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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. When you look at ASEAN , Singapore , Indonesia , Malaysia , Thailand , Brunei , Laos and Cambodia are all willing to talk with China and to an extent allow what China want as long as they get the benefits from the explorations of SCS

    Vietnam , Myanmar and Philippines have their misgivings due to the current governments and the Chinese are willing to wait for more friendly governments and see if a deal can be done. Myanmar is a long time Friend and will return soon to the table and Vietnam has lots of deals done by businesses unofficially and unannounced in the media while this spat is ongoing

    Like I mention, China has learned from the USA resource grab of Iraq and how that went wrong and learnt from it ...so now they are picking individual conversations with each ASEAN member to see what they want ...and negotiate directly

    Eg Cambodia has no claims to SCS and have no real interest in it , but they do want the bus loads of Chinese tourists to continue in Siem Reap , bringing in much needed currency and they also want the dam developments and a profit of the hydro electricity generated like Laos and selling natural resources deal , China can trade with that.

    ASEAN is a mixed bag with respect to China. In honesty, Malaysia's claims are not as valuable in the SCS as Vietnam's for example. Friendly governments come and go, and in Myanmar (Burma as we old guys like to call it), China is most definitely not the flavor of the month. I have been going regularly and will go at least 4 more times over the next few months, including meeting with the new NLD Government in Naypyitaw, and being anything but Chinese is an advantage now. Sorry but true. Lots of interesting and big things to do there now.

    Cambodia and Lao, though still mostly basket cases, are recovering and will grow this year, and largely inconsequential in the SCS dispute, as they have no dog in that fight.

    Big and/or strategic players like Indo and Viet are the ones to watch right now, and Obama is on his way there, after he apologizes in Hiroshima. wink.png

    I don't think he will apologise although I likes Obama for doing the brave things he has done in his presidency . Some would view him as weak but for me, he's the best out the last 5 lots and have the action and tenacity to do the right thing , a measured military response , challenging Cuba restrictions etc

    America did not apologise for the nuclear wars, Vietnamese use of chemical weapons, current Middle East crisis and families displaced etc and I won't be holding my breath. His visit alone is significant and we applaud that

    As for the SCS , I believe the USA truly wants the resources like China , they are hovering around not sure what to do or how to lay claim on it ...so their current angle is we will sail around stay relevant see if there is a fight we can poke ourselves into (hurray) and hopefully get a slice of the resources ...I would say the current patrols are clueless what they are there for

    Although the Chinese ship chandlers made tons of money from their calls.

    If China wanted to explore and exploit resources in the SCS, and had any intention of sharing with anybody, they would have:

    - Stated their business proposal in advance.

    - Held a regional meeting with the parties involved.

    - Negotiated joint ventures, terms and conditions and, given the pre-existing tension among the players involved about China, include transparent assurances and protections from ulterior, military agendas.

    They didn't do any of that. They rushed in, secured territory, drew new arbitrary lines on their map, started building and installed human shields, and now threaten to use force to "defend" "their" territory.

    Your position seems to be just accept China's actions, get over it, "let's negotiate" after the fact. That's like someone breaking into my house, stealing my stuff, then saying I need to contact them to set up a meeting and as long as I'm nice, maybe I can negotiate to get some of my stuff back. blink.png

  2. That's because when the Chinese negotiate we don't broadcast it on CNN or BBC and do it privately

    Like I say , it irks the west a lot that China doesn't play by the rules of your engagement and continue to dictate our own terms and our own way of doing things ; right or wrong like any government of this size , we have a right to try it out and see if it works I out favor

    Wait till Vietnam and Philippines gets onboard ...eventually there will be a president that wants trade and a deal over the islands.

    The Chinese can wait and negotiate Long term ...after all every one of our president serves out 2.5 of the American one

    Hello Lawrence,

    I see some similarity here to Saddam Hussein v. Kuwait; sans the military incursion up front. China has gotten further than Saddam did, stopped, of course, with US/Coalition intervention, which the vast majority of the world agreed was the right thing to do in that case.

    China has seized territory for the purpose of resource exploitation, unilaterally declared it, and vast swaths of sea area, as theirs, claiming sovereign rights and, under that manufactured justification, assert they have the right and duty, to defend it. With force if necessary.

    Their bold action and military posturing in defiance of mounting protest, is destabilizing the region and is directly responsible for the military escalation and coalition building taking place. Their refusal in advance, of the imminent opinion everyone, including China, knows will contravene China's claims, is exacerbating the military build up - clearly Talking, Reason and Negotiation was not and is not part of China's strategy here.

    Do you accept that China has created and is exacerbating this conflict? Yes or No?

    Edit: I am not shrieking at high pitch about a looming crisis of epic, WW3 proportions. I don't see it that way but it is a problem that can not be ignored.

  3. Well, Trump has flip flopped again. Big time. Oh, excuse me, when Trump reverses himself right wingers say it's not flip flopping it's...Actually they don't say anything. They don't even acknowledge it.

    Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

    Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

    There's plenty of that going around in all camps.

    I watched a few YT vids yesterday demonstrating the very conduct and mental state you are condemning, coming from a mixed mob of leering, jeering Bernie/Hillary supporters and pure Anti-Trumpers.

    Fair to say though, one can find other vids that make Hillary supporters look like clueless dolts. Same for Bernie. Same same Trump. The internet will serve up whatever you want to feed a bias.

    Broad brushing all Trump supporters as "red necks" (as a slur), and associating with communism, though, is the same kind of behavior. It's not accurate. It's mean spirited krap, intended to polarize, divide, and keep closed minds closed.

    It's part of the same problem and in no way elevated you above those you intended to criticize.

  4. Completely understand where you're coming from. It's fatalistic thinking IMV.

    I quit for almost 2 years using E-cig, stepping down the nicotine over a 6 month period and then just quit. It was a wonderful feeling, psychologically and physically.

    Last summer, I started the "just at the pub" smoking routine. Buy a pack of smokes before going, smoke some, then leave whatever remained in the pub for others. Within 2 months, I was back to full time smoking, picked up right where I left off at nearly 2 packs per day. I really like smoking but when I'm working around the house, I get winded easily, the incessant coughing has started again and the wife grimaces at me about the house odors.

    I regret starting again. I knew the "pub only" thing was bullsh*t and would lead me back to square 1. If I were you, I wouldn't start. The potential illness and death is only 1/2 the issue. The other half is how you feel now, while you are still alive. Cigarettes just bring you down, make you feel like sh*t, and it is a smelly, unclean habit. As you've likely experienced when you quit, you never realize just how smelly and nasty it is until you've quit and regain your sense of smell and taste.

  5. We got 3 good down pours at my place. All the tanks, cisterns and pots are topped up.

    Not enough to do any good for the empty, local reservoir. Drove over there yesterday and was happy to see a back hoe down in there. Parked. Operator asleep in the cabin. There was a dig about 1 meter deep, by 100 feet long, 50 feet away from the embankment. I don't suppose it's an easy task digging and getting each bucket load up and out of the reservoir but this project should of been started months ago.

  6. This is about China and what China did.

    N. Korea's antics in the 2000's not notwithstanding, America's present role is reactionary, and now supportive to what appears to be a growing coalition and consensus by neighboring/regional nations against China because of what China did.

    The posts favoring China or, at best, a desire to see America "butt out", avoids taking responsibility for what has happened, and why. I'm sure China would prefer not having this American interference, which tends to draw instant and prolonged media attention and annoying analysis. Big Brother is watching and, ironically, it seems to wrankle the noses of the Chinese when the shoe's on the other foot?

    Hello 55Jay.

    Everybody knows that Beijing does actually spy on it's own people. The stuff from Edward Snowden tells us that basically, people in America (and indeed, people in Britain as well) might also be spied on by the government ?

    Anyway, can you imagine being Mr Modi, India's leader ? Washington is trying to be your friend, and oh, Washington is actually spying on you ? smile.png

    Sir, I'm not against the people of America. I do actually have loads of American friends, and yes, some of them vote Republican. I'm only trying to point out that Washington (America's government) does actually do all kinds of naughty things. smile.png

    Hi. No problem. Some of your posts (and others') do have an emotive USA=Bad, China=Good drum beat to them, but I don't take it personally. I read all points of view and usually land somewhere in the middle.

    I don't really think Mr. Modi is naive, and was not genuinely outraged as much in private as he let on in public. He's a big boy invited to sit at the big boy's table, and exploited this fortuitous "revelation" to gain a bit of leverage - as did others.

    Back on topic, with a few exceptions of course, the other residents in the Chinese neighborhood, at least for now, seem to prefer a robust American military presence to that of China - in this case, a supportive/defensive counter-weight to China's apparent aspirations. They have their reasons and that seems to be what this thread is about, rather than a historical dressing down of the USA to support a wishful desire that they just go away.

    Hello there.

    I'm not actually a believer in USA=Bad and China=Good. I reckon that both are almost the same.

    Ever since World War Two finished, America and Russia have have been carrying out their rival 'campaigns for world domination'. I don't actually reckon that Washington is evil when carving out the New American Empire. Every powerful nation has done the same thing, Britain had a giant empire before the American one. Rome had an empire a long time ago.

    The present day American Empire is different to all previous empires. America does not normally do things like invade other countries and stick the American flag on those countries. Instead, America dominates and influences other countries, sometimes sets up puppet governments, and in-directly controls others. It's all done to benefit the USA.

    What about China ? China is far more powerful than it was three decades ago. Today, China has a giant trade surplus, and is flooding some other countries with it's tourists. smile.png

    China itself is now trying to carve out the new Chinese Empire, or 'sphere of dominance'. Beijing is competing with Washington for domination in the Pacific. Washington has been the dominant power in the Pacific since World War Two ended, China is trying to start competing for this domination.

    Do I reckon Beijing is better than Washington ? Not really, no. They're both almost the same. It's just that some Americans here (Publicus) constantly bang the anti-China drum. What's the difference between Washington and Beijing ?

    Washington has been democratically elected and has given freedom of speech to people. Washington has to make it look like that it's foreign policy is based on spreading freedom and democracy. In Beijing's case, Beijing is not a democracy and has not given freedom of speech to it's people. Beijing does not have to make it look like that it is trying to spread freedom and democracy to others.

    This South China Sea thing. It's about Beijing flexing it's muscle into an area that Washington has been flexing it's muscle since World War Two ended. smile.png

    For the countries in South-East Asia, how about extract the benefits from both the two competitors ?

    China is flexing its muscles in response to the US flexing theirs?

    IMV, it's the other way 'round.

    China has been flexing its muscles, testing the idea of a new, emerging paradigm of a less potent US, and in the absence of the US "X" factor, as it was, testing the resolve of its neighbors to resist their overtures.

    The US response is just that. Reactionary. They were caught flat footed and scrambled in order to flex their muscles in a delayed response to what China's been up to for years, and has recently upped the stakes with their island building adventure; amid a growing chorus of protests and spats by China's neighbors. Yes, I know, it's the USA 911 Force to the rescue again. Much to the chagrin of Obama, I'm sure.

    The US deserves some blame here for neglecting the Pacific for as long as they did, creating the conditions for an opportunistic group to exploit. I suspect China's neighbors aren't surprised by what's happened and are pleased relieved the US is back in town, at least for now.

    Economically, sure, the parties involved will keep holding hands while squabbling.

  7. Sure I do. I know they are frustrated that the American dream has evaded them, or been eroded for them. I know they are angry that jobs they can do have gone overseas, and many can't or won't be retrained. I know they have a grossly misplaced sense of trust in a conman and out of desperation and exasperation are going to follow him right down the rabbit hole.

    So we wait four years and find out. One things for sure. Hillary wants more of the same that hasn't been working. Trump is a highly successful CEO with a record of big accomplishments and the biggest work ethic I've ever seen.

    Trump will be the next POTUS. He'll get a chance to strut his stuff. He ain't no green pea when it comes to big deals and Putin, Iran, China, Mexico and N. Korea won't get away with their shit - take it back - they won't try their shit when Trump is in charge. China won't let US navy ships dock there, but they dock thousands of container ships filled with cheap shit in US harbors. That kind of thing is what will stop.


    As someone who has been a CEO most of my adult life across the globe, I'm going to agree with you on one thing. Good CEOs get things done, and hire good operations people. Good CEOs know their own shortcomings and hire the best talent to fill in for where they are weak or unknowledgeable. Good CEOs then take under advisement and act precisely and accurately and decisively.

    If Trump turns out to be like that, I will be the first one to get behind him. Everything I know about the man to this date does not agree with that. I won't have a huge problem with Trump turning toward isolationism, and in fact that is historically American. And, I agree we need a good negotiator to make sure America does not give away free stuff to the world anymore. Trump may or may not be a good negotiator, and he certainly knows fork-all about the world, but again, let's see.

    I think we all sense this is a historic shift now, and a movement. Let's reserve judgment if the rest of the populace will get behind this guy.

    And, it's early days, but one thing I was always taught as a child by my parents was to get behind whoever actually got elected President. That will be a huge shift from the way Obama has been treated by detractors.

    Trump has done business all over the world including building the Trump international Hotel and Tower in Dubai. He knows a lot of people all over the world.

    Trump is 180 degrees out from Obama in that he will put America first. At least 20 years ago I saw him being interviewed and he was railing about how China rips the US off even then. Even then he was saying that the US makes bad deals, and it does. It covers the world with military protection with no reimbursement. It lets China ship its junk in when China doesn't fully reciprocate. No it doesn't.

    He's a lot more than people think.

    Oh, and about Obama getting respect. Obama had no global experience much less any executive experience and it's shown every day. As you said, a good executive surrounds himself with the best people. Obama surrounded himself with loser pals from loser Chicago.

    I went to a concert with Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass many years ago. He took questions and someone asked for the secret to his success. He said he hired the best possible musicians and then hoped to heck they drowned him out.


    Agree with you both because you're almost saying the same thing - KP is a bit more skeptical.

    From the cheap seats I sit in, I reckon that combined sentiment summarizes what a lot of middle of the roaders (like me) think. If this guy would just calm the F down and act like an rational adult ALL of the time, I could swing my other leg up onto his platform and give him a shot.

    The only person holding me back from doing that is Trump himself.

  8. This is about China and what China did.

    N. Korea's antics in the 2000's not notwithstanding, America's present role is reactionary, and now supportive to what appears to be a growing coalition and consensus by neighboring/regional nations against China because of what China did.

    The posts favoring China or, at best, a desire to see America "butt out", avoids taking responsibility for what has happened, and why. I'm sure China would prefer not having this American interference, which tends to draw instant and prolonged media attention and annoying analysis. Big Brother is watching and, ironically, it seems to wrankle the noses of the Chinese when the shoe's on the other foot?

    Hello 55Jay.

    Everybody knows that Beijing does actually spy on it's own people. The stuff from Edward Snowden tells us that basically, people in America (and indeed, people in Britain as well) might also be spied on by the government ?

    Anyway, can you imagine being Mr Modi, India's leader ? Washington is trying to be your friend, and oh, Washington is actually spying on you ? smile.png

    Sir, I'm not against the people of America. I do actually have loads of American friends, and yes, some of them vote Republican. I'm only trying to point out that Washington (America's government) does actually do all kinds of naughty things. smile.png

    Hi. No problem. Some of your posts (and others') do have an emotive USA=Bad, China=Good drum beat to them, but I don't take it personally. I read all points of view and usually land somewhere in the middle.

    I don't really think Mr. Modi is naive, and was not genuinely outraged as much in private as he let on in public. He's a big boy invited to sit at the big boy's table, and exploited this fortuitous "revelation" to gain a bit of leverage - as did others.

    Back on topic, with a few exceptions of course, the other residents in the Chinese neighborhood, at least for now, seem to prefer a robust American military presence to that of China - in this case, a supportive/defensive counter-weight to China's apparent aspirations. They have their reasons and that seems to be what this thread is about, rather than a historical dressing down of the USA to support a wishful desire that they just go away.

  9. Okay, okay, confrontation in the Far East and confrontation in the Pacific. What is the latest nonsense being trotted out by Washington and it's cheerleaders ??

    Okay, it's this. We've already had the imaginary and non-existent link between Vietnam and Washington between brought out, brought out to combat China. The latest nonsense is to bring out the non-existent and imaginary link between Washington and INDIA !!! smile.png

    Now, this IS laughable, bearing in mind that linking Washington with Vietnam is NOT funny. But is linking Washington with India funny ? Maybe it's not. Okay, Washington is desperate to create a club or group of nations who are going to be on Washington's side in this "confrontation' over small dots in the Pacific.

    What's actually happening ?


    Above is a link from Bloomberg. Bloomberg cannot be regarded as some small website that is anti-Washington, surely not ?

    Basically, the report is to do with Edward Snowden (remember him ? ) making revelations that the NSA (that's America's National Security Agency) went and spied on India's leader, Narendra Modi. Yes, America spied on Mr Modi !! smile.png

    Okay, here is a quote from the Bloomberg article [india called for the U.S. to stop any spying activities as it sought an explanation for a media report that the National Security Agency conducted surveillance on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling party.

    U.S. diplomats yesterday told Indian officials that they’d investigate claims Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party was among six political groups around the globe that President Barack Obama’s administration spied on, according to Syed Akbaruddin, a spokesman for India’s Ministry of External Affairs. The issue arose from a report by the Washington Post that cited documents from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.]


    He's not angry. That's his best faux outrage look because he knows his government does the same thing. They just didn't get caught at it and if they did, it wouldn't be as spectacular or nearly as interesting.

    As long as we are dishing dirt about spying, how about those Chinese, eh? laugh.png

  10. This is about China and what China did.

    N. Korea's antics in the 2000's not notwithstanding, America's present role is reactionary, and now supportive to what appears to be a growing coalition and consensus by neighboring/regional nations against China because of what China did.

    The posts favoring China or, at best, a desire to see America "butt out", avoids taking responsibility for what has happened, and why. I'm sure China would prefer not having this American interference, which tends to draw instant and prolonged media attention and annoying analysis. Big Brother is watching and, ironically, it seems to wrankle the noses of the Chinese when the shoe's on the other foot?

  11. There's a joke, but not sure it is really a joke.....

    If you lined up all the economists in the world, head to toe, they wouldn't reach a conclusion.

    I've spoken with economists about stock markets, world economic outlook, etc., and the usual response is, "Don't ask me, I'm an economist."

    They can give you a theoretical position/analysis but not much more.

    If that's the best economists can do, why bother asking on a forum where the best you'll get is uninformed speculation?

    And if they ever did reach a consensus, better ask for a second opinion. biggrin.png

  12. You are wrong.

    Online 90 day reporting is available.

    Maybe your computer skills need improvement.

    You are also very wrong about Korat immigration.

    I have gone to the Korat office for many years and they have always been very helpful and cooperative.

    Some officers in the Korat office have gone way above their normal responsibilities to assist me with problems, even going into the office on their day off to assist me.

    I suspect your arse has an attitude problem.

    Are you talking to me?

  13. I asked my wife to do my last 90 day report the last report period. Never tried it before but heard many times it as acceptable. The 90 day staff told wife no, I had to do it myself, and turned her away.

    The female Sgt who we usually deal with, slipped my wife in and did the report, but reiterated I needed to be present.

    Haven't tried on-line but will next time.

    Sorry to hear about your stroke, Meatboy.

    Where was this ?

    My wife always did my 90 day reports prior the on line reporting service being available. Never a problem.


    I know, that's what I've heard and read many times, agents, etc., so figured it would be pretty routine. I just asked the wife again, same, said the male I/O down in the 90 day office was adamant I had to do "by my own". Was just out there picking up extension and forgot to ask about that. Maybe the guy had his knickers in a twist that day. Dunno.

  14. I asked my wife to do my 90 day report the last report period. Never tried it before but heard many times it is acceptable. The 90 day staff said no, I had to do it myself, and turned her away.

    The female Sgt who we usually deal with, slipped my wife in and did the report, but reiterated I needed to be present.

    Haven't tried on-line but will next time.

    Sorry to hear about your stroke, Meatboy.

  15. Recall vaguely the Thai receiving agent (Santa Fe Relocations) went through my wife's old/new passport copies to ensure she had at least the required 1 year out of Kingdom to qualify, although there are some exceptions - see the Link from Pib.

    Far as duty, customs reviewed the packing list and sussed out 3 computers, which exceeded the 1 each electrical component rule, they asked for $75.00 in duty payment, which I considered a gift. Had they opened the container, it would of been a whole new ballgame.

    We never had to go to Bangkok, everything was phone/email, shipment delivered to our door a few days later.

    I was pretty anxious going into it, but it all went pretty smoothly.

    How much total for shipping from west coast USA to Thailand?

    Dunno. We came out of the middle east and it was a company move. I've seen others post costs in past threads, so they do so here as well. Obviously calling a few companies with approx size of shipment will yield some updated estimates.

  16. Don't you know about what event is on the horizon?

    try a search on YouTube for "usd 28 may"

    According to Alex Jones and Fox News, that's the date Jesus will land on Earth, at Area 51, in a UFO, smite the Fed and the 1%, including both houses of congress, and bury them in those FEMA coffins, in graves dug by the Illuminati's Zombie Squads - aka: US Homeland Security.

    The New World Order will be under the control of Hillary Clinton, which was the plan all along. With the annoying Fed and congress out of the way, Clinton will direct her legions of illegal aliens to dump all their dollars en masse, and issue an executive order establishing Bitcoin as the NWO's staple currency going forward. All other nations will fall in line, or else.....

    According to Sarah Palin though, the date is BS! Because of Leap Year, she says the "real" date is the 29th of May. Anyone insisting on 28th of May is a crack pot and should be ignored.

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