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Posts posted by jambco984

  1. This site might help you with information about how much you can borrow and the repayments


    My Tips

    Go and ask a bank. People on thai visa may try to give you good advice but the bank will tell you the facts

    Go to at least two banks they are not all the same. some bank employees lie. Don't forget they get commision for selling loans

    Don't build on MIL land buy a peice of land away from wife family 5 miles will reduce the number of visits and raids on your fridge

    Try to find a ready built house. It wll save you a lot of headaches


    Cheers uty6543, luckily I am probably one of the few who get on with all of the in laws, theres no asking for money at all and theres no two faced family members (or so I know of). I lived with them for 4 months previously and it was fine, the sister in law has 2 kids and that was the only crux of us eventually moving out, oh and living 40km from work, now I have LPG travelling in the morning is do-able. If I have my own house built on IL's land It will be just out of ear shot of the morning screams and playing and if all else fails theres always the lock the doors when off to bed scenario.

    Off to a bank later today to get some scope.

    Thank you


  2. Looks nice.

    Can you let us know how the budget turned out for the various parts.

    It's been harder than I thought it would be to keep track of individual costs, mainly cos we are here in Saudi but also because the brothers will order materials from the builders yard that are for various jobs. I then can't be bothered to disect each individual item on the bill into what job it was needed for.

    I do however, have the total cost to date. As it stands in the pictures above, the total spend of materials and labour is 426,000 baht. The roof was obviously the biggest individual cost at just over 100,000 baht including fitting and foils underneath. The windows were 29,000 baht, again including fitting, glass and mozzie screens. The interior suspended ceiling was 31,000 baht fully fitted and filled ready to paint, including 2 trap doors and a step in height in the kitchen. The total cost for the electrics was about 27,000 baht.

    Albeit we have bought the sinks for both kitchens and the toilet and the toilet itself, we have to do the bathroom and kitchen, fully tile inside and out and skirting boards etc. We have got all the pipework in but the rest of the water system is still needed i.e. Water tanks, pump, filtration and sceptic tanks.

    As I said before, I didn't really have a budget but I don't think that is a bad price to pay for work done so far. Anybody wishing to do it cheaper could easily cut costs from we have done. i.e. making the roof design a lot simpler. If you want details of costs for something specific, let me know and I'll dig out the receipts.

    How much was the foundations, concrete etc....

    Great details in every post biggrin.png

  3. Its the only way Darren...you surely know that on any mortgage the title deeds are held as security, as you dont own the land you wont get a mortgage on it...Family transfers of land are different in that tax isnt levied the same as a normal sale and is minimal...Both my wife and I receive so many fliers from SCB and Kasikorn offering loans etc, we have been looking to purchase a plot and build more rooms so initialy inquired in the event we may need to borrow some money, SCB and Kasikorn both agreed in principal.....yes we have banked longer than 6 months but that was all they were interested in.....so go for it...have a chat at your local branch....its not as hard as some think.

    Its the only way Darren...you surely know that on any mortgage the title deeds are held as security, as you dont own the land you wont get a mortgage on it...Family transfers of land are different in that tax isnt levied the same as a normal sale and is minimal...Both my wife and I receive so many fliers from SCB and Kasikorn offering loans etc, we have been looking to purchase a plot and build more rooms so initialy inquired in the event we may need to borrow some money, SCB and Kasikorn both agreed in principal.....yes we have banked longer than 6 months but that was all they were interested in.....so go for it...have a chat at your local branch....its not as hard as some think.

    Appreciate your input PP it's great to have someone who isn't just trying to get one over on you or undermine what your writing. I will admit I'm clueless so thankfully so far the abuse hasn't rolled in.

    When the missus is free we will head to the bank and see what they say, worst case scenario is they say no, crazier things have happened.

    Take care and I will report back when I know either way :-D

  4. My wife and I are regular visitors to Sukhothai as we have a recently built a house and have family there about 20 km from the City.

    I have also wondered what the social activities of the local farangs are.

    Though I'm not the most outward going of people, I wouldn't mind meeting up with a few people for a beer or 2 and to put the world to rights.

    I'm pretty much the same, I wont go out of my way to be more outgoing, I'm happy mostly in my bubble but sometimes I want to as you say, meet up with like minded folk and drink a few beers.

    Where is 20km away? My In-Laws live in Ban Dan Lan Hoi about 35km from where I live in Mueang.

    We're over the mountain from you in Khirimat and will be there in 3 weeks time.

    I have heard of Khirimat but never been, anything there or same as Ban Dan Lan Hoi? Nothing to write home about....

  5. I have stayed in a few places in Hua Hin, the Hilton is great but it was a freebie through my brother working for Hilton in the UK.

    My uncle stayed at the Dusit and loved it, said he would be back there next time, the so called Thai Superstars stay there aswell if they are in HH.

    The 2nd to last time I stayed I booked a villa for 9 nights (you can do 2-3 I think)

    The last time I stayed I just rocked up and offered the company that deals with Jo Farrang money and they let me stay half price and probably hush hush of the owners knowledge.

    Great having a private pool and seclusion.

  6. My wife and I are regular visitors to Sukhothai as we have a recently built a house and have family there about 20 km from the City.

    I have also wondered what the social activities of the local farangs are.

    Though I'm not the most outward going of people, I wouldn't mind meeting up with a few people for a beer or 2 and to put the world to rights.

    I'm pretty much the same, I wont go out of my way to be more outgoing, I'm happy mostly in my bubble but sometimes I want to as you say, meet up with like minded folk and drink a few beers.

    Where is 20km away? My In-Laws live in Ban Dan Lan Hoi about 35km from where I live in Mueang.

  7. Churn your wifes credit rating with SCB.

    Pay into her account each month all you can, say 25k, spend all your outgoings from that account, say leaving 10+k in each month.

    This will show the bank she can save 10k a month (plus what you now pay for rent) therefore affording a mortgage of 15k a month.

    If you were buying a house through an agent, they can also help alter (falsify/massage) your wifes credit rating.

    The bank only looks back over 6 months, so after that she can apply for a mortgage.

    She tells me she owed her old bank 10k baht for a little too long and its all sorted now?

    My friends all tell me that banks usually only look back over 6 months here thats why I mentioned having an account for 7 months, in the hope someone else knew of this policy.

    We would probably only want about 1M baht as we have family builders, sparks and decorators so hopefully costs will stay minimal and 1M baht buys you a hell of a lot in the sticks as Mr. Bojangles is proving with his approx. 700k baht house and it looks great.

    I have been doing this in my account putting the money in and taking it out but it doesn't really count on my account, I will start doing the fluffing of the missus account instead. It benefits me when I'm eligible for a credit card.

    Thank you Tommo much appreciated input biggrin.png

    I know SCB and Kasikorn use 6 months prior banking so you should be OK...The banks main concern is to see that regular payments have been made to the account, regardless of whether most is drawn out over the month. As your wife works for a large company that is a great help....but again, you want a mortgage on property that wont be either yours or your wifes,,,,it will be MIL property , that is going to be the stumbling block...easiest option is have MIL transfer land to your wifes name...tax will be minimal.

    Yeah thought about the old transferring the land malarkey. Just wanted to see what all the great minds on here thought first. I will have to speak to the missus a little more in depth on the subject, maybe buy MIL something nice to keep her sweet then pounce biggrin.png

    She said all is OK to build as she wants us both nearer to home than the 40km we live away now. Commuting to my place of work will take longer as I live 1 km away now but LPG will save me a fortune (luckily I get on with my IL's) thumbsup.gif

    Thanks again


  8. Churn your wifes credit rating with SCB.

    Pay into her account each month all you can, say 25k, spend all your outgoings from that account, say leaving 10+k in each month.

    This will show the bank she can save 10k a month (plus what you now pay for rent) therefore affording a mortgage of 15k a month.

    If you were buying a house through an agent, they can also help alter (falsify/massage) your wifes credit rating.

    The bank only looks back over 6 months, so after that she can apply for a mortgage.

    She tells me she owed her old bank 10k baht for a little too long and its all sorted now?

    My friends all tell me that banks usually only look back over 6 months here thats why I mentioned having an account for 7 months, in the hope someone else knew of this policy.

    We would probably only want about 1M baht as we have family builders, sparks and decorators so hopefully costs will stay minimal and 1M baht buys you a hell of a lot in the sticks as Mr. Bojangles is proving with his approx. 700k baht house and it looks great.

    I have been doing this in my account putting the money in and taking it out but it doesn't really count on my account, I will start doing the fluffing of the missus account instead. It benefits me when I'm eligible for a credit card.

    Thank you Tommo much appreciated input biggrin.png

  9. Absolutely brilliant thread with so many nice folk all chipping in 2 satangs worth to help you out. I have spent the best part of the evening reading this thread and have plenty of ideas now for myself, although I would be happy paying your BILs to build the exact same for me in the boonies of Sukhothai.

    Hope when you get back you can smash all the final details and watch the final parts come together. What is your estimated finish date, I understand its bits and bobs whenever the lads are free but surely approx. 2 months and your all good?

    Looking forward to reading the final chapters biggrin.png

  10. First of all a 7 months bankhistory isn't that impressive. If you were going to build a house for lets say 3M baht and borrow all from the bank, just the interest will be 200k+ yearly, which adds up to about twice your wifes yearly earnings. If I was the bankmanager I would say NO, especially with a bad credithistory in the baggage. So I guess you would have to a bit more saving and pay cash, with your current rate of saving it will only take you 17 years !! Good luck.

    I agree 7 months is not impressive, never claimed it was ;-)

    I have a substantial lets say wedge back in blighty but don't want to use it as its a rainy day fund when the rain stops and the world goes pop fund. Don't get me wrong I would say no also (I probably wouldn't shout NO ;-) ) it's just a query really and just to get a feel of things.

    Thank you for your help though I am a little more wiser for reading this ;-)

    I suggest you go to the bank and ask as you are just going to get negative comments. The only possible problem is the land is in MIL name..when taking a mortgage the bank usually has the chanote as security, as the loan is in your wifes name it probably wont be possible.

    True true I am well aware of the 'Troll Brigade' and didn't really want to post such an open to abuse question but here it is.

    Hmm interesting about the MIL aspect. Basically it's on the family land where FIL and MIL house is and we would want to build next door (but not too close obviously)

    Thank you for your assistance and all info taken on board.

    Take care


  11. i live in petchabun and play golf regularly in pidsanulok (about 1h from sukhothai?) If you want to join on a round, let me know. cheers, chris.

    Sounds good Chris, unfortunately my clubs are in England and my brother wont give me them back now lol.

    I will eventually get round to purchasing some and I would enjoy playing in Pitsanulok.

    I have been to a few driving ranges here and rented clubs, not the same though.



  12. I live in Mueang Sukhothai and see many a "Farrang" knocking about.

    Many communities have little social groups that get together for beer, golf and other such frivolities.

    I don't know if foreigners in Sukhothai just don't want anything to do with each other as I see some chaps quite frequently who do the don't make eye contact with the white folk shuffle. I'm not too saddened by this as its different strokes for different folks I get that.

    Is there any groups who do get together and frankly get away from the missus or get out the house for a few hours.

    I live here full time and work here also, so when I finish work I usually go home and settle down with some T.V or house chores.

    Anyway love to get some input on the subject..................

    Take care


  13. Hello I live in Sukhothai and need some dental work doing, I have a false tooth/denture at the upper front tooth position and eventually my denture will become uncomfortable and not usable, I have had it for 2 1/2 years and feel it is living on borrowed time. Before I left for Thailand I got it done and it is ok but I would love some more permanent fixture in my mouth, bridge or drilled in implant.

    Costs of such work would be a bonus bit of info also.

    I know I can go to BKK and get the treatment at plenty of different hospitals but surely there is a place up north I can go, be it Sukhothai or Pitsanulok.

    All information and pearls of wisdom will be greatly received.

    Take care


  14. Hello all,

    I live and work in Mueang Sukhothai and want to learn more Thai.

    I can speak a tiny bit of sporadic words but cant make too many sentences.

    I am a young male from England and would preferably like to get together a few times a week with a Thai person who speaks very good English.

    I am learning Thai online at the moment via skype with a thai lady living in England, she is a great teacher but there is no budge when it comes to changing my hours at short notice which can happen sometimes.

    I am an eager learner and will give you lots of dedication.

    Male and female applicants will do nicely.

    Send me your details and prices per hour either on the thread or by private message.

    Take care


  15. How if at all can I get a mortgage from a Thai bank.

    I'd imagine its not going to be in my name, not being able to own land etc....

    I have lived here nearly a year and a half working in a very reputable school in Sukhothai on a good salary. Me and the wife both have accounts with SCB which we have had for 7ish months now.

    I am legally married and the missus works in the Big C bringing home approx 9000-10000 baht per month. She had a bit of bad credit when she was younger, don't know if that goes against her?

    We want to borrow money to build a house on the mother in laws land, I have money in the UK but would like to leave that alone for now.

    We also have in Thai savings a wopping 100k baht.

    So how does the wife get a mortgage, specific requirements, hoops to jump through? All knowledge welcomed.

    I cant think of anything more at the moment but if you need more info please feel free to ask, as long as you are offering some real pearls of wisdom ;-)

    Take care and looking forward to your replies


  16. Rossana suggests the money should be used to help solve the problem of rising cost of living, unemployment and flood recovery efforts.

    He said teachers and other personnel have yet to receive the necessary training to ensure that the tablets are put to the best use.

    At least some people who know what's going on. What about a curriculum that lets pupils fail, not LOOSING faces.

    What about sending Thai English teachers to study abroad, not just to learn English properly.

    Also to come back and realize that being a teacher in this country isn't that spectacular.

    Additionally, Thai teachers should realize that hitting kids doesn't make them more popular.

    Destroy all their bamboo sticks and let them find a life... jap.gif

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