waist high in water, being mowed down, was hard core.

    If you think this is bad , head to Danang and visit the families generations after agent orang carpet bombing by the USA military during the Vietnam wars

    That's reality for you ....I have posted some earlier information and like I say the Americans businessman who visited mostly cried after the experience and these are CEOs of big companies and later came back with their private contributions which has gone a long way to soothe the pain but the reality is there

    China fears such military interference from the USA as their commanders believe in unified bombing to submission which means lots of civilian deaths and casualties generations on after the Politicians have all gone home or retired

    As such China continues to talk in the background and understandably like every country wants to pursue their interests first

    This is real ...a big country like China may not negotiate on fair terms all the time ...that's true but neither has any of the rest of the world when they deal with world issues.

    Eg ... Germany speaks to Greece or Turkey on budgets and refugees recently ...you think they went all fair or more big Brother coming in and saying "come on get real" and negotiated based on what Germany feels is best

    Politics stinks ....this who believes in fairies and unicorns will be very uncomfortable in the reality

    China and Vietnam. Specifically China killing Vietnamese over some bloody reef.

    Soon as you start with, "But the US......", and start lecturing, you lose credibility, and I quit reading.

    That's okay if you disagree ....there are many acts here committed that has not been acknowledged or corrected , hence the real fear of the damages done by the US military as they are obliged to listen to their commanders in chief who may not always act with the best of intentions

    I know acknowledging the Nam thing is really hard especially when the real victims are all alive and in hospices

    Like I say unicorns and fairies ....I have never supported military intervention and will not agree to a China that uses that for SCS with its neighbors

    Have a look ....it's not a lecture lots of Americans have came in and gave private help ....it's disturbing to believe this is real ...


    Children often attempt to justify or downplay their naughty behaviour by citing all sorts of other equal or worse behaviour, real or imagined. Parents use that to teach a valuable life lesson. A lesson that seems lacking in this part of the world.

    You actually think that by repeatedly trotting out some historical fact, I, or anyone, would be silenced with hypocrisy and shame? Does that canned strategy work for you with most gringos? I suspect you think you are clever but you are clumsy and painful to watch as you fumble around, miscalculating so badly.

    You would do well to emulate those Americans who are distraught and emotional, instead of using them and the dead and maimed victims, as a convenient punch line to score a point. You've used them once before I think, several pages back. That says a lot about you and the country you seem to be some kind of self-pointed mouth piece and public defender for. Doing that makes you look all the more ridiculous and childish.

  8. The range of issues and points of view on this thread, are fascinating to read.

    I had no idea until yesterday (BBC Doc posted last night) that the Chinese machine gunned Viet troops in 1988 and took over a submerged reef out there. There wasn't much context, who started shooting first but man, seeing those Vietnamese standing waist high in water, being mowed down, was hard core.

    If you think this is bad , head to Danang and visit the families generations after agent orang carpet bombing by the USA military during the Vietnam wars

    That's reality for you ....I have posted some earlier information and like I say the Americans businessman who visited mostly cried after the experience and these are CEOs of big companies and later came back with their private contributions which has gone a long way to soothe the pain but the reality is there

    China fears such military interference from the USA as their commanders believe in unified bombing to submission which means lots of civilian deaths and casualties generations on after the Politicians have all gone home or retired

    As such China continues to talk in the background and understandably like every country wants to pursue their interests first

    This is real ...a big country like China may not negotiate on fair terms all the time ...that's true but neither has any of the rest of the world when they deal with world issues.

    Eg ... Germany speaks to Greece or Turkey on budgets and refugees recently ...you think they went all fair or more big Brother coming in and saying "come on get real" and negotiated based on what Germany feels is best

    Politics stinks ....this who believes in fairies and unicorns will be very uncomfortable in the reality

    China and Vietnam. Specifically China killing Vietnamese over some bloody reef.

    Soon as you start with, "But the US......", and start lecturing, you lose credibility, and I quit reading.

  9. The range of issues and points of view on this thread, are fascinating to read.

    I had no idea until yesterday (BBC Doc posted last night) that the Chinese machine gunned Viet troops in 1988 and took over a submerged reef out there. There wasn't much context, who started shooting first but man, seeing those Vietnamese standing waist high in water, being mowed down, was hard core.

  10. Seems to be available on Amazon dot com.

    Well amazon pops up as the first three or four hits, but they actually have no copies, they list it but none to sell.

    They do ask if you want it on kindle, and say they will consider it, lol. Won't hold my breath

    I see the author and his writings to be quite contentious. Very interesting title and quite relevant read today, and interested in what was written back then but seems no one else is.

    The man has written a lot and googling his books brings up a list, but this one is never listed....

    Ah, sorry, I didn't go that far into the results. Good luck tracking down a copy though. ATB.

  11. I did this 1 month ago

    Got a pot, lillys, water treatment, then waited 4 days then put 9 guppies in there, one week later all dead

    My guess is the plants what she took from a pond

    Any ideal anyone I want to do it again but not if the fish die

    I have kept fish many times in my life but in a normal aquarium never had any problems

    That, or maybe the water treatment did them in? I just use regular city water, which is basically pond water to begin with bah.gif or rain water when it rains, and off they go.

    Same for my larger garden pond. I had just a submersible pump pushing the water through a hose, recircing back in the other end, just to move/aerate the water, but it did get pretty mucky in there, so I hooked the pump up to one of those blue barrel filters you see at the garden/aquarium shops. Much better. I keep the bottom dirt/mud scooped out, remove leaves daily, maybe give it a light scrub twice a year and clean the filter materials every few months. Otherwise not much effort like aquariums I've had in the past, and no problems with any of the fish.

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